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Posts posted by Nerve

  1. Me too. I like to feel great. I definitely don't want to lose sleep and be all sweaty and sick looking like a dope fiend. Because that's what people are going to think, most people never considered that you might look that way because of AAS, they just think you're strung out.


    Exactly. Hormones should add to & benefit your life. They should not be detracting from it.


    That said, I just started DFL's tren A on Sunday. Been running another source's tren E for a long time now. We will see how long I keep the tren A in (tren E will probably stay in after this fat loss period - might come off of it for a few months, then go back on it). If I need to, I will either order more tren A from DFL or I'd really like to try Dynasty's stuff, but I'll have to try to find a couple people to use as references since he went private.

  2. probably best to dilute it in water and avoid contact on the teeth. it can cause erosion in enamel of teeth lining.


    Yeah, ACV is awful for your teeth. Dilute it & you should really rinse your mouth out with (only!) water right after you drink it. You don't want to brush your teeth after taking ACV because I believe even that brief contact with diluted ACV is enough time for it to soften up the enamel of your teeth so you'll basically brush the enamel off. Once enamel is gone, it's gone.


    Of course you can always try the betaine HCl capsules. They're very cheap...~8-10 bucks or so for 120 capsules. I get the NOW brand. If you decide to try the capsules, make sure the capsules/tablets you get also have pepsin in them.


    i cannot imagine how you get that shit down straight. now that's muhfuckin' HARD!!! only thing worse than acv, imho, is the oregano oil extract. yikes!!!!


    And this lol. No idea how you can just drink it straight. You are crazy MFer naturalsux lol.

  3. Big Pharma is the biggest scam going. Watch Prescription Thugs on Netflix. It's by the same cat that made Bigger Faster Stronger.


    Been on the fence about getting Netflix...every break (Christmas, summer, etc) I'm all "I should get Netflix..." since like two days into break, I'm already bored as hell & don't know what to do with myself lmao. But then I think about it a little bit more & it's all "If I get Netflix, once the next semester starts, I probably will get nothing done." Lol. It really is a dilemma.


    But I have heard of that documentary (I think) & definitely heard of others on the same or similar subject/s. My professor actually showed Sicko last semester in microbiology.

  4. I'm 25 right now, leaving for medical school in August so I'm abusing video games until my life goes on hold for 4-6 years lol... But I'm also a part time medic/fireman and part time driver for FedEx


    Cool to see another EMS professional on here. Was working as one, but left because it was a busy system & not really conducive to being in school. I used to love video games - mainly the CoD games. And no, I'm not one of those jackasses that started playing with MW. I played the first CoD, United Offensive, etc. Mosin Nagant was the shit. Was in a clan & everything back in the day lol.


    Right now I have been building kitchen cabinets for my moms house. I usually build dressers, bathroom vanities, and furniture along those lines. I built a decent size dog house last summer. I built a frame out of deck boards for the base, built 4 foot walls with insulation in them, and shingled the roof. I think it was about 10ft long by 5 ft width and about 6 and half feet tall. I think it cost close to $700 or so when it was all said and done. I've been looking into getting a lathe and learning how to turn wood next.


    You should build me some end tables & a better coffee table for my living room lol.



    I play guitar & screw around with computers. Don't get to play anywhere near as much as I used to though due to work, school, etc.

  5. I suppose that may be why the organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar works. There's a lot of information about how it corrects the PH in the stomach, it's been a while since I read up on it but it would make sense that that is how it works. I've been using it for a while now to help when my stomach seems to stop and swell up with gas. Any medication has side effects, ones like nexuim and prilosec especially should not be used for more than two weeks. I don't have to worry about it with vinegar, it only has benefits. Mix about a tablespoon of it in a glass of water and I have relief within 10-15 minutes. Y'all try it out and let us know how it works.


    Yeah, ACV is basically the same idea as the betaine HCl. Both are increasing acid content in the stomach.


    So how do you increase acid production?


    I am not 100% sure. I believe that, over time, with consistent use of betaine HCl or ACV (or some other legitimate acid source like these two), the stomach will kind of become acclimated to the acid & begin to secrete enough by itself if one was to taper the supplement acid source. I am pretty sure this was what I was reading about a year ago. BUT I have been on some amount of tren for the past year or so, so I have not researched this in a long time. I had been reading about it around a year ago, but then decided to keep some sort of tren E dose in for an extended period of time & since tren seems to be the root cause of heartburn for me while I am on it, I stopped researching how to increase natural stomach acid production.



