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Cult Rituals

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Posts posted by Cult Rituals

  1. Literally have nothing but positive to say about their product, and service. Myo said it was due to them not paying their fee on time, which I would imagine will be resolved shortly, in my time here I've also seen long standing sources forget to pay their fees on time and have their threads pulled. M1T, they apparently have a presence on other boards so I'm sure they didn't vanish. kile, they apparently used to be Paxton, or at least had some affiliation with them, I think I remember reading that it was a partnership that dissolved, which who can say if its true or not. Paxton did have mixed reviews in general. In terms of the reaction you're having to their oil, I saw their rep say to you in their thread that it could possibly be an allergy to their carrier oil which is fairly uncommon.

  2. Never been a big fan of EQ myself, really does a number on my hemocrit levels. For my personal taste I'll always take higher test and a lower secondary compound (primo, npp, masteron) unless we are talking about tren. Your cycle is fine , can't really critique it too much since you haven't gone into your goals for it however.

  3. I don't bother with yoga because I imagine going to a class would be a miserable time. I do incorporate a lot of active and assisted stretching into my routine though, also I go see a Fascial Stretch Therapist once a month or more depending upon how torn up I'm feeling.

  4. I kept going back as my mind wanted to read 325 and I was seeing 525... Yeah, 525mg of Tren a week to start for his first time would put him in orbit. You might just accidentally vaporize a human passing by on the street. And your piss will be orange. The Tren cherry should be broken with acetate ester and starting around 150-250 a week depending on age and receptivity to gear. I've been stuck on the bad side of Tren E and it makes for a few real tense days of coming down. Wouldn't recommend it.


    First ever tren run for me was:

    200mg test prop a week

    525 tren ace a week


    Didn't have a single issue with wanting to vaporize anyone. We are at least talking about someone with some hormone experience in the OP and not a total newbie. Which factored in to me recommending the same dose I started at, which was perfectly fine for me.

  5. Four years since you've run anything and the first thing you did was jump on a gram of test? That's perhaps a little unnecessary.. If you've never run tren before I always recommend doing ace, if the sides wreck you, you're waiting substantially longer for tren e to clear your system. If you can easily obtain tren ace, I'd recommend this:


    500 test weekly

    525 tren a weekly for 4 weeks to gauge how you handle the sides.


    Then you can increase the tren gradually depending upon your goals, et cetera. You didn't give a whole lot of information in terms of what your stats are, what you were hoping to gain from this cycle, so I can't really say too much else. Running nandrolone and tren together is usually a recipe for a broken dick for the duration of your cycle though, and some pretty shit progesterone sides, if you're prone to that sort of thing.

  6. Don't really think you can say for certain when it comes to compounds, as people react differently. In my experience there are things that you can notice from just about every compound when you're on it even if it's a more aggressive stack, granted I'm not talking about pro dosages or anything. There's always going to be a way to get the most bang for your buck though, and thats why knowing your goals and what compounds work with them is so important.

  7. I wouldn't let one issue you had with BTC jade your opinion about it all too much, there are all types of guys who have lost cash via WU, MG, wire, and CIM. There is no 100% way to ensure everything is going to go smoothly, just another reason to stick to reputable sources on a board that will hold them accountable for their fuckery if they choose to do it.

  8. I am noticing much along the lines of sides (yet) two weeks into 50mgs EOD of Tren A. The only thing I am noticing is slightly more pronounced musculature and more sweating than normal. I am actually calmer than usual right now but I think that has to do with the fact that I am hyper sensitive to knowing that there could be emotional sides so I am going out of my way to be especially nice, courteous, and avoiding drama while on. Now that I think about it maybe a slight touch of insomnia but that is just because my body temp is up and I am actually waking up in the middle of the night fanning myself with the blanket. AC is on full blast with a two fans pointed on right at me at all times and I am still feeling uncomfortable due to excessive heat. Oh yeah, strength is maintaining on a lower cal diet as I am switching from NPP to Tren A for a bit of a cut for next 3 months.

    My question is, at what point do the sides really kick in while on Ace and also, how many of you guys have respiratory issues on Tren? At 50mgs EOD of Tren Ace I don't feel anything peculiar, yet. I know it's dose dependent so at what dose do you start feeling like absolute dog shit? Is it a cumulative thing?


    I do ED dosing to keep it more stable in the blood and found that minimized sides for the most part. I was sweaty as all hell when I took it which I forgot to mention previously. If you haven't noticed anything by week two then you'll probably be good to go, however it wasn't until week three or so for me at 50mgs every day that I really began to notice everything. Respiratory shit wasn't too great, I hopped a brick wall after someone to pull them out of a bar and by the time I caught up with them after pushing through a crowd and running a bit I had to grab them and tell them not to fucking move while I caught my breath. Sides for me were totally fine at 50mgs ED I thought about taking it up to 75 but never have, as I got good results from 50. I'd be worried about having even shittier cardio, shedding even more, and being unable to do anything but thinking about fucking every woman I see.

  9. Never anything mental really except more violent thoughts, and more sexual thoughts. Never had any night terrors or anything like some people claim to have, or weird depression. I'll just echo what everyone else said and say it makes you a lot shorter with people, the only people that didn't happen with are women and only when we were talking about sex and shit. I also shed hair like a fucking maniac on it and that's coming from a person without MPB on either side of his family.

