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Posts posted by Nerve

  1. Pull out your calculator and protractor. Gotta get that specific angle.


    Why are you even using a Smith? Just use the hammer strength machines.


    Gotta agree with this. That HS incline press is tits.


    Only thing I use the smith machine for is behind the back shrugs & only because I have to stand in a specific way because if I don't or if I use a regular barbell, the bar just gets stuck under my ass.

  2. Just curious- cant you just draw your own blood at home??


    Yes, you can. I do it & I've mentioned it before on this board & others. I'm a paramedic though. I don't think I would recommend it to anyone without medical training. You should also really have someone there with you while you do it. But of course, the few times this has come up, everyone gets all freaked out that I've done this to myself lmfao.


    There's a video on youtube of a guy who does this regularly.

  3. I looked a while ago & I couldn't find anything. Any reviews I found, which were very, very few did not speak very highly of the companies they were reviewing. I think the research company thing is no more. Blue Sky Peptides...I can't remember what product it was from them, but I got some bunk shit from them & I posted on a board about it. Some of their prices are just wayyyy too good as well.

  4. CPAP machine changed my life. Can't do without it now. I have a Resmed. I also recently purchased a Soclean machine and love that as well. I'm probably due for a new machine soon and am thinking about trying a BIPAP machine.


    How long have you had that? Like I mentioned in an earlier post ITT, I saw that & thought it was cool as shit, but then I read about it damaging the pump, some of the silicon seals, & whatever else & was like "hell no." I'm guessing because of the fact that you say "you love that as well" that you haven't noticed any damage to your CPAP machine so far.


    BTW it's Friday, so CPAP cleaning day for me! :D

  5. There's no way you work out with that frequency and your cns not be fried. You'd get much better results if you let yourself recover. I see a major injury coming in your near future if you're telling the truth


    I don't know the specifics of his training, but I hit everything twice a week. And I squat three times a week & on rare occasions four times per week. Granted that fourth squat session is on my off day (Tuesday) & I only front squat my warmup sets up to 225, but it's still a lot of squatting. Tuesday squatting is after my heavy lower session on Mondays; I basically do the front squatting on Tuesdays as active recovery. My numbers continue to improve as does my lean body mass. Squatting with such a high frequency is something I worked up to though over a very long period of time.

  6. For anyone that has Central sleep apnea there is now a device they are implanting that can eliminate the need for CPAP therapy. Doctor's implant them where I work. It's called Remede, and is an option for those that don't tolerate CPAP therapy. Also a device for obstructive sleep apnea is coming out as well. It's called Inspire. Both look promising, but expensive obviously. Certain criteria obviously have to be met for insurance to cover them.


    That is really interesting. I have to go to work shortly, but I'm going to look into that more when I have some time.


    Also, I had absolutely no issues with the mask at all. The guy came in to wake me up part way through the night to start the CPAP part of the study & we got it on me & I fell back asleep right away. Like a few people have mentioned, I haven't slept a single night without my Resmed Airsense. When I had my first followup appointment, they were really surprised that I had no problems whatsoever with wearing the mask. I just have the nasal mask(Mirage FX; https://www.resmed.com/us/en/consumer/products/masks/mirage-fx.html); although I want to get a nasal/mouth mask too. Mainly just in case I get sick & congested & have trouble breathing through my nose. I want to see if the doc will add it to my prescription so I don't have to pay > $150 for the thing.


    Has anyone gotten one of those SoClean CPAP cleaning machines (https://www.soclean.com/soclean/)? I found out about it a few months after I was diagnosed & was interested in it. But I read a couple reviews that said the device can damage your CPAP machine because the SoClean machine basically forces air through your CPAP machine backwards & can supposedly damage the pump. Really don't want to jack up my CPAP machine - I'm still paying the thing off lol. But the SoClean machine looks pretty cool. Just wondering if anyone has tried it or knows somebody who has a SoClean.

  7. I got one a few months ago. Best decision I ever made. I'm mad at myself that I waited as long as I did to get one


    I got my ResMed Airsense 10 about 1.5 years ago. I had been planning to get a sleep study done for almost a year before I finally did & I wish I had gone sooner too.


    My sleep has not improved that much, but that is my own fault because of my stupidity. Don't ask...


