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Posts posted by wooly

  1. Complete BS, I've had both Humatrope and Saizen with no issues. Not saying all are gtg from region discussed, but to say ALL are not legit is just absolutely not true.


    Thank you. People like to get dramatic and make sweeping generalizations, then state them as fact. Such black and white thinking does not make anyone sound like they are “In the know,” probably because they are often just parroting someone else who may or may not understand when it comes to such topics, we are discussing beliefs, not facts. So well said.

  2. I don't get it. TE. Like a code? Or a typo? I think teen steroid use is one of the issues that sparked OGG. Operation Gear Grind. So I don't know if it's good code........all I can think of is that maybe you feel like a teen again when on it? There are compounds that make you feel young again but Tren is in my experience not one of them..............I'm not making fun of you, I just feel stupid because I don't get it. Somebody please explain this new jargon....thank you,



  3. I have to concur, Amazing service, even better products. Their never ending sale of one free anything if you are over $200 is crazy. Essentially they give you $100 if you meet the minimum, so everyone gets a free 20ml. Nobody does that, and they are very popular, they do not need a catch. You won't be sorry you went with Tweak, probably the best I've worked with.

  4. Thank you


    Thank you very much. I read your reply and knew you were right, but I thought I would try DMSO and mixed with docycline. Seriously. Went over the area with isopropyl alchol pads and sterilized an applicator, rubbed the combo on (like 2 inch radius) and covered it with Tegaderm. Continued oral Doxy/oral anti-inflammatory and by thursday night saw enough improvement (drop in temp.) to know I was going to be OK. The topical may have had nothing to do with it and I am still in considerable pain, but walked around today for the first time since Monday night/Tuesday morning. Got really lucky. Could have been any pathogen, although symptoms said strep or staph....Anyway, I am alright. Thanks again.


    Oh, yeah, heating vials. Best method?


    And jeez.....where is my mind? I forgot to ask you about yourself. What am I thinking? Sorry.



    Anyways, you say your 16 years old? And...of course I don't have your letter right in front of me so I 'm trying to remember......Something about liking to masturbate wearing some sort of prosetic device......I'll have to reread your letter and say a more proper 'Hello' That's great though, starting lifting at your age. Just remember that steroids will cause you to stop growing (heightwise) so wait until you are at least 21. Bye

  5. Hi. I have never posted on this board before, I guess I feel like you guys are always a step ahead. Anyway, I'm feeling panicked, and although I belong to a bunch of other boards, you guys seem to be the leaders of the bunch. Alright, now that I've officially kissed ass and sorta feel like I belong, here is my problem. Monday night I took the last 3 cc's of a bottle of Test Enan by Animal Power. I am in no way faulting the manufacturer, but it does come from Mexico, and I must have payed $20 for it. So I really do up the precautions.....a 1/2 cc BA into the vial, then a small amount in the syringe. This is probably my 20th cycle over a ten year period, and nothing like this has ever happened. It's Thursday, and my thighs have to be 4" larger than they were before I hit them (Vastus lateralis..1.5 CC'S in each. I have a chronic pain condition, so I have plenty of access to analgesics. I got my sister (ob/gyn) to call in Doxycycline and Amoxicilliin Tuesday morning when I tried to get out of bed and fell flat on my face. My thighs are huge and red, and calves and ankles so edemic I can only lie on my bed with my feet propped way up. I am wearing 300 mcgs. of the Fentanyl Patch, I have always prided myself on having a ridiculously high pain threshold, but it literally takes me a half an hour to get up to Pee. I did three years of med school, so I know how to drain an abscess, but this is so deep in the muscle........DMSO with antibiotics and Isopropyl 91%? Yes, I am a moron. And yes, I come from Boston, but I don't know anybody who has gotten arrested and I would never,ever (even at the threat of amputation of both my legs) open my mouth if I were ever stupid enough to drive around with 250 vials of crap drugs. Help me with this please, and I will go to Lowell District Court with a few of my boys.....Yeah, legs or no legs, we fittin' to go mideival on this cocksucker. Thanks,



    Champions in any field have made a habit out of doing what others find boring or uncomfortableo:( :p

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