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Posts posted by myosaurus

  1. great book on training..


    the workouts in this book definitely works! It's based on HIT principles I've repeated workout in this book multiple times and never been disappointed. It' very different from traditional belief of split training so you need to be open minded and follow it to the T for it to work.

    It's titled massive muscles in 10 weeks by Dr. Ellington Darden



    I know we all train differently and we design our own workouts but looking back after 30yrs of lifting, I can say i made the best ''measurable gains'' using tried and true methods developed by experts like Randall Strossen, POF by Steve Hoffman. sure I made gains without them both naturally and enhanced, but after taking time off post contest, I always found myself coming back to it and was never disappointed. for those of you who know me, I competed and did very well and I was always known for balance and conditioning. I feel being exposed early into these great routines built a physique with great foundation that helped in my placing. I give my highest ratings for this book.

    • Like 1
  2. So although Im not a detective I do play one on television and here is my assessment. The chick is pretty decent looking and married to an asian. It's a well accepted fact asians have small dicks. Therefore, i believe she was craving the mandingo to fill her out in ways her husband never could. It is also a well accepted fact that asians are smart, thus the asian husband got wind of the affair and went all bruce lee on her ass. She was backed into a corner and her fight or flight response kicked in and she pulled out the rape card. Case closed


    LOL. its fucked up to laugh about this but its not impossible.

  3. I try not to do anything drastic. If all goes to plan with MP clients I’ll run them low/no carb till the Friday before the show. From there I’ll start to carb them up. Most guys it doesn’t take much. 40/50g carbs per meal. When you start doing crazy loads the guys end up soft and lose their cuts. MP is all about conditioning and keeping that waist tight. Now with that said it depends on the person too. Generally a black person can be run down harder than a white guy. I might have to start a white guys carb up Thursday night. Black guys you can run zero carb and they still don’t look flat. You’ll notice too that most of the first callouts are dominated by black males now. Their genetics are just far superior than white guys.


    like in any sports, most of em.

  4. Literally has not happened once on this board.




    I accept I may be wrong, but not by any evidence you provided so far.




    Not a single word of that link you found says that it was ever approved for sale, or classified as a food or drug, by any regulatory agency. I can sell ground up rocks as a supplement in 1933, doesn't mean rocks were ever classified as a drug.


    Here's what I read in some article I can't remember. A shady Dr was prescribing DNP to his patients and some of them died and the dr was locked up. I remember Dan Duchaine had an article in muscle media like 20 years ago. he said it was given to people for weight loss aid, as well as amphetamine. he didn't say it was approved for sale but if someone was to read that article, one would assume it was approved for sale even if Dan didn't say it was or wasn't. It is used to make pesticides and bug spray, so it can't be banned but I do know it was not classified as food or drug.

    we do know it's not good for you and if you'd order it in large amount and have DEA catch you, you'll be in trouble for sure.

    perhaps navy was wrong, but it's not what's important. the last thing I want is to see you two go in on flame forum and tear each other.(or make out as navy would wish)

  5. Just curious- when you say contest ready do you mean bodybuilder contest ready or physique? Most bodybuilders require higher dosages to maintain that size while dieting. I’m sure your diet is playing a very large role in your look. You can take 3x the amount you do and would be useless unless the diet is on point. Hard for me to tell what is doing what anymore when I’m stacking several things. Like right now I’m on primo with test and low tren and mast. Not sure what’s doing what lol.


    that's easy... when prepping for shows, you don't take 4-5 different compounds from the beginning. you have your base compounds like test primo, and eq, that's always been my staple for cutters. then you add compounds in depending on how many weeks out form your peak. anavar was thrown in at week 5 or 6, planned for 6 weeks of it for total of 12 weeks. but my wife was giving me shits for me being too lean and being cranky I had to stop at week 9.

    also remember I'm not that big anymore so don't need as much gear.

  6. I tried EQ I don’t do well with it at all.


    I hear primo gives you similar effects without the sides.


    Also isn’t EQ refereed to as “poor mans primo”


    I could be wrong, as I’ve never ran primo.





    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    No they're very different. EQ makes you look full and vascular but watery. Primo hard solid pumped look, very different.

  7. He made a Uhaul full of cash. I'm sure he is back to business under a new name. Never used him never would.


    Holy shit where have you been? Great to see you're still around. To DFLs credit, I believe he never owed anyone nor sold bunk stuff.

  8. Legit primo at 1g plus a week give you the best aesthetic look of any steroid. That’s just my opinion. Injevtable primo ace is actually #1 but good luck with that cause it literally crippled you and makes you feel like you wanna die- this the reason it’s not available. Most primo around is fake but you will definitely know when you have real primo when you use it. Anyone who thinks it’s weak or not worth using just hasn’t used real primo at 1g plus


    Ive always used 400mg and responded well to it. I do however stack other aas for total mg/weekly. This year I used 350mg test E, 400mg primo, 300mg eq, and 30mg var daily and achieved contest ready shape in 8 weeks.

