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Posts posted by mr127superdee

  1. 100% if the cops are going to search they are going to search. leave it to the lawyers and shut the fuck up navycheif is right when dealing with LEO "deny till you die" without a confession 9 outta 10 times they dont got shit


    poor fuckin kid. you know they did this to people who sold alcohol in the 1920s sold a coctail go to jail. its all a bunch of bullshit.

  2. Keep it simple. Try just test e or c @ 250 mgs twice a week. If u want add the d bol but not necessary. Carry it 12-16 weeks. PCT advice is everywhere. See what happens on just the test. Bloat at that dose shouldn't be bad. Diet & cardio will keep your gains solid. Just one old guys opinion.



    I could not agree with this more you must see how your boday reacts to each hormone one at a time slowly. this way you will know how to combat sides and know what steroid causes you what side effect. plus leave your body time to grow and slowly introduce new compounds as the years go on. you will grow stronger and longer no plateaus because you will be consistently adding in a new single compound once a every cycle or so (just for example). my first 3 cycles were the exact same 600mgs of testosterone a week the only thing i changed was the ester from cyp. to enan. for the last one. guess what i made terrific gains each time and probably could have done the same for the fourth cycle. I also realized that i am a lil estro prone and need 2mgs a week of adex on anything above 500mg weekly test. take this experience slow and you will benefit greatly! good luck brother

  3. yeah i just got banned from eroids for calling out a MOD who was promoting nitro labs go figure its all a bunch of bullshit and corruption is prevalent everywhere.

    When you are banned for trying to help other like you with safety and security or me giving warnings about shit gear the community is not even worth being a part of. So im here giving me all to anabolicsboard from now on

  4. take dbol at 100mged for two weeks keep up on adex if estro is very high then it is a red flag to doc. then get blood work low tes and possible low lh fsh will show you will get testosterone. i did it. then get off adex keep with dbol and test then go for blood work and get pharma grade script adex. it worked for me. this is not healthy *warning* but i did it

  5. This gear felt like cooking oil different color oils would draw up out of different vials! yes i get it many different oils can be used but to recieve 5 vials and have them all draw up a different shade lmao! and the anavar was non existent (no bueno nitro). I was 19 first purchase first run lol we all have a rip off report from our begining days but i would stay away from nitro and any supplier who offers it

  6. ive ran 800mgs testosterone (400mg enanthat 400mg cypionate) 800mg EQ with 50mg winy daily and ill tell you i didnt get as good results as a 600/600 test/eq (to me nothing feels better than 600 mgs of human grade pharma test cyp split into 3 200mg doses)

    so this means higher doses are definetly not the answer for at least me but almost 1.5 grams is as high as ive ever went

  7. Tribulus does nothing unless used in extreme dosages. My friend sells it and says its pointless, any study referenced is just used to justify trib can help but if you read further(dosages, way administered) the OTC crap is a waste.


    Its like the glutamine claims that it helps gh production....it has to be 20g intramuscular....i would assume practicing that would reach a toxicity level in no time.


    I couldnt agree more the trib reccomended dosage was 1 cap at 3 meals was all bulshit i only saw movement the next morning when i would tak 4-5 with my last meal before bed. but i was in a severe situation no bonner for over a month so i still reccomend this to anyone with libido issue. but if it is sever problem like mine you will need a combination of things like i described

  8. Just curious, do you think tribulus actually had any real effect? I have heard guys say taking trib helps with pct, but others say it's bogus.


    it absolutely did but not at the reccomended dose. it said to take 1 cap with 3 meals i would just take 4-5 with dinner and it did help. keep in mind i had no movement in my pecker at all so maybe thats why this helped literally anything was beetr than nothing so acutally i would say yes i was in a severe situation and it did work for me so i would reccomend it to anyone with a libido problem. if ypur issue is severe like mine was you will need to use oher things in conjuction until you fix your issue

  9. Libido wasn't great when I lowered my dose down to cruising levels, especially as time went by... but better than now.


    Saw your other post first, so replied about the estro in that one.


