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Posts posted by Hivro

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    05-04-2019 09:44 PM


    Looks like he fell out again LMAO


    I've been checking back to this thread and have noticed the same.

    Flags are to be heeded, this is a perfect example of it.

  2. I feel very much exactly the same.


    When i learned there was in fact NO testing, not even behind the scenes.. no vetting.. nothing... I took that as a huge slap in the face.

    It (in my opinion) meant that theres no level of safety for us and hasn't been for a while.


    It's awfully strange that when this came up a source decided to bow out.


    But I imagine everyone will make their own choices on which direction to go from here.

  3. What exactly did I lie about and where is proof of it? In fact one order with you a big reason for the t/a was b/c you didnt put an address and didnt reply to my email asking you for one. I dont store information so there was nothing that I could do. Im pretty sure I gave you something ontop of it as well even though it wasnt my fault. I have no "beef" (lol hate that word) with anyone though. Everyone makes mistakes, jumps to conclusions,etc..


    Technically I did "lie" when I said "I'd be back on in a few days or whatever time frame,etc.." but that was non intentional. Other than that nothing I've said was a lie but if I could trade all my conditions for it to be a lie sure i'd take it in a heartbeat. lol see what I did there (heartbeat)








    You gave nothing extra, no. In fact you took my order of simple test/primo/gh almost 6 weeks to mail with little to no communication.


    I'll say I didn't email you saying that the funds processed, I think it's pretty obvious when you have an exact amount, coming at a predetermined time, to your account and suddenly there it was, so I thought there was a little bit of intuition, but sure.. legit I can take that if you're going to be upset about me not emailing you.


    It's a wonder that you can be so aggrivated about a simple email processing.. in a private setting (email) and still hold onto it 5 months later, isn't that strange?

    Hell, you even berated a member from a LONG ago order about DBOL or whatever it was...


    It wouldn't be too far to imagine MONTHS of no contact from MULTIPLE members and MONTHS delay in orders. Is it even realistic that you don't expect anyone to remember or hold you accountable like you do me or anyone else you seemingly have "no beef" with? Now that's hypocrisy by definition if I've ever seen it.


    Your hashtags are wildly unbecoming and this is childish.

    A "multimillion" hotshot should conduct himself way better, but it's obvious the situation you tossed yourself into is really affecting you.



    Y. Yes my gear is better than everyone elses sorry to sound cocky but it is. I dont make it so I cant take the credit but I have used enough over my life to know. Yes "my chemist" has near painless test500 that is not fake because it feels like test300(probably the worst most naive comment i've heard to date) its near painless because he is just that good. He made injectable Ostarine(s22 forte) that has less pip than the Australian originators and it was too easy for him so he made injectable LGD and they both are total diff animals as they have amazing site enhancement properties. Then as my "hospital stay surprise" (his words) he made injectable mk677 which nobody has done and its (in his words- I havent tried it yet I cant even train yet #boohoopoorme) near pain free and incredible as a fraction of oral dosing provides all the positives(strength,pump,nitrogen retention,etc..) yet most sides are gone including prolactin increase whcih is now no longer an issue which is a novelty in my opinion. He's "just that good!"




    "my gear is better than anyone elses.." "i have a huge following with the most cutting edge gear nobody has ever seen"

    Then.. why are you here?


    "the people who have stayed with me and know the quality and have the physique to back it"

    You're taking low.. completely unbased shots at members with literally no information. That's not based off of any facts.


    Members here and other boards.. Meso.. BoP.. real life friends.. etc. have all flagged you.

    Why not use your huge following and be happy with your squad and dip out from the bad publicity? The only reason I see that you'd continue on these threads and explaining is because none of that is true.

  4. If anyone on this board honestly believes that Dictator stayed completely away from this board that was his home for 10+ years and is just now logging in after he made things right with everyone I have some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you. I have been reading excuses and bullshit from him since November of last year. I keep hearing this heart attack story but what about the flu, plane delays, broken laptops, bad vpns, marriage problems and real estate ventures? What else am I missing? You expect us to believe all that bullshit? Name one fucking person in your lifetime that has gone thru that much shit. You had a good run here and built a hell of a rep over the years but your train is off the tracks and anyone who jumps back on board at this point is a fool.


    P.S. Add OCD to that list please :rolleyes:


    I agree, the guys that are saying "life happens" also take back cheating wives.


    Some of you are so gear hungry you'll accept bad practices, open your eyes and stop being greedy, this man lied to us all, I was even his customer for about 2-3 years straight and I had to say bye as well.


    You'll survive. But don't let someone who has proved themselves to be not trustworthy back in your life. That goes both on this board and everywhere else.


    Plus it shows his character a lot if his first post back was to flame members. That's not an honest man.