    But think about it - the largest % of the population who utilizes stomach acid reducing medications are the elderly. We know for a fact that stomach acid production DECREASES as one ages. So all these elderly people produce less stomach acid than they used to but now they need these antacid medications because they produce too much? Does not compute. Too much stomach acid & antacid medications are one of the great myths the pharmaceutical industry has perpetuated & hugely profited from.

  6. Tren does in my appetite & causes heartburn for me as well.


    Take betaine HCl. People think heartburn is from too much stomach acid. This is wrong. You get heartburn because you have TOO LITTLE stomach acid. When there is not enough acid in your stomach, things are not being broken down properly so to try to compensate for this, your stomach will "churn" to move things around/mix things so that the food comes into more contact with acid. This churning action can throw acid up through the LES into the bottom of the esophagus. Those antacids, while they work initially, make the problem worse in the long run.


    Since this occurs with tren, I think tren by some mechanism inhibits stomach acid production.


    EDIT: I should clarify...it is certainly possible to have too much stomach acid & therefore experience heartburn. However, for the vast, vast, VAST majority of cases, heartburn is due to too little, not too much, stomach acid.

  7. He even looks like a fucking dbag


    Lmao, too true Apex.


    He's so ugly I kinda feel bad for him lmao.....and his board handle "fkexed" seriously, u have no muscles to flex fag


    Lol. Sorry to hear you got scammed brother. I've not used your products, but everyone else is raving about them. I think I saw you or someone else mention in your sponsor thread that they don't understand why people scam the good sources...I don't either. There's too many UGLs that send out shit product - underdosed, dirty, whatever. So why scam the ones that send out properly dosed, quality product? Just shooting yourself in the foot...so like I said, I don't get it. ::shrug::

  8. No, it's the fact I am the only one who said anything remotely "bad" about her.


    But it's cool, being the fucking retarded coward that you are, going to these absurd lengths to avoid the obvious is sort of your thing.


    IDK if it's just me, but it seems like you have a tendency to fly off the handle & try to start shit for no real reason. Pretty sure it was you who tried this with me a few months ago. Why exactly do you do this?


    (inb4 I'm a "tough guy" & a "retarded coward" & you want to argue with me in the flame forum too.)

  9. Christ $520 a bottle...these pharm companies are just rolling in cash.


    Can't believe it's gone already. How much are you selling these for? I may be interested depending on the price. Hell, it's probably worth having at least one or two around just in case you get bunk AI from an UGL. (Did/will you be sending these bottles out sealed?)


    Going to research this bromo. I've obviously heard about it, but I've always used caber for prolactin. Also used prami, but I prefer caber. Don't like that Thai mentioned it suppresses GH.


    This thread reminded me I forgot to take my exemestane last night dammit!

  10. IDK, maybe OP's doctor is one of those anti-aging docs or something. I've seen Rxes for 400mg/week before, but as far as I am aware, only from these types of doctors. When OP said that his friend "told him about his doctor," this is what I immediately thought of.


    So a 400mg/week Rx is not common, but it's not unheard of either.

  11. Now is a good time to get ProtonMail. Its a free signup. Not sure how long it will last, but do it quick. Its double password protected.

    You guys should be using a super tough password. I recommend 25 digits, with numbers, letters(upper/lower case), symbols.




    Anon speech sucks, they have been having problems for years, and you don't always get your emails, or even sending them to other providers, they never show up. I used them when they first came out. Tried to be patient with them to work the bugs out, but it never happened. Then I tried using them again last year, just because I wanted another secure account, but the same bullshit again, then you couldn't even login to your account for months. Never again.

    Either get proton mail, securenym, or start using PGP.


    IM, you missed this...Dynasty (someone hacked into his email account) told all of us that apparently securenym only uses the first 9 (I think) characters of any password you input. He got this info from the securenym administration. So you can put a 25 character PW in, you can put a 427 character PW in, but it doesn't matter because you only need the first 9 characters to log in.


    Other than that, I agree with you. I signed up for 5 or 6 proton mail accounts. I'll probably sign up for a few more as well. Maybe once this busy week is over I'll get back on it.


    Keepass is a great program BTW.

  12. Guy looked ridiculous and brought all kinds of negative media and shit to the world of AAS and people that run them that aren't idiots.


    I'll pass on him, but that's my .02 :)


    that dickhole is still alive... :rolleyes: i know he has some fans but HOW THE FUCK?!!!!! the guy really has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. just a complete, total dickhole...




