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Iron Warrior

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Posts posted by Iron Warrior

  1. On 4/3/2021 at 12:52 PM, Wetlook said:

    This past year we lost has been hard on me and my diet.  Pizza and gummy bears, pretty much.  Since we didn't have a summer last year, I didn't diet down, and now I've fallen off the wagon and I don't think I have the discipline in me anymore to be strict with myself.


    Beat some sense into me, bros.

    Sucks to hear bro, I had my struggles this year too.  Ballooned since all gyms closed in Commiefornia.  Just got back into it when the gyms re-opened recently and it's getting better.  Life could always be worse, co-worker of mine lost his wife to cancer and had to raise a 9 year old and a 7 year old during covid and no one wanted to babysit because of covid so he had to take time off work and be on Leave Without Pay status for a while.  Things are starting to improve and if this guy can overcome his crappy situation so can we since we have resources and the gym's are back for many of us

  2. I have avoided the boards for the most part since the SSB busy. Used mostly Swisher but also some Satchboogie before he scammed people and Vizion. I was paranoid as if I was gonna get popped for having some stuff for personal use in the house

  3. Does it even matter? See a lot of guys eating white rice, grits, cream or rice etc. With that being said, I have read adding fats or protein will slow down the glycogen rate. Any input?


    I don't think it's as big a deal as long as you're including fiber, protein, or fats. The important question is the glycemic index per meal rather than the glycemic index of an individual food. One of my favorite meals is a chicken breast with a cup of white rice, black or pinto beans, roasted red salsa, and a tablespoon of greek yogurt as sour cream substitute and my energy levels remain naturally good through the day.

  4. I generally follow 40% protein, 40% carbs, 20% fats and did not think carb cycling was worth the extra attention to detail because my caloric intake was the same. I ended up eating more eggs, fewer oats, and passing more gas than on a 40/40/20 macros approach. I also do cardio every day (perks of being an endomorph) so I felt better on a higher carb intake even while cutting.

  5. I'd love to see someone who is not a lawyer by trade run this country. The problem with today's politicians is that they're toting the party line on major issues. I'm liberal in some aspects but very conservative in others but I'd just like to call it common sense. I get taxed out the a-hole in Commiefornia yet crime seems to be getting worse than ever before, they're letting connected prison gang members out of prison due to "over crowding" and "good behavior in prison" rewards. I get looked at like a criminal in San Francisco for saying all immigration should be legal and controlled then some fvck face says we're all illegals except the Natives and everyone should be welcomed in the US of A. Guess what, the US of A won't be what it was or is 50 years from now if you allow anyone to enter the country, suck the system dry, and cause so much over-population that our grandkids or kids (depending on your age) will beg for minimum wage jobs and are required to learn Chinese for growth in a company.

  6. Fuck as many chicks as you can because you're only gonna be young once. Just do whatever you can to avoid STD's and go get 'em.


    Powerstation: You made a good point. My gut feeling is that most chicks I've been with wanted me for looks, physique, and because I have a decent job. I guess it's in their nature but I think we sometimes want to be liked simply for who we are.

  7. The guy's a moron Wells, don't even bother to start another protein conversation with him. I'm personally too busy to grill chicken all the time and eat a meal every 2-3 hours so the shakes are a life saver. Liquid diets are also used for certain medical conditions and people do good on them so it can't be that bad. Ammonia is a byproduct of amino's and it can be urinated so maybe that's how he got it confused.

  8. It looks good bro but I'd just shorten the time I'm on the orals. I like the addition of T4, it should help keep you lean. You could also use the Test suspension while the esters are clearing your body at the end of the cycle. Might as well use it if it's available right ?


    Are you using Tren Enanthate ? Maybe I missed it but I didn't see which form of Tren you're using. If it's Enanthate then good choice as long as you can deal with the sides. I'm still too much of a puss to use insulin, good luck with that.


    Definitely keep us updated. I'm interested in your opinion on the effects of IGF-1 & GH.

  9. It's amazing how many people still believe that. I still keep hearing people who believe all dietary fat is evil. My co-worker saw me down a tablespoon of fish oil and he played guru and told me it was stupid to drink straight fat.

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