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Posts posted by Nerve

  1. Get bloods and go from there. Clomid should always be in pct, imo. My last pct was clomid only and worked fine.


    Why do you say this?


    It's been years since I've done a PCT (took the B&C plunge about 6 years ago), but I still remember my last few (actually also my first few) PCTs. My first one was with clomid & nolva. It fucking sucked. I felt like shit, probably look like shit since I felt horrible, broke out HORRIBLY, etc. My 2nd (& last) PCT was with raloxifene only. I felt so much better during that PCT. I felt fine actually. I didn't have all the issues I did with clomid & nolva. And I felt I recovered much, much, much quicker. I've seen a lot of people who refuse to try the newer PCT stuff & it's always the older guys. I don't understand the reasoning. I do understand the whole "I've done this before & I know it works" thing because I'm like that with a lot of stuff. But with all the information & first hand experiences out there now about all these newer PCT options, I don't get why some older guys are so stuck on these ancient PCT drugs.


    Of course, like I always say, fuck cycling/PCTing Just B&C.

  2. I'm also seeing more & more that "Orals" , in particular Drol

    Causes some to not want to eat..? { Kill's the appetite , they say } I can say , not the case here, unless if course Acid reflux comes into play, which is usually brought on by some orals, I suppose.


    I've had bouts with acid reflux to a great extent in the past. But more so when 35+ lbs over my norm, which may

    Have more to do with it, then the dreaded hiccups,. (near nonstop ) awful , terrible feeling having both.


    Yeah brother, orals do that something fierce to some people. Luckily, I'm not one of them (right now anyway...who knows what a few years will bring?). I seem to get a slightly reduced appetite with anadrol. Sucks because I love it & it makes me strong. But it's not too big of an issue, so I deal with it.


    Use apple cider vinegar (ACV) for heartburn. I know it sounds counterintuitive & I explain a little more in another thread, but heartburn usually isn't caused by too much stomach acid; the culprit is usually TOO LITTLE stomach acid. Using antacids like Tums, Nexium, Prilosec makes things better in the immediate but end up making the problem worse in the long run.

  3. I don't notice any increased hunger with boldenone (undecylenate & cypionate esters). But I also usually have tren in the mix with it & tren is known to decrease hunger in some individuals, so maybe that is why; the two just kind of offset each other.

  4. I also suggest while bench pressing bring the bar to the top of your clavicles. Even on inclines. Most people on inclines go to the nipple or mid pec area. Go for the throat. It puts more emphasis on the upper pecs.


    Yes sir..! Been doin it like this rather consistently,. A d it is paying off, nice clump of meat going on there , nice new

    Or should I say re~growth (muscle memory) used to be alot thicker and near 50 lbs more solid than now, but steadily getting it back.


    What you guys are talking about is sometimes referred to as the "guillotine press." This is the best way to bench to add tissue & there's some EMG studies out there showing this is the best way to stimulate the pectoral muscle because of the way the fibers are laid out, but benching with your elbows flared out like that is hard on your shoulder.


    This is a movement I would use as an adjunt exercise, be very careful with, & would keep the weight lighter & focus more on contracting & tempo.

  5. Damn, DFL swoopin' in & laying down some whoop ass.


    But for everyone who is confused, what he is asking (I believe anyway...I slept wayyyy in today & just got up not too long ago) is how do they turn a profit given (his assumption) of $2/gram for test when they also have to pay for all this equipment (pill mixers for example) & whatnot that they claim to have? He's saying he doesn't understand how prices are as low as they are for the finished product given the raw prices, equipment, solvents, etc.


    For the record, I don't think he is a troll; not at this point anyway. Actually a fairly valid question & one I've thought about before ::shrug::.


    EDIT: Actually just read the last sentences of his post in DFL's quote & yeah, he's basically saying that the sponsors here are too cheap to be legit - or at least not as legit as the label claims. Funny because there's some bloodwork in DFL's thread from just a few weeks ago that shows his test is legit.

  6. Is there a recent crackdown on domestic orders? My buddy recently got a love letter on a domestic pack basically saying his pack is being witheld because they believe it to contain non mailable contents.


    Domestic packages don't go through customs, so you won't get a "love letter" from them. If I had to guess, something broke in his package & leaked & that's why their holding it & sent him a letter.