  5. Not taken down. We never paid the server fees. We are looking for a good website designer and will come back with a full E-commerce type site at some point


    DHB - depends the temperature its stored at. Most good DHB will actually crash to be honest with you. Its very hard compound to work with. We did a whole thread on this compound some months ago.

    PIP - each person reacts differently


    Really looking at y'all or maybe another for some really good DHB.

    What do you mean about "good" dhb, you mean like the purity or the brewing method. And i read from your other thread it gets crystals around 60*F... isn't that the same as crashing essentially? I read somewhere DHB will always crash once injected but there are a lot of contradictory statements when looking at DHB.. at least in my opinion


    and wait wait.. am i reading it right that y'all dont carry aromasin???

  6. You put an order with us??


    DHB @ 150mg everyone would complain about PIP. Ours is extremely smooth at 100mg


    was that the only new thing? i swear i checked your list for HCG and i don't remember seeing it earlier before

    i'm also known to not be very intelligent

  7. iv been contacting him only via emails ! didnt see any of these boards lol

    well F#$% then lol


    Shit, well thats legit a stroke of horrible luck.

    Always check the latest on your sources on your original board before re-contacting. But I guess you have figured that by now.. first time for everything though man, don't beat yourself up.


    Yeah though, your money is gone and I'm sorry for your loss.

  8. Where was that guy in the other thread that said he'd be a lifelong supporter of D and can't wait for him to sort out his laptop issue on his business trip for another order?


    I wonder what all the diehard people will think of this. Makes me feel better that I started an uproar with him in the other thread cause I saw the writing on the wall. (shameless self validation plug)

  9. I think sources give discounts to burned members as an incentive to choose them for future orders..

    If you can assimilate someone elses entire customer base by saying "All members burned by _____ get 20% off their next order".. well you may have just funneled about 500 customers in.


    Not saying its expected, but thats why some do it.


    I didn't end up getting burned by D for 1750 like the other guy, but D assured me he would be good when I was considering an order like early Janurary for a GH/Primo order, my gut just said to not do it. Very glad I didn't.


    We need some peptide sources on this board though! I need some MK677 or Ipamorelin!

  10. I think there are a lot of people on this forum that don't understand the concept of trolling threads.


    That being said you're a hung dude, but you look like you're desperately holding onto trying to be youthful, some people might be into that.. you tell in your face though you've done a lot of coke in your time.

  11. Personally - I wish him the best and hope he can make a comeback.


    On the other hand - and I hate to be this guy that seems like a hater but...


    Honestly what the fuck y'all, are some of you guys seriously saying "can't wait to put in another order!"?! There are SO many sources here that are waiting to send out GOOD product and some of you have such rose colored glasses on. D hasn't logged in since FEB 10 and before that it was New years or so, not communicating with not just high members but legit vets of this ENTIRE scene spanning across multiple boards with combined decades of experience. You cannot play hopeful or favorites in here, people did it with CBL, did it with Dynasty.. on other boards with Astro at Meso.. or Rage at SST.. just sit around a bit and you'll learn too.


    Or you can get burned - I mean hell, myself and other people already started grabbing our popcorn for y'all readying up for another order.

  12. What was the Primo ester, and concentration of both? Your first go with this gear? Was this inj site an awkward one for you, where your technique may get a bit shaky?


    Primo 200mg - 1ml

    Sust 300mg (but only used .5ml -- 150mg)

    So I injected 1.5ml in total


    Not first go, not first time pinning there either, only thing that's hard was doing a Z-Track cause of how I have to torque my body to be able to pin it with my right hand into left shoulder.


    Glad I got you to laugh, lmao - but holy fuck that was by far the worst pin I've ever done, had to legit sit down and said "dude I can't keep doing this shit". When I say it squirted I legit mean it SHOT across the bathroom, never in my life have I had that happen and coincidentally it was my first time heating it up so I couldn't help but wonder if there's a connection.

  13. So when it comes to heating oils that I inject for less pip.. I tried it this morning and.. well..

    I took some hot water from the sink.. tossed my primo/sust in it and waited a bit, not really judging time or anything


    Anyhow I took it, was kinda warm in my hand, but not HOT.


    Load it up and pin it and HOLY FUCK it hurt so bad, I must have hit a vein cause I pulled the needle out after .5ml and blood was everywhere... no biggie.. replace needle and shake it out for a couple minutes. Move my injection site around and pin it, another .5ml and fire consumes my arm again, yank the needle out and even more blood all over my arm.. felt dizzy and sat down. I hit a vein twice now.. must have.. right?


    I replace the needle once again and try for a third cause its personal at this point, pin it and same story, blood shooting out of my arm.. like actually squirting out and across my bathroom.


    I said to hell with it and pinned my ass for the last one just to finish it off.. smooth as butter even when it was slightly warmed still.


