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Posts posted by Nerve

  1. Know that base smell all too well - I can pin TNE & leave to go train & when I get back to my place, the second I open the door I can smell the TNE I pinned before leaving lmao.


    Have not had the opportunity to try tren base. I was going to but something happened to the first lab I came across that offered it. Then Defiant was going to offer it but I don't think he ever got around to actually making it.


    Have you used halo before? How does tren base compare to that aggression wise?


    EDIT: And 150mg of tren base on top of tren A?!? Jesus, are you doing that dosage every time you use it? How often? How much tren A & how much total tren (A & base)?


    2nd EDIT: I see you say you are using tren A @ 450mg/week. So how often with the tren base then? And 150mg each time?

  2. Took a rest day yesterday. But back at it this morning.


    So what I thought was test base 50 is actually TRNE 50. So thatt what I hit this morning for shoulders. It was a rough start but it did give me a boost of aggression that definitely helped me snap out of my dragging ass mode.


    One thing I noticed was calf pumps that I got after cardio which I dont normally get. Also the taste and smell of guiacol was not nearly as much as the TNE.


    I was wondering why they had the same product with two different names; makes sense now lol. One is test base, the other is tren base.


    How does the tren base compare to TNE? I've used lots of TNE but never had the chance to use tren base yet.

  3. Blasting right now on Test U 500mg every 2 weeks ( Trying out a UGL's test u) and tren a 300mg a week i prefer low dose everything going great losing bf strength awesome increase. Now coming up on week 8 kinda wanna go another 4 weeks on tren considering my low dose maybe a good excuse to continue????


    Why not? I spent several years on 300mg/week of tren E; with additional tren A tossed in on top of the E periodically. I know a source who cruises on I believe 50mg EOD of tren A. If you want to stay on, then do it. You don't need an "excuse" to do it.

  4. Been doing incline close neutral grip DB press with 3 count pauses for a long, long time now. Basically a staple now. I really feel like it helps drive up the competition bench. If my paused incline CNGDBP goes up, or gets more reps, or reps are easier, then my regular bench also improves.


    I don't think I've ever done shrugs with the standing calf...I think I tried it once for a few light sets just to see how it felt because I had read about it. I have done shrugs by standing on the seat of the shoulder press machines though. That works pretty well also.


    I do both. Not a fan of the db press variation but shrugs isolate the traos nicely. No one does em but fuck em....most look like dog shit anyways


    LOL'd @ the bolded. Does anyone else find other people steal stuff from them? I've been doing anterior/posterior leg swings as part of my dynamic warmup before squatting for probably at least 6-7 years now. When I moved to where I live now & started at one of the gyms here, I never saw anybody do them....a year & a half later, everyone & their mother is doing AP leg swings. I've also seen a handful of people who are now sitting on the plate loaded incline press machine sideways a few months after I had started doing it. Maybe coincidence, but I think not given what I have seen a couple people do/how they react when doing those things & I walk out onto the weight floor.

  5. I went on a date with this nurse about a year ago & I think we were talking about the gym or something, but kind of out of nowhere she motions/points to my forearm & she was like "you know that's like porn to nurses?" Thought it was hilarious lol.

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  6. According to whoever this guy was that he interviewed, GH15 is somehow connected to the Strango case and fled to Serbia.


    Right, I knew that - I was around on GH15 for that. I didn't listen to that video since it's like 75 fucking minutes long, fuck that. Actually I got banned from GH15.org for hinting that maybe what we were being told about that whole Strango bust thing was likely not the whole truth lol. I thought maybe something new with GH15 had happened. Haven't really heard much about him on any board for quite some time now.

  7. I didn't even realize BSP was still around.


    I used to use them & they were at one time a sponsor on another private board that I & a few other members here are on. There were, a few years ago, several reports of suspected bunk products. One of those reports was mine.


    What do people think about their peptides & their liquids now?

  8. A verbal agreement is still a legal agreement. I mean if you did the work you were supposed to do, I am not sure why you would not win. You have been pretty vague about that.


    But let the court take care of it - and then maybe anonymously pay him a visit after you get your money if you still want to. And take this as a lesson to document EVERYTHING in writing if you do something like whatever you do.


    I do agree that there are lots of being who need to be smacked around a bit. Always makes me laugh how quickly someone shuts their mouth when they realize shit is about to or has gotten real or how quickly they shut up after they get hit in the mouth.

  9. People don't care that the athletes they support use - unless of course they are outed by either a test or somebody else.


    People don't seem to understand that they, the fans, drive these athletes to use PEDs. Everyone wants to see people run faster, lift more jump higher & want to see records broken. Only way that is going to continue to happen is with PED usage. Simple fact is the sports would not be exciting if the athletes were natural. Makes me laugh how some people seem to think the guys running around on their TV screen on football Sundays are not using.

  10. That doctor is an idiot. Narcotics are known to cause rebound headaches. We know now that opiates/opioid usage for migraines can cause the migraines to go from episodic to chronic even when used as infrequently as once a week. You can use opiates/opioids to treat headaches but they should not be the only or even the main drug that is used.

  11. Don't forget Nolva is tissue selective, throw that in at 20 EOD & you "should" be fine.


    "Fine" from gyno issues, maybe. Not from the other issues high estrogen levels can cause. And raloxifene >>>> nolvadex anyway.


    Honestly, I think a lot of the people who rave about high test are also using GH with it.

  12. I like the deca in the mix myself. I've heard guys rave about high test cycles before. I just don't get it. I've never been wowed by a high test cycle.


    I bumped my test up to 1.26g earlier this year. Actually kind of regret it. Didn't think it was worth it & for some reason I had a lot of issues controlling my E2 levels this time around. I've done right around the same amount before & do not recall having anywhere near the issues I had this time. Not sure why exactly.

  13. I destroyed my stomach using antacids. Don't get started on those fucking things. They don't solve the issue they just put a band-aid on them.


    Pepsin HCL with every meal will work. CPAP completely fixed.my issues, to the point I don't even need the pepsin hcl now


    I haven't read the thread, but I saw this while scrolling through & had to +1 it. Heartburn is not caused by too much acid; it's caused by not enough. I've explained this on here before. The population that uses the most antacid products is the elderly. We produce LESS stomach acid as we age. So if it's too much acid causing heartburn then it doesn't make sense that it's the elderly population that uses the most antacids. If there is a lack of acid in your stomach, your stomach will churn more to try to help break down everything, causing stomach contents to splash through the LES & causing heartburn. I saw some apple cider vinegar comments & that is a good option. Otherwise you can buy betaine HCl which is basically stomach acid in a capsule that you can take before you eat.


    Baking soda is a base. Bases such as baking soda neutralize acid. That is it reduces the amount of acid present. Exactly what you DO NOT want.

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