  7. This is hysterical! But really, don't worry about it. The guy is working, no one likes to work. I'm sure it was just a rough day in general and nothing you did.


    Exactly. Your mail guy doesn't give a fuck what you're getting in the mail.

  8. So the firearm has to be used in the crime right? If i have gear in my house and cops come kicking dowm the door i d9nt get a heavier charge because of the gun?


    Yes, you can and more than likely will be charged because a gun is present. Not always charged as such, but that's a minority now. If you are committing a crime and they find a gun, it will more likely than not, increase your charges considerably.


    You're right Navy, but you're not answering his question.


    No, the weapon does not have to be used in the crime. Like was mentioned earlier, if you had it in your glove box when you got arrested for manufacturing/possession/selling/whatever the simple fact it's there means it will be added to your sentence. Same thing if they raid your house & it's found - it's another charge.


    EDIT: I'm dumb...you actually did answer his question. I slept wayyy into this morning & I just got up like 5 minutes ago lol.

  9. I just skimmed over the article for the time being, but it looks pretty good. Everything I saw is true as well. So glad they went into the REAL cause of that kid Hooten's death. The kid's dad pisses me off so much.


    But yes, America loves their steroids. Even the people who don't realize they love steroids love steroids. Makes me laugh when people tell me all the pro players are natural & everything because they pass the tests. Fact of the matter is, they all use & if they didn't, nobody would want to pay to watch sports games or the Olympics because it would be boring as hell.

  10. He claims he has dyslexia, ADHD and stated he is barely on the spectrum for autism. he's perfectly aware of right from wrong, but choses to be a dick to most people. He knows exactly what he's doing, he is proud of it; he has fucked with people's livelihoods and marriages just for hahas. Don't let the disability shtick fool you, imo he's overstating his condition to get sympathy as well as a get out jail free card.


    Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk


    I've said this multiple times on several places on the web. That prick knows right from wrong like you said, but the people around him enable him to get away with his BS, so he keeps doing it. Pisses me off how people are like "ohh he doesn't know any better." Bull. Shit. He's a fucking grown ass man who has lived on his own for periods of time. He knows what he's doing is wrong; he's just a fucking douche.


    Everyone overreacted to that video of him & Rich. Genova deserved that shit - probably more. He's been pulling that order 66 or whatever bullshit for years on other fitness/BBing/PLing people & it finally came back & bit him in the ass.

  11. IDK what to say. I love adex on cycle and use all the products I listed on cycle or some during a light cruise. I also blast and cruise but I still use these products. Everyone has their preference.


    I use Masteron on cycle to help with estrogen sides but also use a little adex. It's the best adex I have ever used. I can take Venmo as a payment method and nobody has to buy the GNC products but they are available as part of the deal if wanted.


    Just not a fan of arimidex. I think exemestance is a lot better. Just my opinion.


    But my main point was that I think you'll be hard pressed to sell this stuff; even the adex for $50 simply because you are new to the board & nobody knows you. You could be the most trustworthy guy around, who knows, but I know I wouldn't be buying anything from & giving my personal info to a guy with 7 posts over the course of about 6 months. You could be LE for all we know. Someone "liked" my post, so obviously I am not alone in this thinking. Nothing personal.

  12. I sold some IP Tren Ace 125mg/ml out of a 150ml jug to a buddy. Well, one day he went into his bathroom and shot a CC. He says the cough was so extreme he got dizzy, collapsed, and banged his head on the sink counter. Apparently, over an hour later his friend came in and found him uncouncious with his pants down and a dart sticking out of his ass w/ blood from his head everywhere. That was some fire shit. I told the dummy to aspirate first and mix with a CC of Test. Of course he didn't listen. Must have been about 2004.


    Lulz. He must clonked his head damn hard to be out for an hour plus.


    Aspirating won't really prevent anything though. You are never holding the needle perfectly still so you can still bust stuff up. Hell, most people will move the needle a fair amount just trying to aspirate. Or you could pass through a blood vessel on the way in & the needle will kind of keep it closed off until you withdraw the needle if you get what I mean. Once the needle is out, entry into the blood vessel could occur.


    One of my fears is passing out during an injection, collapsing, & having the pin break off the hub leaving the needle in me.

  13. The only thing worth shit is the arimidex, which I personally think sucks. You have an April 2017 join date & 4 posts. Good luck with selling this stuff.


    People still cycle/PCT? I thought everyone blasted & cruised now.

