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Posts posted by Bigbri

  1. I'm running 500 cyp with 375 deca now im a little watery and feel lethargic at times but gaining good size. I liked my prior test and winny run way better this spring. Just my take though. I really responded well to winny. I won't run deca anymore after this. Npp only now for 8 weeks max.

  2. Hey Caged, thanks for all the great info. Much appreciated. What you would recommend for someone in their late 30s, done having kids, looking to get back some size energy and strength they had back in their mid 20s. Not looking to put on 20lbs, just looking for more density and strength while being as safe as possible for the long run. Don't plan on cycling just staying on for good now. Basically a safe blast and cruise avoiding orals if possible. I've read test/eq is a nice 6 month run then drop the eq and do HRT test for the rest of the year to hold gains. Thanks again.

  3. NPP kicks in and clears out much faster than Deca which means safer IMO. I had better, faster results on NPP with less sides too. And I only ran it for 8 weeks. Won't run deca anymore after doing NPP.

  4. NPP would be a safer option than deca. 300-500mg/week is perfect for 10 weeks & run the test for the full 16. Kicks in faster and clears faster than deca. Plus dbol first 4 and the last 4 weeks. Great run there. I ran 300 a week once w/ cyp and dbol and loved it.

  5. Great info Irish. Been reading a lot about this low test way to cycle lately and it makes sense. How do you pin your 350 Sust? Once a week or do you split it up .5 ml eod? I tried the Mexico preloads back in the day pinning once a week and loved it. Then a couple years ago I ran sust again at 250mg eod and had the worst sides ever. So my next run I might just pin 500 once a week for 15 weeks with some winny.

  6. Ken, what's your opinion on what to run after being off for 1.5 yrs? 36 yrs old done having kids. Going back on and staying on. Endo couldn't get my levels back after 3 hardcore PCTs attempts w/ pharm grade HCG, clomid nolva. No luck. So i'm taking things in my own hands now. Been a real shitty past 18 months. Time to feel good again you know. I have t prop, npp, T cyp, winny and Sust on hand ready to roll. Not worried about size just want to tighten up, get the energy, strength and libido back. I do hold water easily so I need to be careful of that. Never ran tren either, but since I'm not coming off, now might be the time. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks bro.

  7. Anyone try his Rotex Medica Test E amps? I've heard good things about Q as well for HG. Just never pulled the trigger. Try to stick to our great sponsors here. But HG is hard to find these days.

  8. I did it intra m. 1 or 2 mls of bac water into the vial and take it all at once 100mcg single dose. Go to Pro M and look up Dr. G. He breaks down the exact pct protocol using trip, clomid and nolva. He says to avoid HCG at all costs. In fact my new endo said the same thing. Said I should never have been put on HCG to begin with. Said it set back my recovery by 6 months. Labpe has good peps.

  9. HCG is a waste IMO for pct. Short term help only that's why it should only be used while on. Avoid it at all costs for PCT. As soon as you stop it test goes in the tank again. Plus estro skyrockets while on it. Doc put me on it for 6 months. All I did was waste a ton of $. Felt ok while on it. When I stopped though test was back to below normal again. Did triptelorian then and felt much better. Been off for a year now.

  10. Try Triptelorian peptide. 1 shot PCT. Great info on it here on AB. Get it at any peptide site. Cheap too. Worth a shot. 100mcg dose is all you need. You can follow it up w/ Clomid or Nolva for 4 weeks if you like.

  11. First hand info age 36 cycled for just over 2 yrs 8 weeks on 8 off. came off last May. Did strong PCT HCG, clomid, Nolva and even tried Trip GNRH as well as a last resort. Still not back to normal. Will be a full year off end of May. Pretty sure I'll have to go on HRT for good soon cause I'm sick of feeling like shit. Seeing a 2nd Endo right now after dealing w/ a complete moron for 6 months who didn't have a clue. IMO If you are over 30 and done having kids blast and cruise. Don't ever come off. Under 30 you can still cycle and feel great.

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