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Posts posted by M0NSTAR

  1. The best way to use way use opiates is to stay 100% clear of them and not use them at all, not even 1x. I do realize that in some cases they are needed for pain, if that's the case I suggest sticking to lowest dose possible 5mg to avoid euphoria, use as needed, and keep it short term. 5mg tab is strong enough to relieve 99% of pain, unless you have some terminal cancer or something. Anything over 5mg is surely going to cause an instant euphoric feeling for a newbie, once that happens 99% of people will chase it again and get hooked within a few days. Even the strongest of men won't be able to avoid addiction once they discover the euphoria of opiates.


    Worse off is out of all the drugs to become addicted to, oxycodone is one of the most expensive. An oxy addiction will bankrupt you FAST, which will then lead to a heroin addiction and likely sicknesses, STD, jail or death. Most oxy addicts will easily go thru $100k oxy per year (street value) which is why the change over to heroin is so prominent and quick.


    If I were you I would not even try 1 pill. You're better off drinking a beer or getting laid.



    I wish getting laid was that easy, and by quality girls at that...but I agree

  2. Same here, never in my life have I had any gyno and at times I ran 3000mg of test weekly, and I'm talking HG test or Vet grade test back in day, zero gyno. I was banging out 50mg Dbol day and no issues. Then decided to ramp it up to 100mg day and all hell broke loose, gyno central. From that day fwd the hearts F with me anymore, even 50mg now gets sore nips, 30mg is my breaking point.


    Without a doubt these tabs are the absolute best Dbol you can buy, hands down. The only other Dbol I found to be equally effective was Ethical Rx out of Dom Republic they made a 3mg Dbol tab with appetite stim in it. They were only 3mg so you had to take a lot but they were AWESOME! These hearts are super strong and your strength gains will sky rocket within 1 week, I'm talking 20lbs or so more workout reps.


    They are real March brand. Everything I have is obtained in legal pharmacies and I back everything 100%, no fine print.


    Why do you think the first run at 50mg dbol didn't give you sore nips vs the second time?

  3. Im not sure what ur asking . But what i think u want is a cycle guaranteed to put on actual muscle tissue after all is said and done.


    Your gunna need 6-12 months .


    Test GH and anavar is my choice for solid steady lean muscle gains .


    However if u want to drastically put on mass and guarentee to SIZE UP


    1500-2000mg test

    800-1000 mg deca


    And any wet oral .

    6-12 months? Jesus Christ dude lol. I'm not not staying on that long anymore or using heavy doses, I'm in a get in / get out mentality these days, I totally believe that even on gear your gsins will slow down unless you really up the dose, which I'm not looking to do anymore, I want to be healthy and use minimal drugs.


    I'm doing great now without drugs making gains I think Iv gained about 6 pounds of muscle this year which is good because Iv been lifting for years. I'm just looking for boosts now to aid in gaining few pounds or ounces more each month or two or three, that's a great gain for me even yes ounces makes a difference.


    I'm never trying to become a pro like cutler , Ronnie , Ramey and those guys. There is a new division coming out this year that is called "classic" it's going away from the hgh slin guts and unhealthiness of these guys now. That gives me more realistic insentive and I can be relatively healthy still.


    But thanks seriously,your doses and what not look good but I won't ever use hgh it's not needed I feel like for me and 6-12 months never again will I stay on that long its a waste of money and stress on the body

  4. If a study was done on two natural guys to see who had a faster muscle gain or better genetics, then they found out if one was more gifted than the other and they both did drugs and training all the same way...the guy with faster rate of gain naturally would be advantaged...


    May have already done thus study but it obviously holds truth genetics helps you in bodybuilding

  5. Questions on test -

    1. I know some might be different but who here likes to keep their test lower in a cycle?

    2. Do you feel that doing really anymore than 500mg does much extra in terms of results unless maybe test is ran alone?


    Questions on proviron -

    1. How use can proviron actually be? IF I did a dbol only cycle would it be good to run this with and why?

    Anyone have experience with proviron and can share em, thank you.

  6. Yes hes bout to start on 1st an tell all if he really tells true dosages. Its all been told switching compounds keep the body guessing it cant hurt. Ive always notices 2or3wks body stops gains alot cycles ive seen people do high dosage in short period then switch and keep growing. Im doin couple high dose compounds for few months then spring start switching frequently and try it out. I will say from a good guy all things u need to be a pro is 5 things- high test, tren, anadrol, hgh, slin period

    Don't forget genetics!

  7. Although high E2 levels may not be a problem if it's not causing symptoms. Other than wasting the test that aromatizes like someone mentioned earlier.


    Whatdo you mean by wasting the test brother?


    Also do I have to follow a particular protocol with the AI or just if my estrogen is high? So how fast or how slow could estrogen go above range or under range ? Will have to go frequently and pay for bloods just to check my estrogen ?

  8. Weren't you the guy who said he was having acne problems and couldn't get an erection while on cycle?


    Those are both likely estro issues.

    Yea but Iv been off for a long time now and i was using more than I needed. But anyway tell me what you're going to suggest ? Acne is gone and libido is working great

  9. But if I never got gyno should I just not fuvk with a serm while on? Is the claim true that you can build up estro at the receptor while on serm on cycle And when stopped it can flood too much estro at once and give you,gyno that way ? Or bs? Assuming your not on craazy stack/dose and not fat eating like shit and do nohave the genetics for gyno

  10. I have a ? on nolvadex ( which I know is a serm and aromatase inhibitors are better for the job on cycle, however: ) ...if I have never done any type of anti estrogen serm or AI EVER during a cycle and never got gyno or bad bad water, should I take it next time? I heard that it could block all the estro then when you come off its all sitting at the receptor and floods you at once causes a flood of estro?


    Since I never had gyno again, should I consider it still ? And why ?


    Glad to see AB is up again

  11. At my worst I would sniff 300 to 400 mgs of oxy or roxy a day...Im glad I dont fuk with that anymore


    I'm happy you didn't turn to heroin like so many people especially in my city ...I myself could never jump to that level no matter what. I lost a brother of my friend who is my friend as well but his birthday was on thanksgiving he passed lady month. My friend found him in the basement where he sleeps said he was blue and he was abig boy very hard to try and lift him to try methods of rivival. Terrible thing that happened I was very depressed for weeks thanksgiving was nice to be with family but his birthday was hard. He left us all with many questions . I visit his parents very week. And now I have to stay on my friend all the time, he has been searching for the dealer who sold his brother the dope and has been asking me for a gun( obviously I'm not giving him any of mine).


    I'm trying to keep him from hurting himself or others, his parents cried to me told me they can't loose him too. What would you guys add to my attempts to keep him level headed?

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