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Posts posted by HxCTy

  1. You want to maintain as natural production as you can? Run less gear, use less crap pct,eat healthy and train intensely.


    Look at this way, your looking to cycle test right? So as of right now your planning 200+mg/week of test and hcg? Whats your next cycle going to consist of same? More dosages? More compounds?


    I highly recommend staying away from this 'broscience' on many boards, just try 200mg/week of test e. Who knows maybe you body will fine, you notice nothing, maybe your balls shrink some? You never know but I'd advise staying off as many drugs as you can until you see they are needed. Maybe buy the hcg and keep it to the side. Just I highly advise less drugs=more long term.


    Where I come from PCT is unheard of unless you run tren(and only the extreme bodybuilders run it),no one even knows what hcg is, and test is a rarity...


    Thanks brother, I'll run a lower dosed cycle then, have HCG on hand just in case, and have g good PCT in place as well. Thanks for the advice and explanation

  2. What's your concern with shutdown, trying to have kids? Sometimes the boys don't really shrink to a noticeable degree if that's what your worried about. I've never done 2 on 2 off, either all the way through or at the end


    No, not trying to have kids. The exact opposite actually lol. Just trying to maintain my natural production as high as is reasonably possible. Ok thanks for the head up. I'll probably do all the way through then.

  3. hcg during to keep your boys running properly, 250 iu's every 3-4 days will be plenty. Or you could wait until closer to the end of your cycle and increase the dose per week to 1000iu's. Your choice with having things "shutdown" or not. I've used both ways and my sack is still sitting pretty :)


    Alright, thanks for the info. I think I might just run it on cycle to prevent shutdown. I've read that it's only supposed to be ran for short periods, only like two weeks I believe? Does that mean I run it for two weeks multiple times spaces throughout the cycle? Or only once?

  4. cycle like mu said dont go over 500mg test a week i would try 250 n see wat kind of gains u make from that i throw 200 mg eq a week also


    pct hcg n aromasin


    for anti estro purposes have adex on hand if prob does accure do one tab every three days reason why i dont like nolvadex theres been lots of research on how it can lower igf levels hope all goes well keep us updated


    I've read the same about nolva. Which is why I avoided it in the past. But I do keep some on hand just in case. So I should be running HCG on cycle and in my post cycle? How much should I dose?

  5. Hey great to see some new guy not trying to runs tons of stuff for their first cycle. You earned my respect for that.


    To be honest man, I'd run only 200mg/week of test e for first cycle. Good lord I could imagine what 500mg/week could do for strength. The way I see it my friend, run less=no pct, less side effects, less bad everything. But to each their own. Run it 6 weeks see how it goes. TRUST ME if your diet and training is on par, test can do some amazing stuff for you if you know what your doing. Thing is when your start off at larger dosages your already setting yourself up for wanting more down the road.


    Pin it in the butt. I'll never pin anywhere else except for my shoulder for vit b injections. You never know if you get a bad batch, bad injection etc and last thing you want is an obvious welt or red spot that can draw attention. For needles check out Amazon. I've personally only used 23g 1" for my booty,but some say 25g should be fine(I'd research this before you order a 25g).


    Wish you the best of luck either way!



    Thanks for the advice! I've always prefered to air on the side of caution when it comes to trying new compounds. Especially ones as potent as AAS. Ok, so I'll do a 6 week run of Test E at around 200mg per week. Should be easy enough to do. Plus that means I put out less money for gear which is always cool. Well, now it's just a matter of getting my Gear (and hopeing my source is legit) and getting some pins and I'll be good to go. Thanks for everyone's advice so far. I really appreciate the helpfulness of everyone here considering I'm so new.

  6. Nolva and Clomid for PCT, if its not broken don't fix it. Most of the guys here would tell you the same I'd wager. You should get some HCG as well, in case your testicles atrophy because that shit isn't pleasant to deal with.


    Thanks for the heads up. Not sure on the doseages for HCG. What kind of needles are needed, and how frequent do I have to pin it?

  7. Thanks for the heads up, Ive just always used Torem in my previous PCTs and have had great results, but it stands to reason you need different SERMs for different cycles. So no more than 500mg per week of test, and Aromasin eod on cycle. Plus a nolva/clomid combo for pct. Any other on cycle supps you recommend?

  8. Hello everyone! I'm pretty new here so here's a little about myself:





    11-13% bodyfat

    6 years lifting, 2 years serious


    I have done 3 Ph cycles in the past, (Epistane, H-drol and currently in a Ultradrol/Stano-200 cycle) and I think I'm ready to move into the world of AAS since I know it's better in the long run anyway. I would've just started here, but I had the typical noob fear of pinning. I'm still a bit apprehensive over it, so I'm hoping for pointers.


    I have a source which I'm pretty sure is legit to get some Test E, which is what I'm planning to run. I'm thinking I'll run a cycle that looks like this:


    Test E 500mg per week(250mg every 3 days)

    Either Arimadex or Aromasin (not sure which would be better)


    And then for PCT a Torem/clomid combo with some natty test boosters like DAA.


    Any feedback is appreciated. I'm very new to this, so help on where to pin, and what needles to use/where to get them would be extremely helpful. Thanks in advance AB!

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