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Posts posted by danomite

  1. Not sure on this. I remember about 7 yrs ago I had some igf1 that was really good. But it felt like someone was putting a cigar out on your body wherever you shot it. It also gave good pumps and crazy strength gains. Haven't had it like that since.

  2. I do db presses or Arnold presses

    side laterals with db and pour them out at the top like pouring milk out of the jug

    rear laterals or swims


    I also was a masonry laborer for 10 years and a lot of my job was tossing cinder blocks and bricks so that was huge in my delt development.

  3. You can front load the sust to maximize the prop in it. Maybe take it every mon, wed and fri.


    Also deca don't make me limp just makes it hard to get off if I dose it too high. I have to stay at 200-400 mgs per week max. Quickies are damn near impossible. But caber help a lot as well as cialis.

  4. I've created a few freeloaders when I was on decent runs. In turn it created an adult freeloader, I mean my wife as well. But seriously I couldn't imagine my life without my family as well as the huge tax breaks that ensue.

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