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Posts posted by squat

  1. 100 mg a week may be enough to see and feel benefits considering you were so low at 219 naturally..100 mg puts many close to the upper levels 700-800..Obviously you can take less than that before blood test to make a case to your doc for why you need more or you can supplement with UGL test..


    3 MG adex on 100 mg test seems to be over kill although when u add HCG your E-2 will sky rocket..I'd just use the adex at 1 mg a week in divided doses and then adjust when HCG is added

  2. I can tell you that at one point in time when I was less experienced I was on various orals nearly continuous for well over a year. Superdrol for 4 -5 week periods maybe a week off followed by 8 weeks tbol followed by another 4 weeks superdrol stacked with Var followed by 8 weeks H-drol or P- Mag... rinse wash repeat.....In fact there was a 5 year period after that marathon year where I would be on an oral every other month essentially..I didn't care... if I felt liver tightness or pains id quit then start again in a week or 2..I took NAC and milk thistle through out..Blood tests showed nothing drastic in the midst of these marathon cycles...I'm not recommending this dumb protocol and who knows what long term damage could result but I feel fine tests are normal and I suffered no obvious side effects..And I absolutely still use orals.

  3. The question of how much AI to use on an aromatizing cycle is not really answerable. Estrogen management is easily the hardest part of hormone manipulation.Everyone is different and the only way to know for sure is to commence with your cycle and get blood work in the middle of it to see where you are and adjust from there..For 500 mg of test a week I would need .5 adex ED but many use less. However, if I added HCG to this cycle at 250 iu 2x per week or EQ at 600 mg per week id easily need 1 mg of adex a day as I am a high aromatizer even at low bodyfat%...

  4. Does anyone do TRT SC injections everyday as their protocol?

    How did this compare to previous protocols in terms of estrogen conversion? A friend recommended this as the best option for stable levels..10-20 MG SC ED OF TEST E OR PROP.

  5. Typically all of the sponsors test is good and the var is not so good..that is anywhere in UGL land..I've dealt most with DFL JT DICTATOR and SYNERGY..All came through with what I expected in terms of gear....aside from some extremely long waits from JT who is no longer here I have no complaints..and even during those long waits he at least offered BS excuses to my questions instead of ignoring me outright...

    some of my favorite items that work as advertised are:

    DFL tbol ,superdrol and cialis

    Dictator tbol line 1 and 3

    Synergy Test E and CYP

  6. wrist curls at end of bench with barbell..as thin a bar as possible to get best contraction of forearm muscles


    standing reverse curls w thumbs over grip


    hammer curls standing and seated done first in workout


    back exercises wo straps

  7. Most doctors you visit about this topic will not be half as informed on the matter as you are..That has been my experience and many others..If you are lucky enough to find a doctor who understands the concept and why its integral to your personal health and well being he most likely will not have a clue as to what your protocol should be in terms of an AI HCG shot frequency and amounts...

  8. Dana Lynn Bailey is a leading example of a talentless POS scumbag phoney scammer in the fitness industry..An entire industry has developed led by fake natties like DLB preying on ignorant newbie trainers and other uninformed wannabes...They design garbage routines and meal plans to go along with shitty supplements claiming this is exactly what they use and ALL they use neglecting to mention the massive amounts of drugs they actually use which are largely responsible for how they look..Talentless morons across the world are using this pathetic and desperate strategy to earn a living..They deserve nothing but disdain and chastisement for their dishonest scamming...Fuck DLB and her ugly ass and all of her retarded banner waving followers...

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