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Posts posted by johnny

  1. Also a HUGE fan of high test with low additives. Trial and error has proven this more effective than anything for myself. Personal favorite I have is this...adjust to your own liking but ya get the jist....

    1-4 30mg Dbol ED (everyone loves dbol :) )

    1-16 Test E 750mg EW (I like iran test e 250 amps out of all types ive tried best)

    1-16 EQ 300mg EW

    1-10 Test prop 100mg E3rdD

    1-10 Tren 75mg E3rdD (wickeds combo works great for this dose).

    1-24 HGH 4-5ius EOD

    days1-30 IGF ED kit divided even.

    days60-90 same for IGF

    days 130-160 same for IGF (PCT time)

    T4 cycled with IGF

    HCG once a week 750ius

    PCT suggestions.....

    16-20 HCG 500ius M/W/F 500ius

    16-24 40mg Nolva ED

    16-20 50mg Clomid ED

    16-24 12.5 mg Aromasin ED

    Get levels checked before the cycle and agian after week 20 to see if your close to normal again.


    Again this is just a cycle that worked well for me and a few friends to get jacked. Adjust everything accordingly. Its a lot of sticks but with diet on key you'll be happy with what you get. Let us know what you decide.

  2. It is disturbing that these peoples doors are kicked in and their privacy invaded along with the safety of their kids and family by our law enforcement and NOBODY stands up for them. Even people who are in the same boat turn their back on one another and play along with the system. If someone were to knock you mothers door down and hold your parents at gun point because your sister was taking birth control she bought offline cause it was cheaper would you just let it go? Same thing.

  3. Test 500mgs M and Thr

    Tren E 200mgs M and Thr

    Eq 300mgs M and Thr

    50mgs proviron ed

    .5mg arimidex ed

    10mgs nolvadex ed


    End with winny if anything.



    Galaxy is a man that always has solid advice to be trusted bud. This suggestion looks spot on. The most leaning out I ever did was on HGH at 4ius EOD cycled with T4 at 100mg ED......lost 20 somthing pounds and didnt seem to loose and inch of size if not getting bigger and stronger. Just food for thought.

  4. Wow, thanks bro, thats pretty much exactly what i was looking for, but if you have a minute, here's what i have planned for my cycle and for my post cycle therapy :



    Test Enanthate 500 mgs Week 1- 10

    Tren Enanthate 750 mgs Week 1-4

    Tren Enanthate 500mgs Week 5- 8 ( tren really shuts me down so i'm stopping it early to help my recovery)

    Anavar 50mgs ED Week 10-12

    Armidex 0.5 mgs EOD through week 12


    Post Cycle

    300 iu HCG EOD Through week 13

    Nolva 20 mgs ed during Week 12

    Nolva - 150mgs first day, then 50mgs ED for the rest of Week 13

    Nolva- 40mgs ED during Week 14

    Nolva - 20mgs ED until i run out


    Please let me know what you guys think about this regimen. Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated. Thanks.


    I would see no need for the high dose of nolva at the start. You seem to be following more of an old clomid routine. I would take the nolva 40mg ED for 2 weeks then 20mg ED for 4 weeks with hcg 3x a week for 2 weeks starting your last week of the cycle. Also have you taken tren E before? Thats a high dose of tren. Mabey try 750 test and 500 tren to keep the test higher and sex drive threw the roof...either way with a proper diet your gains should be the same if not better in the way of general feeling healthy. Tren is no joke and has taught me a lesson more than once....plus with that long ester it will be harder to adjust it.

  5. This is a copy from Anthony Roberts site. Hope it helps a little.




    "With this PCT, there will be a rapid increase in LH, FSH, and testosterone, as well as almost a complete block on all the factors that could be causing your natural hormones to be delayed in returning to baseline. For this reason, I feel that the second your cycle is over is when you should start this PCT (a week after your last shot, or the day after your last pill is fine). Remember, waiting for some of the extra androgens you’ve been taking to leave your body is nonsensical, as we want to start recovery as soon as possible to retain maximum gains. There is no evidence to suggest waiting any length of time after your cycle is over will increase PCT effectiveness…it simply prolongs the time you aren’t doing anything positive to regain your natural hormones. And how long do we run this for? Well…we need to stop the HCG relatively soon for reasons discussed earlier. But the Nolvadex, and Aromasin can be used for awhile longer. Ideally, we’d be getting weekly blood work, but we could also get it done monthly, and just running this PCT until we see our natural hormones restored…but weekly bloodwork isn’t really an option for most of us. Failing the option of monitoring recovery with blood-work, I’m going to give you my best thoughts on the time you should be running your PCT. It’s important to note I haven’t discussed nutrition or other compounds that may be beneficial…this is because in this article, I am primarily concerned with the restoration of hormonal function, nothing else. And with no further delays, here are my recommendations for PCT:"


