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Posts posted by myosaurus

  1. The second you walk in to the door you can see dumbellpress doing bent over single leg curl naked. On his left, navy doing belt squat with weights strapped on his balls standing on 2 boxes. Then on the right you can see rawdeal vertical leg pressing 8 plates a side. all of them are naked.... picture that...

  2. Welcome sir. It's an inspiration to see someone in his 50's still going strong.

    Looks like our proud ghey sailor's got his eyes on you. Watch him and his schmoes like ET.

  3. so my mother's been suffering with acid reflux for some time. she's also a heavy coffee drinker. she recently bought this korean brand raw ginseng but imported from canada. she made a very diluted tea out of it and been drinking few here and there and now she swears that acid reflux is gone and her appetite is back. now i don't have acid reflux anymore but I decided to have a cup. an immediate appetite increase was very noticeble.

    so does ginseng have any use for meathead who uses tren or orals to boost appetite and fight acid reflux?:)

  4. My question that hasnt been asked is how steep is your angle on the incline? Too steep, your front delts will take over and it becomes more of a shoulder movement. For inclines, I usually use a flat bench and put a 25 pound plate under one end. That is enough of a change in angle to help shift the stress to your upper pecs.


    Welcome back. And that's a solid advice.

  5. its normal to lose sex drive when coming off. everything was enhanced during cycle..., size, strength, aggression, sex drive.... then you stop them you go through withdrawal just like any drugs. yes you're still taking little something to bridge but it won't be like while on cycle. chances are, you'll be even worse if completely off.

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