    I don't drink anymore or do drugs that get me loaded, so don't know and don't plan to find out. Ya see, when I drink, I break out in spots all over the place. Yes spots: Emergency room, jail, Florida (no I don't live in Florida), detox, ditch, unknown woman's bed, etc. I haven't broken out in spots in years...and for that I am grateful. :)


    well just for anyone else that may have a similar issue this is how i fixed my issue from no hard dick for months to boners every day


    step one dropped all ugl test and only used my pharma grade trt test at 200mg once a week (more test is not going to fix you all the timme my level was 5553 total test free test high as well just dont remember the exact number estro was in check proviron cialis viagra nothing would get my pecker up but the big clue fsh anfd lh were almost undetectable.


    1st thing started hitting tribulus and clomid yes while on the trt dose clomid at 100mg ed for about a week and yes this helped.


    then i switched to just hcg at 1000iu ed for about 5 days massive hard erections then i listen to my insticts and not the textbooks i just got a feeling and dropped hcg to 500iu the day before my test injection. I felt great so then after about two weeks i started to build back up my test only using pharma grade cyp. to 400mg split 200 on monday 200 on friday 500iu hcg on sunday 500iu on thursday


    felt great still so did my usual 600mg test a week 200mg test cyp x 3 pins a week with a 500iu shot the day before each pin boners everyday and back to building muscle now that i can sleep and eat with a clear mind


    btw this took rock bottom to get the balls to experiment my gf left me i couldnt sellp and had no energy for the gym this protocol did work for me and really give me my life back


    im not sure how this stands up to textbooks but i look at results and thats it!

  10. To those who have gone the TRT route through a doctor, how long should I look at it taking from time of 1st visit until I get a script?


    it took me less than a week. my doc took my blood my level came back at 187 i think 4-5 days later i had script.

  11. I have absolutely NO libido. I mean no interest at all...quite disturbing...lol. 3 weeks off a cycle...long cycle...didn't mean to, but was 1 year 9 months on. Did HCG first, and now Torem and Aromasin. Balls are plump, but evidently you can have plump balls and still feel like a Eunuch.




    aromasin?yes sir i know you are a senior but this seriously sounds like an estro crash i always suspect this when hering aro and i promise low estro this is worse from your dick than even high estro for me at least

  12. I wouldn't mind doing TRT. I do have good insurance right now, so would like to go the prescription route. Real Human grade US Pharmaceutical. Then I can buy extra from here when I want to bump it up.


    Let's say I went to an Endo within a week or 2? Would he see anything in my bloodwork that would tell him I recently came off a cycle, or will my levels just show that I have low testosterone? Probably will be hard to get to see one right away with the holidays, so probably 2 weeks...unless Endos are usually backed up? I've never seen one.


    this is exactly what i do pharma grade cruise and hardcore blast.

    btw i had a similar issue with no libido interest and terrible sleep which i resolved with a pretty tough protocol of tribulus clomid and hcg.

    3 questions needs to be answered tho:

    1.how was your sex drive while on the hcg? while blasting on cycle if my lh fsh crashes its just like low test this will happen to most people after using for years

    2. Do you think you could have been crashing your estro with exemestane? estro control is overrated and this 20-25 recommended range did not work for me at all gave me a dick that didnt work and insomnia plus a shit attitude. i run 600mg test cyp pharma human grade a week and 100-1500iu of hcg to keep lh fsh in check i only run 1mg of adex split twice a week have no gyno and a great sex drive.

    3 If you drink alcohol will your sex drive improve (this is important it points to either an estro crash or a mental issue in which you are so dependent on the synthetic test that maybe you are just not hard as easy or as often and are becoming discouraged) This would happen to me a lot when i would drop down to cruise dose all of a sudden with a decent lh fsh and test level id feel like i had no sex drive than if i got tipsy and forgot about my test dose bam id start banging lol


    something else to remember is 3 weeks is really not enough time to judge wether or not your body can bounce back. you have to consider your age to you were used to feeling like 20 year old and maybe now you just feel like an average 40. but dont settle for this before thinking about the 3 questions

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