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Posts posted by squat

  1. There is a huge benefit to taking HCG on cycle but on TRT its integral..HCG prevents drug induced atrophy of testicles, this maintaining of natural functioning allows the testes to continue manufacturing pregnenolone the mother of all hormones that converts to DHEA and cortisol among other hormones..Eliminating these hormones from being produced in the amounts needed can have numerous adverse effects..HCG also aids in maintaining fertility and speeds up recovery if you plan on coming off a cycle this is extremely helpful

  2. Unless you plan to have kids soon or have some genetic defect that makes trt not possible i dont get why anyone wouldnt choose trt. Muscles and bodybuilding aside, trt provides a better quality of life and is healthier than staying natty for the rest of your life.


    Even if you do plan to have kids soon..Its no given that fertility will be in the toilet and even if it is there are various things you can use alongside TRT to restore it

  3. Squat, you might have some hypothryroidism. If your T3 is low, then your TSH should be elevated as the feedback system attempts to raise your T3 levels.


    My T3 is barely below the range..My doctor says low free T3 can be caused by any number of variables and isnt in itself indicative of thyroid trouble...only a series of test if they all come back with low T3 can we be sure its a problem according to him..seems like it makes sense and am going to retest but after researching i'm thinking their is a correlation here between shutting down natural hormones through gear and TRT and lowered thyroid

  4. Is there a definitive answer on weather or not steroid use can impact thyroid functioning? My TSH is fine but I've got some low free T3 scores..I've got no labs before I started using gear so no clue if my scores have been impacted or not..Nothing overly concerning in the way of symptoms other than a higher tendency to put on fat but that may just be due to shitty diet although I'd love to be able to blame it on low T3 and just put myself on thyroid meds..Just dont want to mess up natural thyroid functioning using meds if its not needed.

  5. If you seriously wish death upon someone over an Internet forum you need to take a break from the whole internet thing.


    He snapped on me too..It seems there is some anger management needed ..Perhaps all the "members of the vault" who are so thrilled with his products can pitch in and send him to some classes...

  6. I hear you, I've been very weary of this vaultek company from the very beginning. The owner actually wished death upon me publicly on this forum.


    I've been told its the same guy involved with Paxton a now defunct lab who had similar complaints from other boards. Guess I'm out of the loop

  7. Did your bitch ass really threaten to post his info? That should be the focus of this topic.


    And in fact that was the only reason I alerted the mods at all..Had he simply said no i dont feel comfortable sending you a replacement and left it at that there would NEVER have been an issue at all

  8. Here is the email i received from vaultek..Take from it what you will.


    This is how the issue is going to get resolved. Im going to send you nothing. Your banned from ordering anything from my company again. If you continue with your false accusations and try to extort me for free product... I will contact all the MODS on this board and all the other boards we are on. I will then post all of your personal information I have saved from your previous order..name, address,this screen name and any other screen names or personal information my hacker can dig up on you. It will get posted on every board and You will be labeled as a reverse scammer. All your info will then be put on a list for companies to stay away from and not do business with.


    This is not a threat, this is reality and its what gets done to people like you who try to take advantage of the system.


    AS a matter of fact, If I even get another email from you I will start the process. Find someone else to mess with..Im not the one.


    - --



  9. SO in summation me the customer wasnt happy with the product..And vaultek the source responded by calling me a scammer and threatening to expose my personal info if i decided to alert other members about my dealings with him and my negative experience with his products..Does this sound like normal procedure from a source? This is a lame attempt at bullying..Nothing more than that..if that isn't bad enough he then demands the mods ban me and threatens to leave the board if they dont comply..unreal .If vaultek truly believed I was some kind of scammer why not just ban me from ordering from him again? And what kind of lame scam am i running where my goal is to secure 1 free clen.haha.

  10. nothing in the this game is 100%, ive come across bottles i suspected werent as labeled or werent anything, i just dont use the lab again.....i suggest youd do the same if u werent happy with what u got...if u really think u got a bad test prop what would make u think the clen would be good....im not saying anything bad about vaultek cause all ive used is his tren a a few months back, which i was pleased with, but with any lab that sold me something i wasnt happy with id never order again or ask for a replacement because it would just be crap again...just my thoughts...either way wish u both luck with the outcome


    The clen they carry was pharma grade and id already used it. i didnt want to ask for another test prop for fear of poor results.credit where credit is due the clen worked great. So i made the mistake of asking for it to replace my bad or under dosed bottle ..He got offended took it personal that i didnt feel the prop was gtg said i was scamming him etc and shit hit the fan..Keep in mind i asked 1 time..i didnt say hed better do this or that,, i literally said hey would you be willing to replace the prop w the clen and he snaps..It was bizarre ..maybe he was having a bad day and i was the lucky recipient..i had moved well past it when weeks later the mods alert me that hes campaigning to have me banned..even more bizarre

