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Posts posted by sputnik

  1. Congrats on quitting. I've liked the idea of quitting for a while now, but haven't given it much of an effort. Nicotine's affect on bp must be somewhat individual; I'm no higher than 110/70 while dipping about 3 cans a week and drinking coffee and running test. I attribute this largely to cardio. IMO, nothing is quite as comparable to cardio for maintaining/improving heart health.

  2. Were you taking HCG any? Anything else that could possibly rally the troops? 750mg the whole time?


    Nope, no HCG. Just 750mg test for the first 12 weeks and 200mg since with 12.5mg aromasin ED throughout. I'm still in shock; I honestly didn't think I had it in me. I'm 26 and have been using AAS since 20. I'm just sticking to test and var now, but ran some heavy cycles when I was younger. Also, I haven't in a few years, but I've smoked enough cannabis for a lifetime...never thought I'd be a dad.

  3. So I've been on test for about 18 weeks now and learned on Sunday that my gf is pregnant (about 6 weeks). I know testosterone isn't exactly male birth control, but I was under the impression it's highly improbable to conceive while on test. I ran 750 mg for the first 12 weeks and was certain that dose and duration would plummet my sperm count to just about nil. I had been suspicious that my test was under dosed at about 4 weeks in and I still am. Is it really that unlikely to knock someone up on test? Appreciate any opinions

  4. I do think from my own experience that your body through whatever mechanism, does down regulate over time of extended exposure to AAS, in its ability to assimilate and use AAS.

    How to over come that is an art form of sorts.


    My understanding is the only way to overcome down-regulation is to either one; increase the level of androgens in the system, or two; stay off long enough to increase the sensitivity of receptors.


    Right??? Isn't that the general consensus?


    And although there's no evidence of receptor down-regulation (making it a myth and not a theory), I can't see how any repeat user can argue that they don't become less receptive to gear. If there was no such thing, everybody would gain 25lbs every 12weeks from 500mg test indefinitely. A tolerance is developed as with any drug, and more is needed to produce results equal to those previous. Like Titan said, there's a reason that no cycle can ever be like the first.

  5. The cycle you're currently on is heavier than your next planned cycle. Your training and mostly diet will dictate your progress. 300mg test, 600mg primo, and an oral is more than sufficient to spare muscle when dieting.


    I'd ditch the var and run winny the last 6 weeks. I don't like var though so that's just me. Winny will do absolute wonders if you're already in single digits and dieting.


    Like Sasquatch was saying, there are many many factors that need to be considered. It really is difficult to offer suggestions to someone you know nearly nothing about.

  6. I have the same issue. My right inner-pec doesn't attach to the center of my chest in this one area. So, I have a perfect line down my left chest and this annoying little indent on the right side.


    Like Jay said, nobody has flawless symmetry. You can find minor imperfections in the top BBs of all time...

  7. You need to get letro to hopefully stop and reverse your gyno and then nolvadex to help combat the estrogen rebound when you come off. I'd probably go about it something like this...


    week 1 - 2.5mg letro ED

    week 2 - 1.0mg letro ED

    week 3&4 - .5mg letro ED

    week 5&6 - 40mg nolva ED

    week 7&8 - 20mg nolva ED


    Letro is the only AI that can reverse gyno. If you don't use nolvadex after you stop the letro, the gyno will likely come back. Aromasin to be used alongside nolva at a low dose is something to look into as well. Good luck

  8. Superdrol and M1T are two of the top toxic steroids in the game right now, yet for some reason people keep buying them.


    I totally agree with this. After weighing the pros and cons and considering those of other steroids, it just isn't worth it IMO. Especially when thinking long-term.

  9. Can you guys elaborate on these dreams more please. More specifically what is occuring in these dreams.


    It's different for everyone bro. There is absolutely no way to know exactly how you will dream until you take it,,,if that's what you're trying to find out.

  10. I seriously doubt you have anything to worry about. It's a very difficult and expensive test to create and I doubt it's even available to whichever organiztion may be testing you. As of now, the only attainable HGH screen can detect HGH for 24-48 hours after last use. So, if it's that much of a concern, just stop about 4 days prior to your test. I copy and pasted part of an article from USA Today that claims the two-week test is in the works, but still needs to be proven effective and adopted by professional sport leagues.


    By A.J. Perez, USA TODAY


    A team of scientists from the USA and Italy say they have developed a urine test that detects human growth hormone. The finding is a potential breakthrough in efforts to find a non-invasive way to screen for the performance-enhancing drug that is banned throughout the athletic world.


    Virginia-based Ceres Nanosciences, partnered with George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., and Italy's Istituto Superiore di Sanità, could have the test on the market within six months, company CEO Thomas Dunlap says. Ceres' intention was first reported by the Washington Business Journal.


    The researchers developed a particle about one-tenth the size of a red blood cell that attracts, traps and protects HGH molecules, according to George Mason research professor Alessandra Luchini. The particles surround nearly 100% of the HGH molecules and act as an amplifier, so available testing equipment can detect the synthetic hormone.


    Dunlap said the test can detect HGH two weeks after an athlete has last used it. Current blood screening for HGH, set to be used again at the Beijing Olympics, can identify HGH 24-48 hours after an athlete's last use.


    Ceres soon will start conducting human trials, Dunlap says.


    "If this proves to be a reliable test, this would be tremendously helpful," says Drug Free Sport President Frank Uryasz, whose company runs the NCAA's drug testing program.


