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Posts posted by irishone

  1. So glad to see you back!!!! One of the best out there!!!! Will be messaging you next week!!! What a relief to see you still around!!! 

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  2. Ahh the good ole days..before ord that is...i was here and on a private invite only board with some great old school guys....mu, avec, spyder, big tex and others...ord was such a shitty day, I loved the private board with no drama, although this board does hold it down well...but I will always miss some of the older guys that are gone or maybe have changed names....driving me crazy that i can't remember the board name we had though....im sure MU remembers it.

  3. So did your mothers company offer a pension lump sum? This benefits the companies more than anyone, it helps the companies financials look better long term....for someone retiring I would go with the monthly payments of a pension....she knows what she will get every month and someone in their later years does not need the stress of our unstable market dictating how much money they have left. Unless your mother was making 7 figures a year stick with your monthly pension....if she has money left over AFTER all her needs are taken care of, then you can look into investing that money into some other options..... If she already has money and isnt worried about bills...well then she would have figured that out for herself a long time ago and you wouldn't be asking this question

  4. agree 100% with tryinhard.....95% of police "work" is nothing more than informants that are trying to reduce or get their sentence thrown out.....Trust no one in the lovely world of dealing drugs.....Knowing many cops, there are very very few who dont run their mouth behind those walls.....FACT...unless your on your internet account under a pretend name....Those guys are to hard to rat :p

  5. I have been on roughly the last 8... my daughter is 6 months... my two previous girlfriends I never pulled out..... ever, not once even had a scare....But... that all changed last year lol I thought there was no chance I could have any more kids....obviously wrong, but so glad I was!!

  6. glad to see you got off, congrats to you and a healthy future! I have said it all along, Doctors are the biggest and worst drug dealers in our country right now, they could care less about the addiction and just want to line their pockets....But yet they get a slap on the wrist if that and they want to send some kid with a few vials of test to prison....Im sure the DRs in America know this drug works but that would hurt the pharm companies so we will obviously never see it here

  7. I do, I was referring to ones who blast and cruise etc. Not ones that cycle. However, the older we get and the longer you juice even if you cycle it will get harder to get a girl pregnant. My statement was referring to the non-stop user.



    well Im a non stop user and just had another daughter, I have been on 5 years plus. So No, its not a good form of protection lol, and im older so my age had nothing to do with it


    Comparing hormones to weed is like comparing oranges to apples...Also saying hormones have a more legitimate medical application than weed is completely crazy to. There is one reason steroids are illegal, professional sports. The reason why marijuana is illegal is even dumber. The federal government holds patents on cannabinoids and has for over a decade. Just to give you a small idea on what the benefits of "weed" are just follow this one link to give you a small sample http://www.infowars.com/u-s-government-owns-patent-on-cannabis/

    Hormones don't hold a candle to the medical benefits of Cannabis

  8. I was just looking on the maps, Akoya is 6365, im not sure there is a 6363, those condos are huge down there, and they take up multiple numbers so my guess would be its the same, but im not 100 percent positive, if there was no unit number used in shipping my guess he is a security guard in one of the buildings because they are the ones who hold packages for tenants

  9. its definitely condos, they are called Akoya, and a very pimp ass spot, very pricey to live there. I use to live right by there, its a huge building with hundreds of condos

  10. I really don't think anyone cares where it originated...Keep it in Hawaii...and don't give me shit about grammar when your words are not even in a real dictionary....

    Also your sentence "Is all good brah, we can hav fun hear 2" Should read ... "It's all good, we can have fun here as well"..... Have is not spelled hav, brah is not a word, 2 is spelled to

  11. Insulting the mods due to your complications with a source is just dumb. Do you pay them to assure your safety and deal with all these idiots that send in 100 questions about bullshit a day? No.... do they do what they can to make sure people get reimbursed when someone gets scammed? yep, on their own time as well i might add, have you EVER seen MU endorse a lab? Ever??? I highly doubt it! I have been on the boards with MU for over a decade and he has been the most honest one and one to never take sides and ALWAYS hear both sides.....If the owner of the board approved someone to be here, nothing the other mods can do, bring it up with karius... Saying the board itself has gone to the ways of outlaw is not even close to the truth, no board is perfect, this board owes you nothing. The members here are much better than most boards. This is an issue you have with Daman and I agree it needs attention....But bashing mods and the board is crap. The other thread about bunk gear has been made a million times over the years...its a common thing to attract customers to the ones that made good results...so I agree with the mods on that as well.....need more proof then just one guy. By no means am i saying he is full of shit with his lab results, but this is the internet ( some people like to make shit up ) so its in the best interest to get more info before judgement, thats why they are mods, they dont jump on the bandwaggon every time someone says jump. He clearly stated daman was approved by the owner so maybe take it up with him and him alone and if you dont like his response then stay or leave....but for all you know he doesnt know what your talking about and will look further into it.....FYI this board is a privilege for us to have.....but its not perfect.....and sometimes everyone wont like what goes on and if thats the case there are other boards and website names available to start your own and do it your own way....

  12. -Parenting has gone down the shitter, parents are more concerned with being a friend than a parent......

    -Kids these days get a medal for just participating regardless how well they did....You earn rewards....they shouldn't be handed to you.

    -The government has made it to easy to do nothing and get paid to be a bum

    - A punishment for kids these days is they lose their iphone for the night

    - Parents Cry Wolf over EVERYTHING! " They called my kid fat! They are bullying him" !!!! Teach your freakin kid to stand up for himself....the world isnt a nice place deal with it!


    I could go on for hours on this one lol

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