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Posts posted by MUSCLEHEAD


    I remember those days. I remember hearing of guys buying the amps, putting them in the hotel provided shower caps, tying the shower cap off & sinking it in a bottle of sunscreen.


    Sounds like they worked off the same model... he said the shampoo bottles were sterile.... Fuck i don't know how that could be, but he was always wanted ...


    Def doesnt sound sterile. Lol. Could only imagine what old pos UGLs have served us before. Prob just as bad. Shit made sitting on the couch, pouring one vial to the next while smoking a cig.


    Right-right... I was friends with him as he acted like a photographer and worked out at same gym, but even when i was looking for gear i wouldn't buy from him... dam, infection..

  3. Along with the INT stealth oil packets. I recall seeing someone get some "stealth products".. it had a super generic label that just read "gay lube" on the outside and nothing else. Hahahhaha


    i remember a guy that would go over to Mexico, buy a shit ton of gear and then put the oil in shampoo bottles and bring it back with him... He would then put in little sterile vials WTF . he always sold all of it and would repeat it again... Dam

  4. Thanks S. Appreciate the words. Good old paper-bolics LOL. They wanted me to REP their line once upon a time. Did anyone use those paper products? Did they work??






    I thought about using those product backing the day..shit, that when i 1st met Karius.. Shit that as 2001 on -_-__ board.com back in 2000, dam miss those days. much simpler times lol

  5. Fasting works very well. If you are already built, u your perceived loss of muscle is bullshit. Add the cals back in with an oral and you'll fill out more in one week than you'd believe possible if you haven't already done it.



    Thats what exactly happen to me LOl.... The muscle filled out just as you stated .....

  6. Good stuff MH!! Intermittent Fasting is something I want to experiment with in a few months from now, as it makes sense to me for cutting some fat down. I was always under the "you gotta eat breakfast, or else you will start losing muscle by the minute" kind of guy, but a lot of the data has made me re-think all this dogma!! John Meadows had a good video on fasting that opened my eyes on insulin insensitivity and it changed my approach on dieting/health.


    I too had to get past that OLD mentality of eating every 2-3 hours to control my blood sugar levels (I'm hypo-glycemic). The Dr. told me to make sure to eat breakfast to keep Blood levels, and then every 2-3 hours. Now that I go 20 hours without food, i feel better, I am alert, and not hungry. I make sure to keep electrolytes up and I am good. Some days I eat only 1 time per day and feel great, but I do not do that too much. I no longer have blood sugar issues, and I do not feel lathargic or feeling like passing out like I have in the past.

  7. I do the intermediate fasting /Keto, lost 60 lbs. I added 500 test, and 10 mgs daily of superdrol. My Dr. is amazed at the weight lost and my labs are all in the normal range. I have been doing this since July, 2017 and now I am working on maintaining my weight, as the weight kept falling off with my fast of 20/4. This worked the best, as I too am insulin resistant

  8. I agree, I heard from a daily you-tuber this week, that was pushing his friends business. That business was finanical planning, I was shocked that they are pushing financial planning with Bitcoin as a vehicle for your portfolio...... WTF. They stated that Bitcoin will stop making coins by the year 2021. at that point coins will continue to go up in value, so they predict, i do not trust this crypto- currency except for the use you stated.

  9. I understand your issues, as I have a fractured C-6 and the rest are herniated. I have not been in the gym since March of 2016. I was in severe pain for months, and could not sleep. My Dr. did epidural injections, they helped but did not stop the pain completely. As a Clinical therapist, I work with clients that have SUD and mental health disorders. I started using music therapy along with ice/heat on my neck.... Data shows that music can reduce pain by 25%. I also use homeopathic products to help relieve pain and inflammation. I have not gone back to the gym YET, but I have cleaned up my diet lost tons of fat, added cardio, and feel better. I am trying to get back o the gym. Good luck, stay off the Opioids.

  10. I have been off everything since March of 2016 due to a fractured C-6. I am going to began a TRT dose, as I entered the gym for the first time in a year, last month. I have lost all muscle on my right side due to nerves being pinched. I have no pain working out, but I also have no strength. Last year I could barely pick up a glass, now I am doing dumbell presses with 20 lbs. So now I am going to implement Test to help.

  11. Holy crap!... 2 years!


    Ya, I had pain for 2 years, but it could of been my age Lol. i was 51 and the mesh across my body is not natural Lol.... I waited too long for the surgery, I had six inches of no tissue on my left side. My body was over-compensating for the injury. I was hog fat and out of shape, as I could not work out properly because of the pain. I waited for months to have the surgery.


    Get the surgery and make sure to heal completely.

    Musclehead Dr.

  12. Big M, I understand your issue. My hernia was in my back section, and they put mesh from my mid to lower spine around to my midsection. The pain was intolerable after the surgery and lasted 2 years. They placed screws in my L-3 and hip. The large section of mesh gives me problems.

    Speedy recovery

  13. I am never shocked by humans, sources are always the best untill some issues comes up. There are people that always act like a fool, and the old school rule is do not order more than you can afford to loose. We used to wait a couple of weeks to get domestic packs, so now people are spoiled, and if your pack does not come as fast as jimmy johns they go into destroy the source mode. I have been burned by sources here that went bad, but I still do not spend more than I can afford to lose. If I lose my money, I will still make my monthly payments. I then allow the board to handle the issue with that source, and the stafff here does stay on course of the boards model, to keep this board and its members safe as possible. Peope need to "think" 1st before they post, and stop letting their emotions hi-jack the situation.

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