    Former senator George Mitchell, who led the investigation into baseball's steroid era, told Congress in January, "Many players have shifted to human growth hormone, which is not detectable in any currently available urine test."

  11. I think it is common knowledge that if you inject your GH in the same

    spot every day you are going to get an indentation from fat loss at the

    injection spot. As far as sub-q vs. im injections there will always be some

    who prefer one over the other. I am a more "mature" lifter ( a nice way to

    say old man) and have been using GH for a long time, and I always do my

    injections IV. I do not recommend this to anyone unless you know what you

    are doing, but I have medical background. Some other bodybuilders I trained

    with years ago who were also in my profession also used IV injections and

    we were liked the response. I think as long as you know how to do an

    injection the correct way whether it be sub-q or IM and you have a good

    quality product you will get a good response. Regards, BigOldNorm


    BON - Do you mean intramuscular when you say IV? Or do you actually inject intravenously? I've never heard of anyone doing this before...

  12. when it gets real bad, a few times a week I'll use some pool chlorine (about a water bottle cap full) and add it to a hot bath.. It seems to dry out the acne.. works for me


    lol That's a new one. Haven't heard that before. I might just spend more time in the pool this summer....

  13. Thanks for the feedback...really appreciate it. Yea, I was wondering about the winny. I didn't realize the half-life was so short. Do you think it makes sense to cap my cycle off with a 4 week run of winny or is it overkill after being on anavar for so long? Have no experience with these two and just really don't know if there's a benefit.


    I should be in contest shape after this cycle, training and the diet regimen I have planned. I'm in peak shape now and after this 15 week blueprint I should pop nicely:) I competed 2 1/2 years ago in the NPC....my first show. I did well...placed in both classes I entered. Just hated the pressure I put on myself to make a deadline. Don't think I want to go through that again. Just want to do this for myself and have fun with it if that makes any sense. I honestly have so much respect for dude's that compete. It's a brutal physical battle but an even harder mental game. Do you compete?


    I don't think the winny is overkill. Your cholesterol levels and liver enzymes of course won't be ideal after this cycle, but it's nothing extreme. Being that you're in single digits, the addition of winny should be VERY noticeable. I'd run at least 50mg ED.


    No, I've never competed. I'm young so I think I will eventually.I train with a couple of guys a few years older who compete in the higher level local shows and lower level state shows and they try to get me on board from time to time. I know I can show up in shape, I just don't think I have enough LBM yet to be a serious contender in a competetive show. Couple more years I'll have more mass and muscle maturity and solidity. Maybe then..

  14. Okay guys I need some advice. I've just finished my first cycle. I'm 6', 208lbs, 15%BF. I plan on doing a TKD style diet where I will only eat carbs right before and right after my training to bring down some of that BF for the summer. I plan on keeping my protein intake around 210g per day and carbs around 70g per day. I was thinking about trying out some Glucophage/Metformin taking it after my dinner to try and increase my muscles slins sensitivity to shuttle and maybe even put me into keto. One of my buddies said I should try glucorell R instead. Any info or advice would be appreciated. Thanks!


    That is NOT enough protein at 208lbs. I would stay at 300g MINIMUM.


    That's only 1100 cals from protein and carbs. 100g fat a day would make it 2000 cals, which is still fewer cals that you need to lean up on. You might also want to look into carb and calorie cycling methods. Very effective in burning fat and avoiding plateaus. Remember, your diet and training are far more important than supplements.


    And I agree with Dickerson, unless you're an elite athlete or on the verge professional BBing, I'd stay FAR awy from insulin, especially at 22.

  15. Anyone have any experience or knowledge running a cycle with these four? My cycle would look something like this:


    Week 1-15: Test E...525mg/wk

    Week 1-15: EQ........600mg/wk

    Week 4-14: Anavar...50mg ED/tabs

    Week 11-15: Winny...65mg EOD/tabs


    The goal here is to get skin tight & super hard while building some lean quality muscle. I already have a solid foundation to work with. Bodyfat is approximately 7% at the current moment, diet is clean and spot on, training is periodized and intense with some moderate cardio.


    Any thoughts or legit experience with this blueprint are appreciated. Thx


    Winstrol tabs only have a half-life of roughly 9 hours. Taking it EOD isn't logical or very effective, especially at that dose. I recommend taking the winny tabs twice a day - half of daily dose upon waking, then the other half 6-8 hours later. This will keep your blood levels stable. Also, the VAR would provide greater potential if started week 1 and ran until the end IMO.


    Congrats bro,,,7% BF is impressive. You're only about a month away from comp shape. You should post up some pics,,, I need to get a little more motivated. Wanting to be at 7-8% by July....

  16. RESULTS . .

    First subject (Casey Viator), 28 days

    Increase in bodyweight........45.28 pounds

    Loss of bodyfat..............17.93 pounds

    Muscular gain.................63.21 pounds


    Second subject (Arthur Jones),22 days

    Increase in bodyweight .......13.62 pounds

    Loss of bodyfat...............1.82 pounds

    Muscular gain.................15.44 pounds


    Those stats aren't even close to possible. If they're gonna lie, they should at least have the fuckin sense to lie about something that's attainable right.:hammer: A gain in LBM of over 63lbs in 28 days while losing 18lbs of bodyfat simultaneously.? What a fukn joke. Why would the author even write such a blatant lie when he's trying to a sell a product? Instantly losses all credibility IMO.

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