    But yes OP, it will help with all the issues you mentioned. However, some people think it's like an instant thing - it's not. It'll take time to see the benefits. Remember, you have basically been sleep deprived for years most likely. You cannot fix that overnight or within a week or two.


    And it has to do with bodyweight, neck size, weight on your neck/chest area, etc. Can also be due to anatomical issues internally. Overweight people get it but we are also all considered overweight by BMI standards (most of us I am guessing anyway). According to BMI, I am "obese." Whenever I say that people are like "but you're not fat, you have all that muscle" and yeah, but that muscle is still just extra weight. It doesn't matter what type of tissue it is - it's all extra weight.


    EDIT: Also, you should NOT be waking up constantly during the night to piss. I do too & my dad has used that as an excuse for not getting a sleep study done ("well I gotta piss anyway..."). His sleep apnea is wayyyyy worse than mine. His snoring is god awful at times & I remember hearing him making gasping sounds during the night back when I was a kid. Your body is supposed to ramp down urine production while you are asleep so that you DON'T wake up multiple times per night. If you are, there is some issue causing it.

  8. Newsflash! every one of those mofos take enhancement drugs :D


    Yeah, but there are a ton of people who think the athletes they watch on their TVs & at the Olympics are actually natural. There was a guy at working bitching about Barry Bonds one day when it got mentioned by someone; I was just listening to it thinking "you DO realize all the guys you watch on Sunday are juicing too...right?" He's a big football fan.

  9. I think sources give discounts to burned members as an incentive to choose them for future orders..

    If you can assimilate someone elses entire customer base by saying "All members burned by _____ get 20% off their next order".. well you may have just funneled about 500 customers in.


    Not saying its expected, but thats why some do it.


    I didn't end up getting burned by D for 1750 like the other guy, but D assured me he would be good when I was considering an order like early Janurary for a GH/Primo order, my gut just said to not do it. Very glad I didn't.


    We need some peptide sources on this board though! I need some MK677 or Ipamorelin!


    Well, of course they do. Everything we do as human beings, EVERYTHING, has some sort of selfish motive behind it. So yes, they offer because they're a good guy & feel bad, but it is also because of exactly what you said. People do "nice things" because they are nice & care & want to help, yes. But at the same time, they/we also do those things for a selfish reason - because it makes them/us feel good (at minimum; often times there are other selfish motives behind the things people do).


    And I was lucky enough to get all my stuff - but I still owe him a little bit due to his shipper's mishap. Need to check my email to see if he answered me. Sorry to the guys who are out right now (Kover - is he the only one?).

  10. You should be alright, BUT you need a smaller barrel like a TB LUER LOCK 1cc, cuz if you use a 3cc barrel with a 27g it is NOT GOING TO BE A GOOD TIME!! If you pin more than 2cc's at a time you'll need to more 1cc shots of course.


    Snatchito is right on the 3cc syringes...it is REAL slow going even with thin gear. Done it many times & it legit takes fucking forever. Stick to 1cc syringes if at all possible. I only use the 3cc syringes with 27g 1 or 1.25 inch needles if I have to pin between 1.0cc-1.3cc. Anymore than that & I'm using a 25g.

  11. Anyone talked to D? Tried to email him but said wasnt a valid email any longer. I talked to him on that one about a month ago i think. Was working then.


    That happened to me & another guy. You got it returned to sender, right? I had sent him one, got it returned, posted in here. Resent it & heard from him. Couple emails back & forth & then I got another returned to sender. Resent it, heard from him a few days later. Still waiting to hear back about from him as of like 1.5 weeks ago I think roughly. Not sure what the deal is with the returned emails.

  12. That's if you're prone to gyno. I've been up to 2500mg plus other things without an AI and I didn't have the first sign of gyno.


    Jesus christ, 2.5g of test? That's insane, especially considering that was just the test & you had other stuff in there too. I've never even taken half that.


    I just had a gyno scare due to my own sheer stupidity. Not gonna lie, I'm a bit jealous of you.

  13. This board needs to hurry up. It lost out on some great specials. They had a buy two get one free deal and that not only included ten packs but they even allowed mix and match. So I got one 10 pack tren, one 10 pack sus, and got a 10 pack sus for free. I really, really like the new customer service guy. Answers emails fast, you get tracker, hustles, always follows up. You picked a good partner, Mack.


