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Posts posted by VisionLabs

  1. On a half day from the gym, have you ever replaced half your carbs with fats for the day? I thought about trying this to see what would happen. Input?



    I’ve never replaced my carbs in half per say. But if I’m looking like shit, or had too much sodium, etc yea I’ll cut down my carbs and go to just protein and veggie or some protein and peanut butter. Yea definitely man. During bulks I’ll even have people do 4 week mini cuts. This can help with sensitivity and allowing for a little rebound growth.

  2. I am consuming 48g right now


    Why watch sodium in the off season? So you don't bloat and help with blood pressure? I've been just doing salt to taste with pink salt. I never added the pickles. I like the results and don't look to flat


    Offseason can be very dangerous because of what you said, blood pressure. People don’t take that into account and this is the type of stuff that will kill you. Prime example, look what happened to Dallas. And he ate a very clean diet. But when you get big you put a lot of stress on your organs. Something as simple as a subway sandwich could throw your sodium through the roof. Certain orals make you retain sodium more than other. Same with insulin. So that’s why if I see one of my clients bloating up I have them use the myfitnesspal and see what’s up. Contest prep is different game. You need sodium because you’re low on carbs.

  3. My fats are probably a tab bit high still. Only thing that sticks to me


    Fats sneak up on you and a lot of people don’t realize this. Best way to see how much you’re really consuming is to use MyFitnessPal and log everything in. Even condiments. Make sure each item you log is certified on the nutrition facts. Non stick spray has fat in it, I can’t it’s not butter has it, lots of other condiments, some carbs, etc. I have people do the same thing in offseason with their sodium intake. You need to watch sodium intake while blasting and/or using insulin. This causes a lot of stress on the body. This app is a god send to really show little areas of your diet that you’re not accounting for. Give it a try and be as accurate as possible.

  4. How many grams of fats do guys average during prep?

    Input on protein powder? Bad idea when in prep?


    Grams of fat will vary per person based on their body weight. Typically I keep them around 10-15% of what their caloric intake is. So a 200lb male would be around 25-40g of fat per day. But here’s an example where I had to use fat today. I got a new client this week who is all natural and has put on a ton of weight. Sits down a lot at his job and works out from home. Doesn’t feel comfortable working out in a gym yet. I am starting him on a keto diet. Reason I’m doing this is he’s 230lbs and 5’10” basically all fat in his gut. He needs calories to get his thyroid ramping up but he also needs to regain insulin sensitivity. So I need to keep carbs away a bit until his glucose levels come back down. His fats per day are at 82.6g which is roughly around 15g per meal. So this is a time when I wouldn’t use carb cycling until later in his diet.


    I have no problem with protein powder as long as it’s a good pure isolate. Personally I like Species Isolyze. There are 3-4 others I would recommend as well. Market is flooded with crap though. If someone is going to use it I say post workout or if someone is in a bind. I don’t recommend them in contest prep due to being hungry as it doesn’t provide and satiation. But if people don’t have a problem with it then by all means.

  5. I'm on trt.....just do low dose Tren couple times a year and that's it now. No more orals for me, and do my own bloodwork to monitor cholesterol and RBC while on tren. Then one a year do blood work for Dr to get my test from pharmacy.


    Health is the most important in this game bro

  6. Wow great deal, your off to a good start!!!! Just waiting for some feedback. Would like to do a small order soon.


    Thanks bro. I’m trying my best. I do mean well and hope this will get some testing and reviews out there. Let me know whenever you’re ready bud.

  7. It all makes total sense!! I am cutting and I'm pretty lean. Not stage ready, but beach ready for sure. I am constantly hungry and hell it's only May. I started way to early this year. I felt fat and couldn't deal with it.

    Only thing I crave is sweets. It's awful! I still have 220 carbs in my diet and not even using tren. I may do some carb cycling. Once a week I'll have a cheat or some treats. It varies. I try to be smart, but once I start thats it lol


    I know the feeling bro. Once tren goes in all I want is friggen cookies

  8. Have you ever tried switching gear every 4 weeks like Piana did? It makes sense, but it doesn't. It's just getting in your system


    Do you add fats in the off season or focus more on carbs? Do you slowly add calories in or just stay a few hundred calories over maintenance so you don't get to fat? Cheat meals good or bad in the off season? When cutting, bad? Maybe more for mental purposes


    Nah I never switched anything that much. If you’re taking a long ester drug that’s when it’s starting to work, so it wouldn’t make sense. I question a lot of the stuff rich said or did. I respected him but you can only take what he says with a grain of salt. He was a half truth kind of guy unfortunately.