  14. I split the 25mg Primatene. 12.5mg in combination with 100mg caffeine anhydrous is more than enough for me. Standard practice is to take 25/200, but I honestly feel better with less.


    What do you mean you split the "25mg" primatene? Primatene tablets are 12.5mg of epehdrine HCl (& 200mg of guaifenesin) per tablet. If you cut the tablet in half & only take one of the halves, you are only taking 6.25mg of ephedrine HCl. Or are you saying you cut the "standard" dose of 25mg...as in you take only 1 tablet instead of the "standard" 2 tablets?

  15. When you mean retract shoulder blade, you mean basically pinching together during your shoulder blades while your pressing? If so, no


    Yes, they should be pulled back & down towards your feet & HELD there throughout. Lift offs really help with keeping the shoulders in the proper position.

  16. I remember when i bought them for 300-340 per bitcoin. Had about 4-5, and i see that theyre around 3500-4000 bucks each now :( Man, i wish i didnt use em. Litecoin and the Euroytheum(however you spell it) should be the same. Invest in some while theyre cheap now and wait a year or so and theyll go up just like bitcoins. Just my opinion. Everyones switching to bitcoins nowadays.


    How much do these new ones cost?


    I remember when I first heard about bitcoin & thought it was stupid as hell...now these things are going for around 10x as much? Goddamn...if you had kept those 4-5, you could buy a brand new car with the profit.

  17. Carfentanil was developed as a chemical weapon. It's what the Russians used on Chechen terrorists a few years ago. It ended up killing a lot of the hostages because the paramedics weren't prepared for how much narcan was needed. A little boy in Florida died recently after touching some of it on his way home from swimming lessons. THAT was sad. That shit has really affected how hard it is to get through customs. It's one of those things I wish could be stopped but even if China were to actually try to shut it's production down greed always wins.


    Yeah, I remember reading about that. All those people died because they didn't tell responding EMS that they had used a super potent narcotic in the gas they released. IIRC, they didn't even tell them they had utilized a narcotic at all; they just told them to bring opiate/opioid antagonists. So yes, the medical providers were very ill-prepared to deal with the situation, through no fault of their own obviously. You'd think the people in charge of the tactical aspect would have mentioned that they released an aerosolized narcotic into the theater that is used to sedate fucking 15000lb elephants :rolleyes:; might have helped a bit with the medical response.

  18. Well their is no reason to do a safety search of the house for a medical. I hate to talk about this stuff but I have plenty of experiance in this. If we find stuff around him most of the time we grab it and trash it. If its drugs unrelated we will pass it on to the narcotics team and let them get the search warrant for the house. I know every department is a lil different but you still need a search warrant. Otherwise every thing will be suppressed in court. Will some departments do shady shit sure. But any good lawyer will have that shit thrown out easily.


    LMAO, this is so wrong. I don't know what your "experience" is, but we in EMS are taught scene safety & our safety, then our teammate's safety is paramount.


    EDIT: I should say a search of the HOUSE is unnecessary, but it is absolutely necessary where we are working. I've had the genius cops miss a big ass knife near a patient once. They got an earful from me later on.

  19. If he was fooling with carfentinil , narcan may not work or could take additional doses..


    Jesus christ...carfentanil is used to sedate 5 figure pound elephants, rhinos, etc. They use like 10mg doses for animals that size. A dose of that stuff about the size of a grain of salt can kill a grown man. Carfentanil is supposed to be shipped with diprenorphine, which is an antagonist used with very strong opioids that have a very high binding affinity. Diprenorphine is used to wake animals up after the vets done doing whatever they were doing, but it's also a partial agonist so it's not supposed to be used in humans. You'd need a ton of narcan doses to reverse this....and carfentanil has a pretty long half life in humans.

  20. I figured he was out n oded longer then they let on. Also how much narcanon u think he's need at his size?


    Size is pretty irrelevant here. The total dosage of narcotics is what matters...& also the half lives of the narcotics. Not sure if you know how this works, but naloxone displaces the opiate/opioid molecules & takes their place on the receptors. Naloxone has a fairly short half life; shorter than most opiates so sometimes additional narcan doses will be needed maybe 90 minutes (just an example) after the initial narcan dose as the narcotic drug molecules still in the body bind & rebind to the opiate receptors sending the patient into respiratory depression again.

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