    My question is:


    1. How do y'all heat it up? Does it really help the pip on some oils?

    2. What the fuck happened? Did the oil burn a vein or something? Did I hit a vein, but the blood engorged my delt so every time I pinned it bled?

    3. Am I stupid?

  14. is this a joke?

    are you seriously bothered that you have to come to terms with you didn't find a virgin super late into the game?


    i've dated girls ranging from virgin all the way to 50+... literally who honestly cares. if you're so insecure and can't fathom that you're not the first guy she's been with as a (i'm assuming) late 20's early 30's girl then you're seriously delusional and shouldn't pursue a relationship in the real world.. you're better off with a forced marriage in another country


    everyone had a life before you, and everyone will have a life after you.


    and why are these guys scumbags? they've done you no wrong and i guarantee whatever she may tell you is only her reality.. which is not universally true.


    All these hoes cheat, bitches ain't nothing but hoes and tricks. Use women like their intended purpose, penis garage and don't get attached. I've caught so many girls in "I would never cheat" then it turns into 'well one time, I mean two times.. when I was married I cheated". Fucking whores who will suck and fuck on a moment's notice for "ATTENTION".


    Should probably look into therapy.

  15. Also having this problem..


    Googling around it says (anecdotally) if you wake up with a rocky, it's NOT Low Estro,


    I will make this long winded for anyone else who might be going through this. Cause I'm not sure if my issue personally is gear or lifestyle at this point:


    First, stop porn.

    Second, understand that Cialia/Viagra/Levitra do NOT increase libido.. only READINESS - not desire for sex.

    Third, Blood work ASAP - this is your only way to know for sure

    Fourth, After bloodwork is produced.. ready up your order for AI/HCG/Different gear/etc.


    Anecdotal sides...


    High Estrogen

    1. Fat fingers – Not dramatically, but if you wear rings they suddenly stop fitting.


    2. Loss of definition – disappearing abs, even while dieting hard


    3. Suddenly stop losing fat – even with good diet and being on steroids


    4. Facial Bloating


    Don’t expect this to be dramatic like you look like you’re having an allergic reaction to shellfish, or you put on 50 pounds and can see it in your face. It’s not that. But if your E gets too high, you’ll notice in the mirror your face is just puffier, like it normally would if you were 20 pounds heavier.


    I have an old injury on my cheek from falling off a bicycle, and that immediately swells a little when my E is too high. Again, I don’t think friends and family would notice, but I notice.


    I’m 41 years old now. I’m lucky, I have good genes and look about 30. But when my E is high, my face puffs up and the extra puffiness, brings out crazy BAGS under my eyes and wrinkles that aren’t normally there. I look OLD with high E. If you look hung-over all the time, it could be high E. Or you could just be old! Lol.


    If you’re dieting hard, and lean enough to see an ab or two, but still look fat in the face it’s probably high E. Now if you’re just fat that’s a different story, but if your face doesn’t match your current leanness, or came on suddenly even as your waistline goes down, it could be a sign of high E.


    5. The Gear stops working


    This is the biggest tip-off that your E has gotten too high. You start having bad days in the gym, dropping reps, looking flatter in the mirror, even while injecting yourself twice a week and eating plenty of protein! You start thinking “what am I even doing this for?” It’s the E. Get the E down and the gear will start doing it’s thing again.


    6. Erectile Dysfunction


    You can probably GET it up, but it’s just not as hard as it used to be, and it’s very difficult to keep it up. If this start happening suddenly, don’t listen to the morons on the internet it’s NOT “all in your head” it IS a chemical imbalance. You find it’s hard to stay hard for sex. And as your E climbs higher you even have trouble staying hard masturbating.


    Sex stops feeling as good. It feels like every girl is terrible at giving blowjobs. You can still come, but it’s a lot of work. You shouldn’t look at porn anyway because excessive porn use will give you ED on it’s own. But if you do, you notice even porn starts to get BORING.


    For me personally the desire, the libido was still there, I still WANTED girls, my body just wouldn’t cooperate. Very frustrating to say the least. Don’t feel bad about it, it’s a chemical imbalance that will all straighten itself out when you get the E under control.


    With high E, Viagra and Cialis work very well. Cialis works incredibly well for me with high E. I take one 20mg pill and I can have crazy rock hard erections any time I need one for FIVE DAYS! I don’t understand why. It’s only supposed to be effective for 36 hours, but I’m good to go for a long time.


    So don’t panic if high E has broken you dick, the pills are a great backup plan until you get the hormones balanced. Low E ED is another story…. see below.


    7. Noticeably Smaller Loads / Crappy Orgasm


    Yeah I know, gross. But this is a very clear sign something is amiss with your E. Unfortunately this one is almost exactly the same when your E is too high and too low. When you orgasm it just feels. ehhh. Ok. Not bad, but certainly not the mind-blowing, awesome experience it is when your hormones are in balance. I’ve heard it called “dull orgasm”. I think that’s a very appropriate description.