    I've never liked this guy at all. Guy has done absolutely no good whatsoever for hormone usage & lifting of any kind.


    He writes in MuscleSportsMag and I cannot stand the articles.


    What about his articles makes you not able to stand them? And what types of things does he write about?

  13. If you don't have a fever , juice may have leaked from glute to subq and irritated the muscle tissue. I had that happened last year. It was red and swollen but no fever and lasted 4,5 days for it to clear



    This is what I am thinking. I have some oil sitting between my lateral delt & my skin right now because it leaked back out the other day. Have all the same symptoms as you.


    Yeah, I def take all precautions, but shit happens. Def not the gear either, cauese I've been drawing from these vials for 3 1/2 weeks already. I was going to start a cycle of amoxicillin just to be safe...


    You could always have pushed something into the vial.


    I would hold off on the antibiotics for the time being.

  14. @castro, what do you think of this set for a starter?




    I have most of those bands.


    I use the gray one & an orange (wide one) to do band good mornings @ the end of my heavy lower day. I also use the orange (wide one) & the long red mini to do band resisted GHRs on my medium lower days (these are fucking amazing). Sometimes I squat against the wide orange or the long red minis. Currently doing CGBP against the short red minis & sometimes I use them to band my knees together while I squat. I actually have 5 of the long red minis. I keep one at home for stretching, band shoulder dislocations, random sets of pull aparts, etc. I also use the red minis for traction on bench. I do a couple other movements with the long red minis & the wide orange bands.


    I don't have the long green monster bands, but I have the short green monsters that I tried using for deadlifting against bands recently.


    Also have short orange & gray bands that I haven't really used for anything yet.


    Elite FTS makes a quality band. Can't go wrong. They put their bands on sale on a regular basis too.


    Pro tip: buy a luggage scale off amazon (~7-10 bucks) so you can know how much the band "weighs."

  15. The judge in California said a crowbar was not considered to be a deadly weapon when the man's attorney brought up I was a certified Gracie Jiu-Jitsu trainer, had my unarmed combatants license, certified EMT the judge based it on I should have been the more responsible person with the skills I know give me the ability to do great bodily harm, and since the person didn't hit me I hit him first I was the aggressor and it wasn't considered defending myself!


    Ah, well you didn't mention the guy had the crowbar to use in self defense against you lol. But:


    California Penal Code section 417 states:

    (a) (1) Every person who, except in self-defense, in the

    presence of any other person, draws or exhibits any deadly weapon

    whatsoever, other than a firearm, in a rude, angry, or threatening

    manner, or who in any manner, unlawfully uses a deadly weapon other

    than a firearm in any fight or quarrel is guilty of a misdemeanor,

    punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for not less than 30


    Under PC 417(a)(1) a person is guilty of a misdemeanor if they

    draw or exhibit any deadly weapon (knife, bat, machete, switch-blade,

    broken bottle, crowbar, etc.) that is not a firearm in a rude,

    angry or threatening manner. The individual is also guilty of a

    misdemeanor if they unlawfully use a deadly weapon (except a

    firearm) in any fight or quarrel.

    The punishment for this is a minimum of 30 days in county jail.


    The judge is either an idiot & doesn't know the laws in California or he had to have made mention that it was used in self defense against you & that was why the other guy wasn't going to be punished for the crowbar.


    That situation, now that you have revealed that you were in fact the aggressor, is different than the one in your first post where you were NOT the aggressor.


    I'm a medic too, & you better believe that anyone who puts their hands on me is going to end up in a world of hurt.


    BTW, as far as I am aware, assault and/or battery against an EMS provider is a felony in every state. Usually punishable by up to 5 years in prison in the case of simple assault/battery & up to 10 years if it is aggravated A&B.

  16. so I guess taking gear only for a professional sport is smart?.....I guess all of us on here taking gear is stupid?.....taking gear for a $5 trophy is smart?.....more high school students male and female are juicing than you know about....I guess there are hundreds of different points of view.....bottom line your son will take gear...smoke dope...take meth...drink a beer etc....whether you want him to or not.


    That's not really the point. The point is this kid is 17 years old & he doesn't even know what he's taking. Keyword in that sentence is KID. He's taking a legit AAS, but he just thinks its amino acids or creatine because that's what his dad told him it is. It isn't his choice - the kid's dad is making the decision for him. Everyone on this board knows that the human endocrine system is in the beginning/middle-ish stages of development at 17 years of age. Most of the guys on here & other boards recommend people wait until around age 25 to begin using.