  10. ALA is supposed to eliminate free radicals so I could see that being helpful. NAC basically does the same thing but taking them both wouldn't be overdoing it. I wouldn't overdo it with ALA or NAC personally, just take it at the recommended dosages. Tumeric should be relatively easy to find, especially if you've got any kind of health food grocer near you. Finally there's some food that helps in maintaining liver health and function, one of the main ones being cherries, and what do you know, they're in season so I'd recommend you picking some up as well.


    Take it easy with the regiment though, taking too much shit is just going to add stress to your body whether its supposed to help it or not.

  11. Well, I want a re-test on my Mast Prop. There is no reason for me to replace Mast Prop with something else, seriously. Especially if my Tren E, Tren A, and the others muscle96ss tested, came out positive. Those raws costs more than Mast Prop raw.


    I'm going to look into getting some Mast Prop sent off to that lab Mag mentioned. And I welcome anyone else who has some Mast Prop of mine to do the same. I'll be sending some Primo in as well.


    And my Primo didn't test out as Mast E or EQ because it's not, it's primo. Primo raw is unmistakeable in characteristics, and could never be confused with Mast E or EQ to an experienced brewer. I do conduct melting point tests on raws, but you all I know I would be lying if I said I send all my raws to be HPLC tested.


    Regardless, all these tests are always so subjective because of so many variables. It still always comes down to whether or not you trust the person who sent the sample off for testing. It's like if I sent some samples off, which I am just for my own peace of mind, there would still be people saying it wasn't fair that I had the sample sent off, and therefore the test results are skewed.


    But, I'm all for people testing products. I have no problem with it personally.




    Happy D chimed in, his masteron was great when I've used it, great hardness, extra leanness, kept estrogen sides away, thats why I was curious what his mast would've possibly popped for if not that.

  12. This thread just sucks,im going to bed,you guys wanna do good then do it right,dont ruin peoples buisiness for ur own gain,thats not right,im sure plenty of sources stuff isnt as advertised,at my age as long as the test is good,i dont care,i never did primo and mast took out my hair,they both suck and i wouldnt touch either ever again,this started before just sources looking for buisiness,bad buisiness


    I fail to see how it's okay for a source to blatantly lie about contents simply because "plenty" of sources do the same thing. AB is a great board because here more than anywhere else the members look out for one another and have each other's backs. If a source is blatantly lying then they deserve to take a hit to their business, you shouldn't want someone to able to take someone's money and give them a product that is less than, simply because they're in this game. I appreciate that there are people here willing to do the dirty work when it comes to the testing, and they're taking a ton of flak over something that while may not have been executed as well as it could have been is still good for the board in the long run.


    As for the tests Muscle96ss ran, I'd be curious to hear what Defiant's Mast-Prop popped for if not that.

  13. Take it easy with the AIs, crashed estrogen is no fun, creaky joints, limp dick, no sex drive, and depending on what you use (adex and letro) you will have to deal with a nasty rebound as well. Keep aromasin on hand, take it if you feel side effect, I don't get any unless I'm running test at ~750 which I don't ever do anymore anyhow. If you've got low enough bodyfat, and don't have a predisposition to estrogen sides (i.e.pubertal gyno) you should be okay at ~500.

  14. Test e. Keep it simple. 1 shot a week. 200-300mg/week. 8 weeks.


    Evaluate the cycle at the end, see what you liked, you don't like. Go back to the drawing board.


    8 Weeks for a long estered cycle? He won't even notice anything until week 4. If he was going to do a long estered cycle, I'd recommend 12-15 weeks, not too long, not too suppressive, and long enough to actually realize you're on a compound. Beyond that, one shot a week with something like enanthate can cause a problematic hormone spike for some users, better to keep your blood levels stable as far as I'm concerned.


    As far as the dosing, that is a very conservative first cycle, I know from all of my interactions with you that you run the bare minimum when it comes to gear, and it works for you because you know how to eat, you know how to train, et cetera, you can't expect every new guy to be at that level, 300mgs(very conservative)-500mgs is all I would recommend to a first time user, and the 300 would only be to someone who really knew what they were doing and only wanted a slight boost. Ultimately you're going to be shut down anyhow so running 200mgs versus 500mgs is pointless in my mind.


    Personally, I recommend short esters (all I really use myself) for first time users, pinning EoD isn't too much of a hassle, and it will give you a chance to learn the spots and techniques. Aside from that, prop and phenyl prop have most percentages of test available due to their esters, something like 80% versus 60% of enanthate. Finally it's much easier to clear from your system, if you get on, realize it isn't for you, I wouldn't want to wait around for two weeks for the sides or whatever you didn't like to clear.


    Finally OP, I'd suggest you go back to the library and do a lot more research, from what I can gather in this thread you don't know fuck all, got here from 4chan's /fit/ or the misc, heard about one of the most powerful cycle combinations and wanted to try it out so you can get some sweet aesthetics brah... I hope you'll put in the time and do the research required so you don't fuck yourself up, and learn about these POWERFUL and sometimes dangerous compounds.

  15. Cult, I have taken peptides with gh in the past and I found that my jaw started to hurt extremely bad. It go to the point that i had to discontinue. Has anyone else had a similar experience. Can anyone recommend a peptide company that has some food stuff? I might give it a go again.

    Never experienced that. What I would tell you to look into would be GHRP-2 (or 6 if you want to be fucking hungry all the time) & Mod GRF 1-29. If you're in your 30s you might simply be better off running real growth. For someone in their early twenties though running ghrp-2 and mod grf 1-29 is highly beneficial and probably better than running real gh. If you're interested shoot me a PM and I can let you know where to check.

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