    If all of your orgasms are IN your wife/girlfriend, you may not notice this one, but if they are by yourself or ON your lady, you will definitely notice this one.


    With too high or too low E there is a large decrease in the overall volume. Very noticeable. I feel like I’m down to half or less of the normal amount, when E is out of range. You may also notice things are… thicker and whiter than usual, like you are dehydrated, even though you may be drinking plenty of water.


    8. Dizziness – I do get a little dizzy when E is too high.


    9. Emotional / Crying watching TV/movies – Yep! I CRIED like a woman watching these 2 birds do a ‘love dance’ on the nature channel! Lol, I’m not even kidding. And I didn’t even recognize it as high E at the time, I just thought “well it was really moving”. Really?? Lol.


    10. Tight Balls


    When my E is really high, my balls are high and tight more often than not. You know like they normally are when you’re cold. But they’re like that a lot of the time. You can be otherwise warm body temp, but they just won’t hang low like normal.


    It’s not that it’s impossible, after a long hot shower they will for a bit. But if you notice they are high and feel tight often even when you are warm, this is definitely a sign of high Estrogen.


    Low Estrogen

    1. Erectile Dysfunction


    What?! Again?? Yes again. Your properly functioning dick is unfortunately the first thing to go when E gets out of range. The other symptoms are tolerable or don’t really flare up until you are way out of range. But to have proper erectile function you really have to be in that 20-30 range.


    Low E ED is worse than high E because Viagra and Cialis don’t even work. They might cause a slight improvement, but they won’t give you a raging boner as promised.


    2. Horrible Acne


    High T, LOW E is a disaster for acne. I never, ever, ever had an acne problem in my life even as a teenager. I got a pimple or two sure, but nothing bad. When my E was way too low for way too long on cycle I broke out in nasty, deep CYSTIC acne all over my shoulders and back. I was left with red scars for almost a year afterwards. When my E was way too high, my skin was remarkably clear, even on copious amounts of gear.


    3. Achy Joints / Excessive joint cracking


    This is the easiest one to diagnose. The libido / ED one is tricky because both can cause it, but achy joints is only low E. When my E was low I got really bad hip pain, that kept me up at night. At all of 40 years old! I had to completely stop bench pressing because my shoulders were so bad. Shoulder pain kept me up at night too.


    And I missed a couple leg workouts because of hip and knee pain. I’ve always had shoulder issues from too much surfing. But I’ve NEVER had hip/knee pain. You can have joint pain from age, lifetime of abuse, not doing your external rotator exercises then trying to bench heavy, etc. But if it all comes on in a month or two, mid cycle when you’re running an AI, it’s probably low E.


    I could turn my neck to the right or left and get a wicked ‘CRACK!’ sound with low E. I never had that before.


    4. Low Appetite – you just aren’t hungry with low E.


    5. You’re ripped – it’s easy to get/stay lean with low E. You won’t bloat at all, and you have no appetite. My body looked good when my E was too low, but my dick was broken and my joints were a mess. Not worth it.


    6. You don’t sleep much I woke up even more often than usual, got to bed late all the time, would roll around with insomnia, and averaged maybe 6-7 hours a night. It’s not the worst symptom, but it’s definitely noticable.




    also posting from GH15

    High estrogen sides Acne, loss of libido, water retention (Bloat), pissing less than the water you consume, moon face, very small testicles, scrotum hanging too high, soft testicles, extreme oiliness all over, aggression (roid rage), depression, bitchiness, lethargy, insomnia, soft erections, extreme cravings for sugar/chocolate, high bp, bp spikes, enlarged prostate, pressure in lower abdomen when urinating, thin stream, constipation (from water retention)


    Low estrogen sides Dry skin, dry lips, dehydration, loss of libido, good morning wood no wood when its time for sex, loss of wood while having sex, loss of sensitivity, dry gland (penis), white gland, loss of girth, irritability, mood swings, crying for no reason, dht rage (aggression you take out on others), dull orgasm, hesitation just before urinating, night sweats, loss of appetite, constant fatigue, lethargy, constipation (due to dehydration), diuretic effect (pissing more water than you are consuming), itchy scalp, obsessive thoughts



    also.. please go to steroidcalc.com and make sure your blood levels by injection times are good. I fell into the bad ways of doing sust E5D cause i thought "oh wow its a long ester in there... im set!"




    Go there and plot it out to make sure you're not accidentally crashing your T between every shot.



    Best of luck bro -- will edit this as I find more relevant information.

  16. Really put the screws to me waiting since dec 27 now I’m out in more than one way.


    I had the chance to order around the new year, but didn't cause I felt like something was going to happen.

    I was out in my order from Thanksgiving and had to double order back before christmas time just so I wouldn't run dry cause I wasn't sure when he was coming in.

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