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AB V.I.P. Member
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Posts posted by 11Bravo

  1. The general publics view on anabolics reminds me of the old reefer madness propaganda. Like when they said smoking weed would make you go rape someone etc.. idiots


    Is that the old black and white film where the guy smokes weed and jumps out of the window? Fucking hilarious!

  2. I would like to know how to order too myself? I’ve ordered years ago from Alp but been ordering from Greek god labs as if lately! I can’t handle there test though I balloon up from there test! Would love to give these guys a try! You can pm me ask me anything or check Greek God Labs! I’m just wanting a new source please


    What test are you running?

  3. He was good when I first came here. I pretty much used him exclusively. When he mentioned going into retirement i bought a bunch of test e. It's weak as shit. I never had any of the primo tested bc I'm sure it's shit too. After all his bullshit I'm super surprised anyone would buy anything from him, especially hgh.

  4. That's when one our customs guys was caught. Worked with us all day, call you "my friend", then launch mortars at our berthing areas at night. Prick got what he deserved.


    Yes, sir. They get it back. I have a really funny story I'll share with you sometime.

  5. LOL saying they are in the rear with the gear is an understatement. I heard the had a lights off policy with insurgence, no fighting after 9pm.... cupcakes..


    Night time was when the Iraqi police liked to take pop shots at you.

  6. You like caradine? I have some good stuff from the guy at a board I'm pretty sure ur on. I don't like it. I'll trade ya


    Only benefit I saw to caradine was added stamina when I was first getting back to doing cardio.

  7. I run 4iu of hgh all the time. I am always blast and cruise test as well. You won't have the stamina from it like Caradine but its noticeable to me. I also take green tea extract and yohimbine pre workout. hgh and test alone will give some awesome results and I eat like shit.

  8. I really like it at 25mg a day. Fat loss is noticeable and increased stamina. I did notice that if you run it long term, over 12 weeks, your liver enzymes will be slightly elevated but nothing crazy and they will come back to normal after about a month of being off.

  9. I do not appreciate you harassing me through Private Message, Mr. Freedom. That is against the rules here at anabolicboard. You are not allowed to send harassing Private messages to members.


    Cut it out and stop harassing me through Private Message.


    You have something to say to me? Be a Man and say it to me openly on the boards. Don't be a chicken shit and send me a Private Message.


    What's up with this bullshit? This should not be tolerated.

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