    So you paid for 20 vials & you got another 10 vials of sustanon for free? That is fucking crazy goddamn lol. I would love a 10 pack of sustanon right now; especially a free one. lolz

  14. Products seemed gtg but didn’t you just disappear? I think if you are even considered to be allowed to comeback an explanation should be given as to what happened. If I remember correctly everyone was taken care of but I don’t remember an explanation being given as to why.


    I remember that too - actually I didn't even realize he disappeared until this thread. Then I remembered looking at his list. I vaguely recall some talk about going private? But he said he's waiting to hear back from admin, so maybe he was just (over)due for sponsor fees?

  15. Thanks for clearing this up D. I knew something was fishy. This fucker may be a hacking guru but his grammar sucks. That was my first clue. Then even my old eyes could spot the email change. And when you realize the change couldn’t be a typo because of letter placement on the keyboard it was confirmed. I’ll make the changes you suggested and proceed


    Yes, thanks Dictator. I don't think I am compromised in anyway - I run linux, do not use the same name for my secure email accounts as my board name, & the login password for the email account I contacted you with is 21 or 22 characters in length & it's just random. Would take lifetimes to brute force. And then there's the second password too that he'd have to figure out. I'm going to change all my passwords though anyway, just to make sure 100%.


    I recommend using Keypass for your passwords. You only have to remember one master password to unlock the safe & then you can C/P the info from keepass into the login fields.

  16. Fwiw ive received a tracking for an order placed at the beginning of the month. Im ok with the delay in responding to email and t/a but like others i was concerned with foul play as this is highly unlike D.


    ET, did you JUST that tracking number? Within the last few days?


    Thanks for posting up though & I appreciate that there finally seems to be somebody else who finds these things odd despite the fact that it's Christmas.

  17. LOL, he's fine.

    Maybe mail box was full, you typed address in wrong, your internet speed timed out and email wasn't delivered. Ad it's also Christmas time.

    But I can assure you there is nothing actually wrong here. Again Christmas time or any other number of things, but you will be TCO by him.


    How would we both "type the address wrong" when we are hitting the reply button? We DO NOT have to type the email address when we use the reply function.


    And your explanation for receiving emails from slightly different email addresses but that look the same at first glance?


    And what is TCO?


    You guys don't seem to quite understand the situation...no one is complaining about the response times in & of themselves. We get that it is Christmas/the holidays. The concern lies with a few other strange things that have happened to multiple people during communication attempts with him.


    Hopefully it is nothing, but I am wary of sending funds off given the fact that these things have occurred & we have not heard from Dictator either via email & preferably this board.


    EDIT: NavyChief, do you have anything to input here? I am assuming you've reached out to Dictator by now.

  18. Let me state I have no issue with Dictator regarding his response or turnaround time. I love his products and service. My point is I had a few strange things happen in my correspondence which I have shared with a mod. Probably nothing but better safe than sorry


    I've never had any issue with him either, but the undeliverable email...that is very strange. I got that with another source recently & it was because he disabled his email account because he needed to take a break due to real issues in his life. That source had another individual post up for him that he was going to be taking a period of time off as he did not want to log into the board himself.


    I have never done what I did today, but the fact that I got a returned email & the issue has apparently not been addressed for a few days, combined with some guys waiting extended periods of time to hear back, as well as the fact that someone has apparently received emails from multiple different email accounts...IDK, but I am a little bit spooked. The holidays, sure OK, but that would just result in a longer response time; it wouldn't end up with emails getting kicked back to me & other guys.


    If I'm wrong, & dictator gets on here & everything is fine, then I will beg him for forgiveness for retrieving my package. But I'd rather be safe than sorry & lose out on my documents.


    Armsports, if you would be willing to share the information you shared with the mod(s) with me as well, I would be very appreciative.

  19. Anybody have trouble with his email lately? I received a somewhat delayed message back from a request, and when I tried to respond it was returned as undeliverable. I had a couple of other issues related to our communication that seemed odd as well


    I just sent him an emailing confirming some documents were on the way to him & I got the same thing about undeliverable email. Had to go retrieve my documents...find this very odd.

  20. Good idea. I haven't worked you in a while though but maybe you'll let me when I need something:)


    It's been a while for me too, but everytime I've reached out to him to make sure I'm good to order, he says I am. So I'm sure you'll be fine.


    EDIT: Guess I should read through the thread first before I reply...he already said you're good lol.

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