  11. I'm the mysterious member who was unhappy with my prop..And that in itself was never the problem ..I didn't demand any replacement I simply asked if he'd be willing to replace the one bottle I used ..His response was No and told me if I posted about my displeasure then he threatened to put my personal info out there and turn his " hackers " loose on me to see what they could dig up. These emails were all given to the mods and verified ...That is when it became an issue ..The bullying tactics were unnecessary I wasn't out to screw the guys business which is why I kept everything about the issue private ..I pointed out that his other bottles seemed to work for a friend of mine as well as was mentioned..My only issue were the tactics he employed and the threats ..The great thing about this board is that both members and sources are held accountable and vaultek sought to prevent me from discussing the issue through threats ..That's bullshit ..As to his products I'm not going to say he's a scammer or purposely selling garbage ..All I know is that I wasn't happy with what I used ..Attempting to label me a reverse scammer is also underhanded and pretty illogical considering i ordered $900 worth of product and asked for 1 clen to replace 1 bottle of prop...

  12. Sorry! Forgot to mention I am on 125mg test e every 2 weeks (CBL brand too) but will stop soon since I can't do anything f that increases my blood pressure. So far my bp is 120/69 and I focus on cardio (HIIT) and high volume training. Not trying to get big just lean and defined.


    125 every two weeks? you dont find you run into estrogen problems with that kind of peak and valley?

  13. The water you speak of is from glycogen retention.. Superdrol excels at that..Its not quality size and dissapears fast once your off..Thats not to say you wont build quality muscle while on. you will just no where near what you think youve built while on..

  14. Ive not had any luck with the European prohormones...Good and legitimate superdrol is hard to come by.Lots of dbol being passed off as superdrol and tbol ..Havent tried dragons superdrol though..Real superdrol will change your body for the better within a week or 2 and is hard on the liver but shdnt be too bad if you come off after 4 weeks..20 mgs is the highest id go

  15. Yes my t4 isn't converting to enough t3 according to normal ranges which could be for any number of reasons including over training lack of sleep lack of carbs in diet oral steroids effecting liver etc..The doctor wasn't concerned Im not sure if I should be or not I seem to have symptoms including low temps in the morning but like I said it could be for any number of reasons

  16. Although my thyroid levels were low normal, my TSH was way too high. I was prescribed 25mcg/day t3 and though my thyroid was still about the same my TSH went down but was still too high (i'm still

    producing thyroid). I'm now on 50mcg/day and my t3/total thyroid is normal and my TSH is now below normal -- but it is still going. The Thyroid Stimulating has not shut down at 50mcg/day.


    So it really depends on the user. I'm sure if I increase it to 75mcg/day my TSH would shut down but considering I have normal t3 at 50mcg/day I don't think my t3/total thyroid would really

    be that much above normal. I would probably have to start at 100mcg/day minimum to get any noticeable fat burning effect.


    Wow that's exactly what I'm looking for with test to prove it..From what Ive learned about thyroid and t3 12-25 is supposed to be enough to shut most ppl down maybe that's inaccurate or maybe its a result of everyone being different..Did you notice any positive effects from the t3 use? In my case my TSH is fine but my T3 is low while T4 is fine..So there is a problem with converting T3 to T4..Maybe due to the blast and cruise HRT im on..Either way I want to self medicate with T3 and see if that solves my low conversion rate..I have symptoms of low energy low temp in morning usually 96-97 and having hard time losing fat.. Still debating on starting w T3

  17. I've got similar tiredness ..I'd been taking ECA stack following a brief use of T3 and was just wiped out..Ive cut out all stimulants aside from 200 mgs of caffeine pre workout and started using Thyroid Energy by now for thyroid and along with pregnenlone and DHEA with my TRT of 100 - 150 mgs test E per week...


    After doing a ton of reading on the topic I think its reasonable to conclude that AAS including TRT especially if your end result is a blood test over 1000 can knock down cortisol which can cause a cascade of problems including adrenal fatigue tiredness sore joints water retention issues etc..As for stimulants Ive seen a study showing that long term caffeine use does not cause drastic fluctuations in cortisol although initially it will cause a spike but the body adjusts soon after. However ephedrine and other stimulants are a different story . Loss of insulin sensitivity adrenal fatigue cortisol rise insomnia muscle fatigue muscle and bone loss all have been associated with stimulants and all are scary as hell.

  18. Stimulants are separate from steroids but since you mentioned them what do you mean you have crap cortisol? is it high or low from stimulant use? I've been using pre workouts caffeine and ephedrine supps fairly routinely for a long time and am also beginning to think they cause problems over the long term so im cutting them out for awhile..I know if your cortisol is high fish oil and vitamin c can be used to lower and if its too low pregnenolone and hcg can be used to raise it..Anything else you know of? Thanks

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