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Posts posted by myosaurus

  1. I'd been thinking, & noticing the same thing (54 ) & I'm thinking (because I have neglected direct leg Training , well squats for the most part ) but I'd say squats ,. Nice & slow, & as low as possible. And eey possibly box squats .

    Slow & controller with much worries for ego lifting just yet.


    Younger years, had a "nice" pair of jeans, or should I say

    filled my jeans adequately. Not now, lol..!


    you lucky I couldn't wear jeans without looking like ghey elf.

  2. Snatch without the glute pic we can't make accurate assessment of what's going on. I do notice my glutes drastically smaller then it used to be, even my wife mentioned it she said I had pair of basketball when I met her now it looks like I'm walking around clinching that shit lol..

    When I had nice glutes, here's the mindset I used while I do squats. Using wide stance, decend into bottom as if I'm stretching my anus(you must feel the stretch in the anus its very important) and as I come up I pretend Im shooting a carrot through my anus. Leg press, deadlifts all done the same way. Now with my torn muscles all over I'm scared to use that extreme range. I used to get hemorrhoids after leg workouts.

  3. did you just toss the gear or what?


    I hate to waist all that tren. IDK what to do though I cant keep dealing with the reaction. I fucking have a hard enough time sleeping on tren without fire quads too and my wife is getting suspicious about my lumps lol


    I did. it was daman's primo from like 2012...

    see how it react to other spots like glutes and delts. if there's no issue, then it may be you're carrying lot of stress on quads and not the gear.

  4. LAST...


    Once you get that dialed in there are ways to increase your metabolic rate. I don't recomend CLEN, but it works the best for me with gear and diet dialed in. It's bad on your heart and it gives cramps really bad that hinder your training or can, especially by itself without gear. I recomend ETA stack. Go to CVS and grab some bronchaid. take two to 3 with caffeine anhydrous and asprin. This will increase that rate and curb your appetite. so for me as i said my maintenance is 2500 it is probably 2700 with ETA and maybe 2850 with CLEN give or take. for your cardio. I still follow the JAY cutler old school fasted cardio it enhances my mind, but you got to have the macros and calories high enough if you want to lift.


    Most people are cardio freaks they have this idea of burning the fat off faster. i get it but this hasn't worked well for me. for me I eat precisely and then train like 4 days a week only lifting. you want to lift like your getting huge, but drop your calories a litte bit from maintennce. Why? because lots of cardio makes me very hungry and it is very easy for me to do. I can run five miles A DAY and look like a little pussy no problem. everyone is different. you definately want to cycle if you are cutting down this way you'll keep more muscle


    good luck


    cardio is over rated. you can get shredded without cardio. cardio IMO, is used when you're behind schedule.

  5. Any particular diet advice on cutting 50lbs of fat? Male. 38yrs old. Moderately active. Just now getting back in the gym after being off for 2yrs. Thanks


    1lb of fat = 3500 calories. 50lb of fat x 3500 cal =175000 calories. now you must burn that calories off. If you aim 1lb lost per week, that makes it about a year(52 weeks). now, you have your basal metabolic rate, calories your body burns at rest. your body is like a car engine that's constantly running without rest, and it requires fuel to keep running, that's calories. consume more than you need, you gain fat(calorie surplus), less than you need, you lose fat(calorie deficit). remember, you have to create deficit of 175000 calories(either burnt off through activity or eliminated from diet) over 50 weeks, and that's 1lb of fat which is 3500 calories per week, and that's 500 calories per day. don't even count macros at this point just count calories for now.


    dont even think about trying to burn all 175000 calories within 3 month period by starving and running for 6 hr per day, your body will fight back and you will lose, and gain it all back and then some.

    determine your maintainence calories and simply subtract 500 from that and that's the calories you will eat daily, like I said, either burn it off or diet it off or both, but you have daily goal of 500 calories. As for activity, weight train 3-4 times intensely and start at 2 cardio seesion of 20 minutes.


    just by following above, if you're truly 50lb overweight, then you should've lost about 10lbs and about 5lbs from fat by week 4.(if you didn't cheat)


    week 1: calorie intake 2100, bodyweight 200lbs, 30% bodyfat(about 60lb of actual fat weight, 140lbs lean mass)

    week 4: calorie intake 2100, bodyweight 190lbs, 29% fat(55lbs fat, 135lbs lean mass) or possibly 195lbs, 28% fat(55lb fat, 140lbs lean mass, if you weight trained hard)


    now going forward, you must make some adjustment to continue making further progress. start here.

  6. I tried that for my last meet prep. I have to be honest, wasn't a huge fan. I like deca for my joints and having the mast in that I felt like I lost it. Tendonitis was horrible this last prep.I will say though, it helped to keep the puffy look down on deca big time.


    If you're after strength, anything that dries you out will work against you.

  7. "POF by Steve Hoffman"


    This was a great one! Made great gains using his books.


    mass training tactics written by Hoffman had the legendary 20 rep breathing squat routine and I had an opportunity to try it. man.., that was brutal but it was only 2 workouts per week and still made amazing gains while going to college full time and working night shift on weekends. it literally reframed my body like bodybuilder, wide lats, thick traps, and tree trunk thighs... I was around 19 at the time and everyone thought I was juicing.

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