    In offseason I don’t add any added fats either. I just eat it if I want it within reason. If running insulin I’m very strict though. I think too much fat in the offseason hinders digestion when you’re typically eating more. There is a good amount of fat in all the meat your eating, even lean chicken breast. Always keep a variety of protein sources like chicken, eggs, beef, turkey, etc. Fat content will add up. Even things like oatmeal have fat in them.


    As for calories that changes over time. This can vary person to person. That’s why it’s important to get a knowledge coach. If someone is hungry you need to listen to your client and feed them. You can’t be so obsessed with the caloric number. Everyone’s metabolism is different, digestion is different, daily activity is different. If someone is saying I’m hungry 30min after each meal all day then you need to feed them more. If you’re feeding someone 2200 calls and they’re having trouble eating that then you need to figure out why and correct it. You can’t have someone force eating, it’s the stupidest thing ever you could do. It drives me insane when mass monsters are like shut up and eat till you puke. That’s reason you have a 48” waist and look like shit. You have 30lbs if rotting food in your digestive track. But to answer your question I’d typically prefer to slowly add in food over a period of time so they don’t get fat.


    Cheat meals are a great thing for offseason progress. Not even the caloric surplus as you should be eating plenty but more of a mental advantage. Eating food you enjoy and look forward to is euphoric and aids in stress relief. Food is as powerful as opioids. That’s why there is so much obesity in the US. We tend to gravitate to food for comfort just like an addict does with drugs. Think about contest prep. All you’re craving is things you can’t have or even a cup of rice. That shit is powerful. So I usually with add a cheat meal every few days. Usually Wednesday’s and Saturday’s as it sets a goal a few days away for people to look forward too.


    Cheat meals in cutting are good and bad. Depends on the person too. Some people when they get a cheat meal have a hard time stopping and turn it into a cheat day. All that insulin gets released and hunger hormones and makes it really difficult to stop. So some clients you need to keep them on clean refeeds. I personally prefer clean refeeds as I hate the day after a cheat meal because of the cravings. So I tend to personally not do them. If I want a burger and fries I’ll make it at home with a lean cut on meat and I’ll use an air fryer to make fat free French fries that I get from Whole Foods. I personally find it easier to do something like that in prep than go to 5 guys and eat a 2000 calorie meal. But I’ve had plenty of clients that have no problem eating a cheat meal. It’s not something I set weekly. It’s more sometbing you set when your client looks like shit and shows signs of wear.

  9. Very cool thread. In the off season, do you see merit in changing gear throughout the growth phase. For example, I've found that test and deca are my absolute bread and butter when trying to add weight. Any reason to deviate other than maybe adding an oral here or there?


    I think you’re right. I find today that deca is very under rated. Whereas years ago it was a staple for offseason. I think because athletes have an image to maintain now with social media and expos that it’s not used as mich for aesthetic reasons. I use a blend of deca and npp for an offseason protocol. So you’re getting a blend of fast acting and long acting esters. I find it also helps combat the bloat. I would typically have an athlete use a cycle for three months give or take then switch out the compounds. I believe staying on anything for too long loses effectiveness. So def always change it up.

  10. Took advantage of that Var sale and pack already delivered. Looks great and already taking his test ace, and win and adex and all good to go. We got another good source guys. He knows his stuff


    Thanks bro. I appreciate you.

  11. What's your method for carb cycling? I've seen keep carbs high 3 days a week on harder lifts and 4 days of low, I've seen gradually drop carbs every few days clear down to 50g, thhen back up, and I've seen 3 low 1 high then repeat


    Depending on the person 50-100g carbs a day (usually pre/post workout) for three days. The fourth day depending on the person 2-3x their body weight in carbs. On the high day I also have them cut protein in half.


