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Posts posted by squat

  1. Low androgenic High anabolic ..Very toxic..Many clones were in circulation from seemingly hundreds of companies .



    Isn't superdrol one of the last prohormones to be banned? It had like a buff bull on the front of the label? It supposedly had very low anabolic activity and high angrogeneic activity, while being super hepatotoxic?
  2. I've used quite a few versions of SD

    IDS Mass Tabs = the absolute best

    CEL M DROL = not as potent but still good

    Hard Rock Supplements Methastadrol = decent

    Shark Labs SDROL = Weak possibly garbage

    DFL Superdrol = decent

    Dictator injectable superdrol = very potent but virtually un useable due to PIP maybe if u added grape seed oil to syringe before injecting

    Anabolic Extreme Superdrol NG = GARBAGE

    Geneza Superdrol = Very potent

    Twisted Iron hyperdrol = very potent

  3. Superdrol is worth a try if looking for something similar to adrol..Less water retention and no estro conversion w superdrol to go with all the positive effects of adrol..The old mass tabs were great by IDS before the ban...You can still get sdrol legally in Europe a British company called Twisted Iron makes it. Hyperdrol is the name

  4. I prefer aromasin..It increases IGF levels while arimidex lowers them..Ive also found it easier to tank estrogen with arimidex..


    Hyper - Where do you get your aromasin if you don't mind sharing ?

  5. CF - Do you use myostatin inhibitors ? How do pros stay on these indefinite marathon cycles and continue to gain? Have you had a problem with gains halting after a certain amount of time on no matter what you use? Thanks

  6. Same deal low estrogen on TRT 200 mg a week of test E...Low estrogen on NPP Test and Superdrol cycle too...Lack of muscle gains constant flat appearance to muscles depression lack of sexual interest could care less about anyone or anything..Figured estrogen must be sky high...Nope it was tanked due to aromasin from a UGL which may have been Letro who knows...Switched to my Adex script but same problems..Blood test showed e2 at 6 haha...oops




    How funny, I recently experienced this as well. I am on TRT and switched from a 14 day injection to a 10 day injection. Well, the "DOC" (I use that term very loosely) cut my dose from 420mg to 140. I asked him if he was sure since that seemed very low. He said Oh yeah, since you will be coming more often, this is the right dose. He also had me on .25mg Azole 3 times a week. Well, long story short, he was supposed to retest me at 30 days, but at 20 I felt so bad that I demanded a retest. My test ended up at 135 and my E2 was at 5. I felt HORRIBLE. Energy was non-existant, libido was gone, hair was shedding, memory was poor at best, had brain fog, depressed....all the typical symptoms. He admitted to his "mistake in calculating the dose". REALLY? He told me to immediately stop the Azole and doubled my dose of T. Then the next shot he upped it the T another 100mg. I am just now starting to feel better almost 4 weeks later. I am sure the symptoms were from both low e2 and low T.
  7. After being on 3 months are you still gaining at this point? I know my gains hit a wall after about 6-8 weeks ..I'd try rotating compounds every month or so if I planned to be on 12 months.


    I've read some studies done on myostatin and how it increases on cycle after about a month or so slowing down or stopping gains altogether eventually...Systematically increasing doses to ultra high levels can overcome this to an extant but rotating compounds frequently may be a safer alternative.

  8. Yes, it is quite easy to get hgh prescribed. Just share a needle with somebody known to have HIV and give it time to infect you. Go to the doctor after you wait some time and share your concerns. HGH is prescribed to HIV patients.


    But for real man, even if you were prescribed HGH, it wouldn't be enough for a bodybuilder. It would make for better sleep and skin, but that's all. There is no easy way of obtaining prescription hgh.


    I don't care about a bodybuilders dose I'm about to hit 35.I want HGH levels of a 25 year old for life for the exact purposes you listed. Appreciate the cute HIV and needle idea though. That was helpful

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