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Cult Rituals

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Posts posted by Cult Rituals

  1. Never needed anyone to make me go to the gym or push me for reps. There are a lot of guys I'm cool with at the gym and if I need a spot or something I won't hesitate to ask, but I've never saw the benefit of having a training partner. If nothing else it would just slow me down.

  2. How keepable your gains are boils down to how far beyond your genetic limit you are, how seriously you continue to train and eat, et cetera. A lot of weight you will lose after you come off if you're running longer estered shit or anything that makes you hold water, will be water weight. Chances are that even if your training and eating is spot on you'll still drop around five pounds after the cycle, beyond the water weight. I've never really lost so much size between that it was noticeable to me on anything other than a scale.


    Time on + PCT = Time off for new users/younger guys.

  3. If you're taking MP clen, you're not the first person to have this problem, that guy's clen is fucking insanely pure and most people aren't used to it. I tossed my cookies and felt like shit on a couple occasions when I took it over the summer.

  4. You've got to be a real dumb fuck to honestly believe that if you "accidentally" downloaded a file that was mislabeled in a foreign language that's enough to trigger LE to come kick your door in. The fucker wouldn't be on the run if it was all just a big misunderstanding. Whoever came up with that explanation does not respect the community's intelligence in the slightest. What a fucking joke.

  5. The whole planet fitness thing is hypocrisy incarnate, they claim it is a "judgement free zone" where you can workout in peace, yet they have an alarm that is triggered when you're being a "lunk", which is them passing judgement on you. Its a fucking sad state when people need places like this to feel like they can "safely" workout. If you come up to me in the gym and honestly ask a question, or want advice chances are I'll give it to you if its not about "how did you get so big?" "are you on steroids?" "where do you get your steroids?" "what's your cycle?", and that's the case with most of the bigger guys I know, some of the most humble and nicest people in a gym, as we all understand that we started from the same point.


    However all Planet Fitness' aren't the same, the rules are enforced by the management and sometimes the people who work there are cool, is my understanding.. But what the fuck am I going to go to a gym that only has up to 75lb dumbbells and no squat racks for anyway?

  6. If you're running ManPower's clen I would recommend you start at 20mcg and see how you deal with it, that is some potent shit. Aside from that unless you're taking benadryl to keep your receptors happy, you can't run clen for that long, that's why its done in a 2 week on 2 week off protocol.


    If you're really desperate to try and get the weight off run two weeks of clen, then run two weeks of an ECA or NYC stack, then after those two weeks switch back to clen, ad nauseum until you've got your desired results.

  7. we have entered a new realm of sickness and we are raising a generation of narcissistic sociopaths.




    Shit I think you're talking about me now.


    In all seriousness though, I'm one of the younger guys here, in my early twenties I grew up when all this shit really started to get serious, I don't recall exactly what year I was in when columbine happened but that really changed everything. That same year in my school a couple of "goth kids" got expelled after they were found out to have been planning a school shooting. I don't have the context to say with authority, but I do have common sense and reasoning skills so I will say I don't think that this generation is inherently worse than ones previous to it, we are just living in a different society (all of us), each new mass murder seems to raise the bar and make the next fuckwad try something more extreme. The internet also plays into a lot of this shit (not with the case specifically) but as far as killers wanting attention goes, back when there was a serial killer who wanted to become infamous in the 30s-90s all he was able to do was contact news papers and try and leave hints as to why they were doing it, so the public could get a peek at their 'manifesto' if you will.. Now all you've got to do is film the act and upload it to the internet, there are hundreds of sites willing to host the filth, and leave it up for anyones viewing pleasure, the most recent example of this being Luka Magnotta (the Ice Pick killer) who would have probably continued to elude police if he wasn't so stupid as to go to an internet cafe in Germany to read about his own case.


    I'm rambling now so I'll just cut it here with this in closing, I don't think the world is any sicker than it used to be, I just think its easier for people to indulge their sickness in a more public way.

  8. I feel bad for the the people drinking starbucks and dunkin donuts swill and think they're getting a decent cup of coffee (not that they can tell due to how much cream and sugar they add). Good coffee has such complex flavors that it is absolutely insane to add anything to it, you are dulling the notes so much. I used to just drink whatever coffee was put in front of me, with the occasional shot of espresso, but man.. after drinking some fine ass black coffee that was made properly it changed the game. So I can't encourage people who like coffee enough to try the real deal shit. Drinking starbucks/dunkin/whatever other shit chain is like using Alin for your gear when you've got access to the best sources here.

  9. You can buy different size chemex, the largest brews 10 cups, standard one holds three I believe. It doesn't take a whole lot to get the process down, it takes about 10 minutes or so when you first learn how to do it, now that I'm proficient I'd say a bit longer than five minutes. I would never go back to drinking a standard cup of coffee again though, that is how good it is. You can also add more beans to make it stronger, and more full bodied, et cetera. So, I would say its definitely worth it. A Keurig would probably be fine for most people, the type of people who are opposed to black coffee and just thing all coffee is the same.


    As far as the brand you can just google chemex and there is the actual chemex brand, that's what I would recommend, you can buy filters etc there as well. Beans are per your choice, check around for a highly touted coffee shop and head in to ask about their beans for sale. If you want to try out a chemex before you buy to see how really great it is, most real coffee shops will have it and be able to brew you a cup.

  10. /fit/ is the asshole of beginner fitness websites which is sub board of 4chan. 4chan is an anime image board which has attacked countless websites including one that I worked for in the past. /fit/ is worse than the misc if you can imagine that: https://boards.4chan.org/fit/


    Welp, you beat me to the punch saying nearly the exact same thing.

  11. I sen't him a PM about that after reading his post. Hopefully he will do the right thing and keep AB a closely guarded secret.


    You can hope that, but from what you can tell over there, those folks are constantly talking about how GH15 is so great, linking directly to his board, and a lot of his members seem to be from there (my estimation from the inane shit they say and their use of memes) so I wouldn't count on it.


    Ben, 4chan is an 'anonymous' image board that is mostly frequented by 14-20somethings who are into internet memes, internet culture, animes, et cetera, there are further specialized boards and one of them happens to be /fit/. /fit/ is generally made up of teenage kids who want to look like Zyzz and pose stupid questions about steroids constantly, threads where they post pictures of themselves and ask if "u mirin'?", and are mostly retarded. Some of my college friends spend their time perusing 4chan especially the /fit/ board and from what I can see, it is a much more idiotic version of Bodybuilding.com's Misc board, which is not something I say lightly because if you've ever been there you know how stupid it is.

  12. Wouldn't call myself an endurance athlete at all, but I do road cycle around campus, and to and from work. I generally put about twenty miles a day in give or take depending. Never felt any real endurance bump due to AAS usage though, granted cycling isn't something I'm specifically training for, so it wouldn't be something I was paying attention to. Theoretically Anavar for endurance athletes as it prevents muscle wasting.


    On a side note, sprinting on the bike for long distances makes your quads and calves look like NOTHING else.

  13. Check 'em out. It'll take you a couple times to get it right (as it did with the french press I'm sure) but when you do, the flavor profile you're experiencing is fucking outstanding and they're generally pretty cheap, especially if you've already got a grinder, which you must have if you've got a french press.

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