    Week Nolvadex HCG Aromasin Vitamin E

    1 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20mgs/day 1,000iu/day

    2 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20mgs/day 1,000iu/day

    3 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20mgs/day 1,000iu/day

    4 20mgs/day 20mgs/day

    5 20mgs/day

    6 20mgs/day

  6. I throw my bottles and pinz in an old weight gainer jug. When im done (its full) I fill it with concrete and dump it in a random dumpster. I know it sounds extreme but im always scared some kids will find it and get hurt with the pinz so I do the concrete bit. The BK bag at a gas station is a great idea for the bottles though.

  7. I used his injects years ago...like 5yrs ago I think. The gains were decent. My injects were cyp and eq with his pink 50mg dbol. I broke the dbol in half and didnt notice anything compared to the pink thi's. I do remember dreading the shots cause they hurt like hell and he stated to cut it with oil. To this day I never had a cyp/Eq combo hurt that bad....prop/tren yes....cyp/eq no. Hopefully his quality has went up threw the years....he has been in business a long time.

  8. Ill say this man, and take it for what its worth because im sure it sounds like ringin my own bell but when any one of the mods on this site (whether you include me or not) bump or vouch for someone, you can be pretty damn sure yr gonna have success going that route.

    Ive come to regard my fellow mods/admins here at AB as some of the realest dudes (and girl!) BY FAR that i have come across in this community PERIOD.


    I have to agree with you on that one Dhm. I have become somewhat friends with several mods on this board and have never been set astray. It was never a mod that was in question but I see where your coming from.....this is one of the better boards though (I would say the best board but who am I to judge). UGL in general though seem to good to be true and most of the credit they get are from "mystery members" as I like to call it.....ya know, members who will tell you off about how long they've been around but never post or add anything benificial so how they hell are you supposed to know their credability. I wish there were more legit as in legal AAS labs around like back in the day....I even miss all the vet companys. It was nice to know where your gear was being produced and who to blame if a lab test came back fucked up. I guess im just getting very sceptical in my old age....I had one UGL that I trusted and was happy with their products (actually spent the time to test their products and all came back over several times). I have tried several after they stopped producing and none have impressed me. I have tests from older come and go labs that tested inconclusive for the substance they were supposed to have and I had already started taking the gear. Anyhow thanks for taking the time to reply....I appreciate you opinion and input. Take care bro.

  9. I see where you guys are coming from....I sometimes forget where im at:moron: I just get tired of trying to keep up with all the new sources and it makes it impossible with all the damn roadies giving undeserved credit everyday. I have been watching several members of this board who have well over a hundred posts but almost everyone is to the same source.....then when I check into these people to see his or her credibility, they turn out to be underweight, undereducated, and never actually used any of the goods they praised. ITS FRUSTRATING! I just wish there was a better weeding out process.

  10. ive been taking hygetropin for a week now at 8 ius 3 days a week. ever since i started ive been tired all day long, im also doing some lite test for about 3 weeks and have'nt really notice much of a difference in energy. is it normal to be tired on growth and what do you guys think the best dosage is an how often... thanks alot


    Yes its normal to be tired on GH....your body thinks its alseep when you take it. you should get used to the sides. what type of test are you taking and why for only 3 weeks??? Dose on GH depends....how did you come up with that dose/routine???


    Also age/stat's and what not would help with the suggestions.

  11. Bump anyone anything. Come on where my hgh and ghrh peeps at???




    I did some research for ya bro and it dosent look like this is going to be the choice for you. The only person I can find that has taken it (I think) is Fleem. The products work well (from what I hear) to help boost your natural GH back from a long run but do little to nothing benificial for self supplementation. I pm'ed some other bro's to see if I cant find some things that will meet your needs.