  9. This was legit LMFAO I haven't laughed this hard non stop in a long time. Great movie for July 4th as its quite patriotic. Have a look and let me know what you think. Now if you're Canadian, dont get offeneded.

  10. I've done it. 300mg deca, 400mg primo, 60mg test(20mg eod).

    Didnt like the look, wasnt full or hard enough. Bodyfat was very low though as I use primo as a cutting agent. Now this was few years ago, when I was hospitalized for internal bleeding and lost almost eveything I had. Perhaps I was overshooting my goal as I was injured and couldn't train at 100%.

  11. Proviron (mesterolone) is an interesting anabolic steroid, though it is not of much value to bodybuilding. It seems that the most common reason for many to consider including it in a steroid stack is for anti-estrogenic activity. In the days before anti-aromatases and the use of SERMs (selective estrogen receptor modulators) such as Clomid and Nolvadex, there was some merit to this.


    An amount of aromatizing steroid marginally over the amount that would be tolerable without Proviron became tolerable with the inclusion of it. However, the effect is indeed only marginal, and much better anti-estrogenic agents now exist. When these are used, there is no need for Proviron as an anti-estrogen.


    The mechanism by which it has some effectiveness in this regard is from binding weakly to the estrogen receptor without activating it, and to the aromatase enzyme. In the first case, this partially reduces the number of receptor sites momentarily available to bind estrogen, thus reducing estrogenic activity. In the second case, some fraction of aromatase molecules at any given moment are unavailable to bind and convert testosterone, their binding sites being occupied with mesterolone.


    If you really want to boost your natural testosterone levels, and receive all the benefits that come with it ie. greater muscle mass and strength, improved endurance, enhanced recovery etc. It is the most important product you will ever use!.


    The second most common reason is probably to address a fear that libido might be lost without it. It is true that when added to normal androgen levels, Proviron has an androgenic effect that in many cases improves libido. However, most anabolic steroids also have this same property. In a steroid cycle, adding Proviron accomplishes nothing further. Or in the case of anabolic steroids such as nandrolone (Deca) which for other reasons may adversely affect libido, Proviron provides no greater help against that than do various other anabolic steroids.


    One of the interesting things about Proviron is that while it assays (tests) as being an effective anabolic in the rat, it is virtually useless for building muscle in man. This may be due to enhanced conversion in muscle tissue to the diol, but it may instead be due to some unknown reason.


    Another interesting thing is that it enjoys some practical use as a pro-sexual agent inbetween cycles. Typically 50 mg is taken shortly before improved performance is expected to be useful.


    Contrary to common belief, Proviron is somewhat inhibitory of the HPTA. Using it during the recovery phase as part of post-cycle therapy is counterproductive. It is also inadvisable for this reason to use it continuously while intending to be off-cycle, but occasional recreational use presents no problem.


    Proviron has been used in female bodybuilding, but it has almost undoubtedly the worst ratio of anabolic effect to virilizing effect of any anabolic steroid in common use. The perceived value is in fat loss and “hardening,” but friendlier choices exist for this. Most of that value is from anti-estrogenic effect, which Nolvadex can also accomplish. And for an androgen component, there are better choices, including Primobolan.


    Unlike almost all other orals, Proviron is not hepatotoxic, as it is not 17-alkylated.


    Tablets are typically 25 mg, and taken one or two at a time. Amounts greater than this have no further effect on improving libido off-cycle, but if used for a specific occasion, whether on-cycle or off-cycle, may temporarily improve vascularity, if it is already noticeable but has room for improvement.




    Sorry but above quote can be misinterpreted by beginners. They'll now think taking proviron will increase your endogenous testosterone. Better description would've been "if you want to maximize the effects of testosterone you're taking or testosterone that's in your system" so that non will start taking proviron post cycle thinking it'll increase endogenous testosterone and end up further suppressed. Same can be said about masterone above.

  12. In 30 shows I’ve always considered masteron E or even p to be weak as hell, is it maybe the quality I’m getting or is it just a weak compound in general? 300-700mg felt zero different as well


    I don't know man.. I only use those hardeners when I cut which is usually 1 x year. 300mg masterone makes drastic difference in my physique almost instantly. as I'm getting older, I don't like the look masterone or tren(haven't touched it in yrs), makes my skin look older with too much veins.

  13. Awesome G-Balls51, glad we could get the insight of a highly tenured member here on a new provisional source, complete with bloodwork, and after enough time to feel the product actually working. Very cool! Also thank you so much for being mindful of OPSEC by including the amount of time you received the package in, great stuff!!


    Sorry meant thumbs up

  14. My air bag, OBD sensor stolen. Car drives fine just can't blow horns as the cover on the steering wheel is missing lol. Car was parked on my building parking lot and they won't do anything about it. Thought about calling my car insurance but was told not to by someone who worked in insurance company. He says they'll increase my rate on next payment cycle. It'll cost me 1350 from my autoshop using all dealer bought parts including labor. Apparently honda is popular target for stolen parts.

    No one knows how they break in. Watch this...

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