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Posts posted by enjoy_tren

  1. Say it isn’t so! Ooppps I’m not suppose to interact in any threads about them, I’ll just sit back and see how this pans out.


    Cant say im suprised. People need to start using their heads when it comes to this stuff. If youre getting pressed tabs of adex that are 1mg the margin of error is too high on such a small dose. Pressed tabs of clen in micrograms....lol good luck. I remember when cbl came out and said he measures his gh with a tiny spoon and no one even batted an eye. That right there shouldve been enough for people to say wait a minute....how tf are you measurimg a few mgs with a tiny spoon by hand.

  2. Sup fellas


    Has anybody used pharmavol lately ?

    Are they good to go still ?



    His adex tested bunk at another board. Not saying his whole line is that way or hes a bad lab. Fwiw he has accepted fault and not passing the buck it seems. This is a perfect example of why not to get ai or ancillary products from research or ugl. Either go pharm or at the very least indian pharm

  3. What is your PIP experience with the Bold Cyp?


    We find that it can be PIP free when it is fresh but after it sits for 3 months it starts to become painful?


    Interesting. Ive never heard of any gear becoming more painful after it sits a while

  4. Last i ordered car parts was just before Turkey day on Nov 20th. He emailed some literature shit on Nov. 29th and has been radio silent since. Not sure wtf is going on. Never had a problem with him may have had some under dosed gear at some points but thats my experience.


    good to know. Dont feel bad, I tried taking metamucil twice a day and now I havent been able to shit since last night. Too much fiber can be a bad thing. That's been my experience

  5. I always heard that about pineapple so I ate it daily for years just for that reason. Now I’ve stopped, it seems some ladies think it memes it sour/tart & prefer all natural. Well who am I to argue, I’ll keep them happy & do away with the pineapple tidbits.


    On a side note: ET is thinking WAY too hard about this. I find it a bit disturbing. My gaydar is pegging itself on the maximum settting.


    Im just out here tackling the tough issues no one wants to talk about. Doing gods work

  6. Hmmm.... that is a very good question... I think it depends where you're dropping your load? All I can say is, get your daily dose of pineapple.


    lets explore that a little bit more shall we? So lets hypothetically say you were busting in the anus. From my prespective you can understand that it would be preferable to have very little semans in there as it would ooze out and look like you were just shitting some nasty discharge. As the receiver your opinion may vary. Now for a creampie im very much in favor of max volume and least opaqueness as possible. Few things are as satisfying as standing back after sex, watching a very open labia drooling out buckets of my seman. The facial is where it gets interesting in that you want enough volume to cover the entire face, but not so much that it gets in her eyes. I dont want anyone burning their eyes. Im a gentleman. In this scenario I would prefer a partial opaqueness and a more watery consistency here, as you want things to sort of spread themselves and let gravity work in your favor. But I have to stress that a steady hand and aim are paramount

  7. Take it from a women. Size definitely doesnt matter


    how about volume of the cum? Lets say I bust out 2 mls vs 4 mls. Is the 4 ml preferable? Also, what about the opaqueness. Do you prefer solid white or a little bit of clear in there? Im partial to the white myself. Looks like snow

  8. Noone wants govt runned healthcare.


    Here the libs are pushing for free prescriptions. Some of the shit is already free. And it bugs me the most because I'm a single mother, and im helping lazy ass cunts who suck on the govt dick for hand outs. It's so upsetting and frustrating.. 25% of my pay pretty much goes to the govt. Its disgusting. How is this fair?


    ETA: "free" = tax payers money = not free. Fucking retarded commies!


    I dont see how anyone whos actually been to the dmv here in the states has thought to themselves ..... "yeahhhhh i want these people in charge of my health"

  9. Watch the news. Satellites just located a huge methane leak. We have never been able to detect these before like we can now using satellite. Taking care of this is equivalent to taking one million cars off the roads.


    Yes global warming is real. It was real eons ago when the ice age was around. It helped turn the icy South America into a tropical jungle.


    If man is destroyed now, the planet will continue to cycle for its lifetime, cooling and heating, shifting climate locations and times. It's part of what the planet does.


    Btw, GMS, do you want to know how I know you're gay?


    obvously because he likes suckling on cocks

  10. oof


    global warming is real.


    health care for all is extremely feasible and the correct thing for humans to do for one another.


    slave reparations are logistically impossible and a leftist pipe dream designed to further racial divide.


    abortions are only a problem for those who wish to impose their own religious ideologies on others. The desire to make them illegal is no different then those who wish to legislate drug consumption, sexuality or other faith based moral positions.


    my views on veganism can be found above.


    climate change denial is just fucking dumb as fuck tho...


    I dont buy that humans are responsible for global warming. And even if they were, unless youre willing to go back to the stone age and live without modern conveniences its irrelevant until tech catches up.


    Also im not religious and against the idea of abortions. You know simply because killing a fetus doesnt appeaal to me

  11. Complete garbage. Studies were cherry picked to show only one side. The creators of the film have a vested financial interest in the vegan industry. The most fucked up part was arnold. His bb career wouldnt be shit without meat and now that some producers are throwing money at him to say something he does it. Did the same crooked shit when he was gov of ca. Ive said this before and ill say it again, arnold is the most over rated bodybuilder of all time. Had nothing but a good chest and bis

  12. How long have you been doing that? Interesting ever would have thought if that.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    at least for the last 4 years. I used it for hcg protocol to have my 2nd boy and some of those vials hung out for 3 weeks in the fridge.

  13. Damn Mountain"s Bac water $40 haven't bought any in over 10 yrs used to be $3. Need some with and syringe's for bpc 157 for some hgh soon. Better start shopping around.


    just use saline water. IMO saline works fine and doesnt degrade shit

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