    Double checking....

    1)you cant have anything that needs refridgeration

    2)Your looking for joint support/injury rejuvination

    3)your primary goal is fat loss


    Sound right....your just looking for a little edge in training/fatloss?

  12. so what is the scoop with running insulin? how much how often?


    Slin is dangerious water my friend....It can be used safely if you know how but I would do that research on my own then ask peoples advice. Sometimes you gotta weigh the benifits to risk factor. I would say if your not a BB then juice should give you everything you need....if not then throw in GH.....last resort being slin. But to each his own this is just one mans outlook on things. Either way be careful.

  13. Im not good with powders or measurements but whoever told you that just gave you a red flag no to listen to his advice or be around him anymore. 1g is somthing like 1000mg I think (very possible m wrong). So a spoon full would be like 2000mg of hormone powder.

  14. Whats her diet look like??? I know its not the question you want to hear but sometimes people who are around athletic people think they have to start with the supps they see experienced athletes use. If its someone you truely care about please make sure she has seriously been didicated to the diet/cardio before you give her supps. There should be no realistic goal you cant reach in time without supps. Unreal strenght, muscle size, and bf ratio's are where supps play a part. So if you could post a layout of diet and cardio and or other training she does that would help enormously. Thanks bro.

  15. Can you throw me a link or something so i can read up on that a bit more bro?



    I have a book by anthony roberts (jeckyle and hide). He has been stating this also but backs it up with medical charts and research. It also includes long term studies that show EOD vs ED dose with the same weekly amount blows ED use out of the water result wise. If you still need it hit me up and I will copy and paste it up.

  16. OK why have there been studies showing that it works as a male contraceptive at like a 96% sucess rate and it was only like 200mg EOW? There are tons of studies on it but never found the time frame.


    The studies were from china and that area of the world right? I read a few also but its much easier to inhibit a woman from having a child as apposed to a man. It only takes one in a million for males which are amazing odds. The studies also dont point out a flaw in the birth control studies (normaly not show). When a man undergoes supression by the HRT his body eventially tries to remedy the problem as a survival tactic and starts producing low amounts of semen. Any bit of that low amount is more concentrated than the actual semen you produce so the odds go back up there. As galaxy pointed out....if you take anything to help aid future PCT protocals such as zinc, vita c, HCG, clomid, nolva, ect your odds go up agian. So your odds will go down a decent amount from shot one of a long ester but there is still too high of a chance and varying factors to consider it fool proof. I got my girl pregnant on this once....

    Test C 750mg (Week 8)

    Deca 400mg (week 9)


    So it all boils down to one thing....You a gambling man???:)

  17. The whole point of all the medical studies is to show the most effective/effecient way to take the drug for your goals (muscle building). The thing everyone is missing when they post their own opinion is that YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO FEEL THE DRUG OR SEE ANY IMMEDIATE RESULTS! Its kinda like investing for the future. So most people are taking the drug based on how much swelling the injection gives and how diffrent their body and mind feel which defeats the whole purpose of the dose advice. Again I am no expert im just taking the side of medical science and research instead of john doe from the gym.

  18. According to The Anabolic Freak (Dave Palumbo) in the latest MD mag he says that the most IGF-1 one should inject per day is 10-20mcgs if your looking for the best results. He writes that as the dose of IGF-1 increases the tendency for IGF-1receptors to downregulate those increases, therefore he says that regarding IGF-1 less is more. What is every ones take on this I have some coming and need some input.



    I have read this several times also(not just here) and agree with the above statement. A lot of guys think their huge and need to take 80 to 120mcg ED and all the research points against this type of use. I admit I have taken it in doses ranging from 20mcg EOD to 100mcg ED. At 100mcg ED you feel the IGF more but my results were not much greater than with the 20mcg EOD in the long term result. This is not a drug used for instant gratification and is the building blocks for future progress. Any dose above 40mcg ED starts to show signs of wasted igf in the body and the risks with side effects greatly increases. Then again im no expert and am only stating what I have read and from personal experience so take it as you will.

  19. One of my favorite stock bikes. Very clean I might add also. Nice pic's brother...your making me jelious. Wife made me get rid of mine. She refused to ride on it so I always had some other hot girl on the back (for weight distribution of courseThumbsUp ).

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