    And a crowbar & baseball bat are not deadly weapons? What fucking idiot came to that conclusion? Maybe they should be cracked in the head with a crowbar or bat & then see if that changes their mind. What kind of license do you have OP? Medical? Security?

  17. I see this too. My phone gets locked up in a locker. Sick of these people who think they're so damn important that they can't be off the grid for an hour or so & put in virtually no effort. These are also the people who tend to complain about how they get no results. Well, no shit - you train like a little bitch. Fuck do you expect?


    Nothing wrong with recording - I do it on occasion, although I have an older digital camera in my bag I use for that instead of a phone. How else am I going to look for needed tweaks in my form or technique?

  18. A nest of hair? Lol, how big was this thing? Did you take a picture of it?


    sounds like an ingrown anal hair that was infected. you may have to wash your ass after crapping to remove possibility of getting reinfected. also get digestion in check to make sure you aren't constipated and minimize inflammation.


    Anyone who doesn't use those cottenelle wipes or some equivalent after taking a shit is a disgusting MF'er.

  19. No offense taken my friend. I want people to feel comfortable with my product. If someone wants to send my product I for testing please by all means. Only problem with that is you're talking few hundred dollars to test and minimum of $60 shipping. So that's a lot for a customer to put up. So I fronted a good amount of money for my athletes to feel good about the product which I think is important. I want more transparency.


    I will be doing more tests on products soon as well. I did the tren because I'm personally using this for prep and want only the best. So the ones everyone is buying is from this recent test. This vial was taken out of stock and sent for testing. Stay tuned in the next few months for new tests.


    Bolded is definitely a solid point & like you mention, often a barrier for the customer. There are occasionally members who will take it upon themselves to send things in for testing & pay for it out of their own pocket for the benefit of the community. ItalianMuscle has done it, as well as several others on this board whose names I cannot recall at the moment. The underlined is definitely commendable.


    Don't get me wrong, like NavyChief, I am happy to see this posted as well. Only thing is the pictures still look the same for me as when they were first posted? Tried to right click & view image, but they're still small & I can't read shit when I zoom in on them.

  20. haha dude OF COURSE! I know all about this and thought this was a given so I didnt say anything. The only reason I like when sources do this is because then you know the raw guy they are using is not a bologni face but the real deal with pure products. So this way if it is properly dosed you know your putting high quality stuff into your body. A lot of UGLS use the cheapest raw guy they can get and I would rather use someone whos in with the big boys. lol.


    Gotcha. bologni face...lulz.

  21. Get blood work.. Your estrogen is prob through the roof..

    Everyone is diff when it comes to estrogen control.. I don't need anything until over 500 mg of test but with what your taking I would be on Aromasin 12.5mg ED


    This. You're on three aromatizing compounds & 6mg of exem "a coupe times per week" is most likely not going to be anywhere near enough.


    And Clomid?


    Clomid will do the same as nolva - block the estrogen receptor, but not lower estrogen levels.

  22. Everybody loves some potent Tren..its good that you are doing this I think all sources should consistently test their raws.


    Only problem with the source doing this is that they can send legit stuff in, post the good results, but then send underdosed stuff out to customers. I am absolutely not saying or implying that Tabman does this (I think the way he handled the halo incident says a lot), but I'm just mentioning it. Don't get me wrong, they absolutely should be testing their raws, but I think results/information like this needs to be taken with a grain of salt when posted by the source. Best way is for a customer to order & then send stuff in without mentioning it to the supplier beforehand.


    Again, not a shot at you at all TM.

  23. It must be random. I sent $120something dollars last month and they made a copy of my ID. I sent over $600 in the last few days and they didn't ask for anything.


    I think it just depends on the person sending it & not MG/WU. Some of these employees are real damn annoying with their questions. But I've been asked for my ID for sending before with both MG & WU & other times the person didn't ask. Usually when they ask for ID, I ask them why & they always seem dumbfounded by the question & just say "...because you're sending money..." lol. I don't really care - I use my real info because it's not illegal to send someone money & I want to be able to get my money back if there's some issue with the transaction.


    yup all walmarts now if ur receving or sending mg require id over 50 bucks for the most part. bitcoin best way now if you can figure it out


    A source mentioned this to me maybe 6 months ago & told me that was why he was doing away with W2W as a payment option.

  24. Last time I used MG, which was very recently, they were two people helping me (one was doing some MG training) & the trainer person mentioned to her that had I been sending over $500 she would need to put my license number into the computer. Don't know about receiving though, although I wouldn't be surprised at all if they want it for receiving.

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