    During prep I don’t switch around the meals for specific workouts days. When cutting you’re always in a deficit regardless. In the off-season when making improvements, yes I will put higher carb days on bigger body parts or a lagging body part.

  12. Everyone says low fats during contest prep. What is low? How many grams do most of your clients average a day?


    I don’t have my people eat any added fats. Eggs, Chicken, beef, and turkey have more than enough. Also the use of cooking spray which is not “fat free”. I also have my people take in fish oil daily. I think people tend to over due the fat with added fats not realizing how much they’re taking in per day.


    I also think most people’s protein intake is too high which hurts them when dieting. Some people don’t pay attention to their coaches plans exactly. Or the coach doesn’t know better. I make sure I stress this to each client. When a plan says 6oz chicken you need to find out if that is raw weigh measure or cooked. 6oz cooked chicken is breast is approximately 9oz raw. 9oz raw is approximately 60g of protein versus 6oz raw is approximately 40g. That’s a 20g difference and almost 100 calories with fat included. Do that 4-6 times a day and that’s a lot of calories. Hence why you don’t need the extra added fats. Meat shrinks down in size a bit when being cooked.


    But always check your plans to see if they’re raw measure or cooked measure. If you’re supposed to be eating say 40g protein per meal and your plan calls for 6oz chicken, thats raw measure.

  13. Will cap them today using 00 capsules. Will update back. And my capsule rack makes 100 at a time so that should let me make them faster.


    I was thinking of making some anavar injectable solution, as I would probably only need half the oral dose since it only does a single pass through ththe liver and th bioavailability is greater. Any input on that?


    Figured I’d chime in since I have a bit of experience with this. Smaller the capsule size the more accurate your capsules will be. A #00 capsule will hold approximately 4-500mg of product. Something like a size 4 capsule will hold about 100mg product. This will leave less room for error when your active ingredient is say 25mg out of the 100mg. That’s a 1:4 ratio. Versus if you’re trying to accurately mix 25mg active ingredient per 500mg product. That’s a 1:20 ratio.


    Also injectable Anavar is very tough to suspend and is going to hurt like a bastard at any decent dosage. My advice would be to stick to oral. It’s pharmaceutically made oral for a reason.


    Hope this helps.

  14. I know injectable carnaitine your not a fan of, but what about powder form before fasted cardio. I was considering buying evogen carnigen. If so, how much you suggest?



    That’s kind of a personal thing I guess. I’ve seen studies where it says carintine doesn’t have very good bioavailability hence why they say to inject it instead. I’ve also heard people say it works. Does it work? I honestly have no clue. If I had it for free I would use it. Would I spent money on it, no. Id put the money into my food budget

  15. If your using clen fasted, you don't need yohmbine, right?


    I've never used clen fasted, so this will be interesting lol



    Clen fasted won’t be any different than non fasted. You can mix clen and yohimbine. They used to make the old Helios injectables that were clen and yohimbine mixed together. Maybe they still make them somewhere.

  16. Awesome thread.. thanks for doing this!



    Curious on your approach for carb up pre contest or pre photo shoot? Rice, sweet potato, junk carbs? How many days out do you start increasing them and do you slowly increase the amount the last few days?


    Basically what's your full approach to filling out pre contest as well as drying up?


    Hey brother. I’m glad you like the thread!


    That’s a pretty tough question to answer directly. I have people that are carb sensitive af and I’ll deplete them up till the show. Then I have some people I need to carb up more. Typically start wed/thurs before a show. Each person is different in carb up as well. Some need more potassium than others. If I have someone running aldactone I have to be careful with how much potassium I’m giving them. If they’re using torsemide I need to crank up the potassium. I always use the same food they were eating during prep. I don’t like using dirty carbs and junk because it’s always a huge what if. It’s basixally closing your eyes hoping for the best. 9/10 people always look worse.

  17. No I haven't. Some guys say it's like tren with no sides as well


    You use trest?


    Yup. I’ve used trest. I haven’t put anyone on it though. I put a lot of size on quickly and had significant increase in strength. It only last about 3 weeks though before it plateaued. But it all was very quick and consistent gains. Most of it was water as it does aromatize very quickly. Would I use it again? Honestly probably not

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