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Posts posted by NavyChief

  1. I did learn a long time ago that the best Marine was a Submarine brother, But I still love you long time. no shit honeyco. And yes, someone with skill had to teach the marines with two left feet how to dance or they would never get laid when hitting the bars in port. Just looking out for you boys when on deployment.


    And yes, I have stories that wouldn't even be allowed in the porn section of this board. LOL

  2. Hey bro, to give a better answer would be to know how your calories and diet are now. Realistically you will be doing 40% or less of what you were before to burn calories. Depending on your diet now I would dial it back to 3000 calories or so if your at 4k or more now. like above post, keep it clean with mostly proteins during this time to keep from losing to much muscle mass. I personally wouldn't change my cardio routine at this point either. Good luck and keep us updated with progress.




  3. Yeah chiefs telling me that I should eat a cup of nuts everyday... What a sick bastard!


    Welcome to AB!!


    lmao, yeah and watch out for rai080. He keeps my ass in line if I make a gay typo mistake for sure.

  4. rai080, here are some foods to help you brother on the serious side for calories.


    Packed with vitamins, minerals, and heart healthy fats and fibers, nuts and seeds are a great snack food, particularly if they are dry roasted unsalted. They are extremely high in calories, pilinuts have the most with 719 calories per 100 gram serving. They are followed by macadamia nuts (718 calories), and pecans (715 calories). Most nuts and seeds provide around 948 calories per cup, and 200 calories per ounce


    Peanut Butter is the number 5 food for calories. 100 grams will provide 588 calories. That is 1517 calories per cup or 94 calories per tablespoon


    Cheese is a good source of calcium. The Norwegian Brunost or Gjetost has the most calories with 466 per 100 gram serving, or 130 calories per oz. Other high calorie cheeses include hard cheeses like Parmesan.


    Hope this helps.

    Sorry bro, but no way to say this without it sounding gay, but a cup of nuts a day will do you good. LOL

  5. You must have been super excited Marine, if you "came" after just reading about nutrition. Just wait until you read the other posts. Your really gonna be excited then. But you don't have to let us all know if you "came again" ok. LMAO

  6. Welcome to AB Devil Dog. Your at the right place to learn my friend. Do not hesitate to yell if you need direction, lots of great people here and a bunch of vets.




  7. JA, I am still red brother all day long. Once she is covered in tan and darkens up even more as well as being on the stage under the lights I have to say red is it. Its been 15 yrs since I have judged or MC'd a show but I gotta say from my stand point I look at what catches my eye most and then critiqued, good and bad. The blue does look better these pics than last I believe also, but red is a power color and says confidence. Same reason men wear a red tie to a business meeting or first interview bro.



    Quit whining, eat one burger a day like I do and you will have all the calories you need.


    I bet you could even put this in a blender with your oats and drink it. LMAO, I kill myself sometimes.


    ar2007, drinking oats sucks brother unless they are fermented and have at least 5% alcohol. :)

  9. My girl got all kinds of curious about tren after seeing results that I got. Especially since the only sides I seem to get with it is the sweating. She figured hey, I can handle some sweating. I had posted on here about women and tren and alot of you dudes chimed in which I appreciated because it really opened her eyes. She backed off the tren ideas and now she's in her first week of HGH.........I on the other hand can't wait to run tren again lol


    Great decision on your girls part. Throw in some var with it and she will love you long time.

  10. Hahah I'm going to have to try that! Don't think the fiance is going to appreciate it after a few days. She'll be walking all kinds of funny while I'm pounding down the next meal!


    if she is walking funny she can just say it was from a leg workout with myo. that's what im telling my wife anyway. LOL

  11. Thanks man! Really appreciate it. Dialing it to 500mg/week of Test E sounds wise.


    I think my biggest challenge will be trying to keep my diet dialed in the whole time to manage the bloat. I'm going to aim for about 300 grams of protein/day and do low fat, middle amounts of complex carbs for a total of 3200 calories give or take. No refined sugars or sugar drinks if I can help it (But then I won't know what I'll be craving), low sodium, and stay off the booze. Lots of white fish and chicken breast.


    I'll stick with the same workout plan I'm currently doing for starters, but see if I need to make adjustments in a couple of weeks into the cycle.


    Day 1 - Chest and triceps

    Day 2 - Back squats and posterior chain work (Good Mornings, Leg Curls, Straight Leg Deadlifts)

    Day 3 - Back thickness (BB and DB rows, facepulls, J-Pulls, shrugs and high pulls)

    Day 4 - Cardio/rest

    Day 5 - Shoulders and triceps, with an emphasis on pressing motions for triceps

    Day 6 - Legs Quad focus (Narrow stances high bar squats, front squats, leg press, leg extension)

    Day 7 - Back lat focus (Deadlifts, snatches, lat pull downs, cable pullovers, more facepulls)

    Day 8 - Cardio/rest


    Abs on both leg days. Throw in 20 minutes of cardio when I have the energy. I love this routine.


    notsink, where are the biceps in this routine??

  12. Maybe you should try my old trick. Fuck like your 19 yrs old again. All that cardio makes me hungry as hell and then I can eat all day and night. But the trick is to have sex in between every meal so your constantly hungry. Hope I helped ya out there brother.


    ps, if your doing it right while having all that sex, you will still have jaw pain. LMAO

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