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Cult Rituals

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Posts posted by Cult Rituals

  1. I think once you setup a website domesticly the clock starts ticking till you get busted.


    Certainly draws more attention.


    Don't know if they're related to Nextdayhgh, never tried either personally.

  2. Can't imagine why anyone would even begin to give a fuck whether this twat was still posting or not.


    I see you've got a nice new May '18 join date with a whopping two posts so maybe you're just here to drum up business for him?

  3. Used it for a cut in the past, I just dose at night before bed and don't really have to deal with the hunger.. I've also noticed that even when you dose in the day time, the hunger side effects only last for about two weeks before I stopped noticing it.

  4. I'm my humble opinion test, tren and var cutting cycle keto type of diet to bring bf% down. I would say use Mast but fat is high. I'm sure members will have different opinions take if for what it's worth do research plan it out. Diet will be the most important factor along with cardio that will be your foundation gear secondary.



    Why would you bother taking tren with low carbohydrates when one of the main reasons tren is so good is because of the way it partitions carbs?


    Diet while off or cruising so you don't bother wasting time on higher dose anabolics cutting weight without building as much as possible. Try and get your bodyfat sub 15 at least before hopping on in my opinion. And then in terms of cycle, if you've already used everything you have on hand:


    Test E 350mg a week

    Tren A 300-525 a week

    Mast E don't bother with it unless you're just looking to feel better mood wise, or you've cut to sub 10 bodyfat.


    I don't care for Dbol or Var, but your mileage may vary. Dbol is better for strength and size, even if you piss most of it out after you come off.

  5. Honestly only reason is because of my job, which strongly prohibits any sort of substance abuse and the potential of having that history come forward. But I suppose that would be my next step.


    Not sure what country you're located in, but assuming you're in the united states "HIPAA prohibits employers from accessing patient records or insurance claims because it could result in discrimination. If an employer wants to see any of your medical information, the employer would need to receive your written permission."


    Aside from that, no one said you had to go and do a tell all when you see your endo, they can put the pieces together pretty well without you needing to spell it out for them. If you are really that concerned about it that is.

  6. Far be it from me to comment on someone who actually HAS their MD, but Dr. sScally oftentimes overdoes it with the things he suggests (PoWeR PCT) and suggests things that are counter intuitive to recovery, like running HCG which is supressive during your SERM protocol while trying to recover during PCT. There are plenty of guys on forums that can give you advice on having a kid during heavy blasts, typically all you need is HCG, and maybe Clomid. Aside from that, if recovery of your testosterone levels isn't your primary function here, then your best bet would be to just get your sperm analyzed and see where you're at in terms of count. If you're low, look into HMG (can't really offer any insight on this)/HCG/Clomid, and you'll probably get to where you want to be. If you're planning on staying off the gear long term/forever, I would recommend my previous suggestions though.

  7. You should have been comfortable with the risk of permanent shutdown if you were planning on running shit for two years, hell; there are people who can't recover after ONE cycle. Do you know your levels from before your use? Is the updated bloodwork from AFTER the Clomid cleared your system (since that could be giving you higher testosterone readings)? There are a few options left for you if you really feel like giving it another go.


    Wait a little while for everything to clear your system and then you can go ahead and give these options a whirl:

    1 dose of 100mcg GnRH (Triptorelin)


    Some people with choose to run

    Nolvadex 20/20/10/10 OR

    Toremifine 30/30/15/15

    alongside this to combat estrogen rebound.


    If you go this route I cannot stress to you how important it is that you find a reputable source for this compound, as it is used for CHEMICAL CASTRATION at higher dosages, and that is definitely not something you want to fuck with.. If that doesn't put you off, there's some good anecdotal evidence floating around, and one piece of actual medical evidence from an Italian clinic I believe that showed efficacy.


    Your second choice is fairly similar to what you've already run:

    You can start by attempting to run HCG again for a week at 500-1000 3x

    Wait until that has left your system (~3 days)

    Then run 20mg nolva or 60 mg torem everyday and 25mg clomid everyday for a longer duration than a regular post cycle therapy, you were running shit for two years, and decided to come off, it only makes sense that you would have to run a more extensive post cycle therapy. I've seen up to 12 weeks mentioned in the past, not saying that you should do that, simply throwing it out there.


    You can always just hop back on, get on TRT, get your bloods checked regularly and live a normal and easy life with very stable testosterone levels.


    If you don't like any of these choices, I'd recommend researching specialists in your area or country and contacting them, see what they have to say. You may have done irreversible damage to yourself, or you may have just had shit testosterone levels before you hopped on and this is where you would be at anyway.

  8. I'm surprised no one has said anything about his chosen length of cycle with a long estered test.. 10 weeks on cyp? Cool, I guess he'll notice something for 6 weeks at most? I'd recommend at least 14 weeks to get a solid 10/11 weeks of feeling like you're on.

  9. Sleep quality pretty great with it, I dose it at night time so I don't really deal with the lethargy or hunger.. Look fuller, on restricted calories and my muscles are still very rounded. I enjoy it, and I'll be running it for the foreseeable future.

  10. There's a lot of conflicting material out there about TRT yes, because it is actually a studied practice. There are very few studies about the dangers of cycling, especially when older, and using very suppressive compounds like deca (not saying that its not safe or one of the more mild popular steroids, however). TRT in general to me, seems much more safe than putting yourself on a hormonal rollercoaster that you may never really recover from especially at a more advanced age, I would honestly speak with a good endo in your area and they could possibly put some of your fears to rest. I know this is just unsolicited advice at this point, so I won't really go any further. In terms of your cycle, it looks fine especially if you were to up the test to 750 or 800 as I already said.

  11. I'd run it for longer, and probably up the test, I usually prefer to keep the test double what my deca dose would be. I'm mostly just curious as to why a 40 year old man wouldn't be blasting and cruising at this point?

  12. EPO and EQ aren't going to help with Tren my man.. It's not a red blood cell thing. I've had success with Singulair (Montelukast) and Bronkaid, while on, maybe give one or both of those a shot.

  13. Bell just released some elbow sleeves, similar to the knee sleeves he was already making. Ordered up a pair last week and used them today when I hit heavy incline. Strength is way up currently and my tendons have been a little achey when I hit bench too hard, shit worked out great for me. I also use his knee sleeves for squatting, after years of playing rugby and thai boxing its the only way I can squat pain free.

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