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Posts posted by PeytonManning

  1. Dont let dating around scare ya. Its a brave new world out there. If my wife n I ever divorce (hopefully not) but if. It would be a field day of pussy. Tinder and other apps. The internet. Sexual liberation of women. Its a great time to get laid.


    Def not scared brother. Just very limited time to do anything. Come spring I'll be working 70-80hrs every week. I already work a lot but I'm in the process of buying a turn key business that will hardly leave me any time to myself. Will be a big payoff down the road though. If I can just arrange for these whores to show up at my house after work and not expect any courting, I'll be in there lol!

  2. Hot girls feel they are owed a glamours life living on the backs of men..If your not happy u better let her know about it..Shes gonna have to pick u or the drugs..just make sure she doesnt play u out..these hot drug girls are tricky sneaky bastards..adderall and drinks aint shit really but if it fuks with u u need to handle that with a iron fist


    Very true my friend. She's admitted on several occasions she's used to getting what she wants in past relationships. (Due to her looks and some men are pussies)

  3. Have you talked to her about it?

    My buddy just had a similar situation. He straight dumped his chick but when the inevitable "why?" Came he was straight up. He told her he liked her a lot and told her all the good in the relationship, but closed with his issues. His top issue was her drinking and behavior relating to such. They were split up for a bit, but she decided he was more of a priority and made changes. Now they are back together and doing well.


    Moral of the story... have an honest conversation. Your relationship won't last no mater what if you can't do this when you have issues.


    Yea man, we've had those exact talks before. Things get better for a while then a month or so goes by and things slowly cycle back around. I didn't sugar coat things at all and was honest as I could possibly be last night. I suppose she will make the immediate changes needed or I will have no choice. Just not gonna be much fun. I can hardly fathom at this point in life having to date around, or ask girls out to dinner etc.. I don't have time for any of that nor the patience. Thanks for your input btw gms.

  4. well a year and a half isn't a short time nor is it a really long time. Weight your options: Do you see yourself marrying someone that has an addiction problem? Will she be the same way if you two decide to have kids? Will she still be hot at age 60? lol


    But seriously, give her an ultimatum; it's either she pro-actively tries to change for good or you're out, in life you don't need people bringing you down with them


    Just a very tough decision ahead of me here. Keep the advice coming brothers.

  5. well a year and a half isn't a short time nor is it a really long time. Weight your options: Do you see yourself marrying someone that has an addiction problem? Will she be the same way if you two decide to have kids? Will she still be hot at age 60? lol


    But seriously, give her an ultimatum; it's either she pro-actively tries to change for good or you're out, in life you don't need people bringing you down with them


    Thanks or the input brother, I did give her an ultimatum last night and she let me flush her adderal. But I cld see myself marrying the normal her, but not the crazy bitch she is sometime. I'm in the process of starting a new business, so my free time will be very very limited. If I break it off she will be back at her mom's, will lose her job she has here and I will most likely be alone for I long time.

  6. Also, I stay very busy with work so me finding a new gf or attempting to be back in the dating scene is almost out of the question. I've had a dozen different talks with her about these issues and it will help for short period, then back to the same shit after time passes by.

  7. Need a lil advice here fellas. I've been dating a girl for a year and a half now. We currently live together, and have been having issues. (Fyi..she is very hot) I do care a lot about her, and she does have many good qualities but many bad ones as well. She drinks on a nightly basis though, sometimes only a few drinks, sometimes she gets waisted. I rarely drink at all. Also she is prescribed adderal from the doc. When she takes these she is like an emotionless robot. Seems indifferent to the world. I do not love the person she is while on alcohol and adderal. She needs substance abuse help I suppose, but I cannot afford to pay out of pocket for a rehab or counseling. Although I've said all negative things about her, she's not just some piece of trash. She is probably one of the more intelligent females I've been with and is great (for the most part when sober). But I'm at a crossroads here and need some advice. I know I will be crushed if we part ways but I'm also not happy with the current state things are at. If I send her packing, she doesn't have the means to move directly into her own place, and would most likely end up at her mother's since I am the primary bread winner. She works but doesn't have enough money to be independent. So this leads me to a decision to either turn my back on her or come up with another solution.

  8. I had a few weeks when running those 3 where I was unmotivated and lazy but I realized it had nothing to do with aas and I was just lazy:) Seriously though...I snapped out of it eventually and got through it and I think I just needed a whole week off from training. I'm now running test, npp and drol at much higher doses than you are and feel great. I have to make myself take a rest day now.


    Interesting... Ill take that into consideration. Thanks bro.

  9. That is a rather low dose cycle. 1200mg test, 600 tren a and 100-150 drol used to be my summer cycle for years. But now at 46yrs I had to give up tren. You said bloods came back ok, was that while you were on cycle? Maybe it's time to let go of the big bang compounds. I had to and it sucked. But if you been at this for 20yrs and I have too, you should have a very good base of mature mucsle and I have found that a good dose of test and hgh does wonders as I enter the second phase of life. I understand and feel you brother. Keep banging. Respect.


    Ive had blood done during and after this cycle (years ago) and was fine. Although i havent had bloods done this time yet. To be honest with these low doses i usually dont bother. I still respond well to lower end doses. Ive tried plenty of high mg cycles, but now just stick to lower mg. But im definitely going to finish this run out, just have to get past the fatigue. Thanks for your input as well brother.

  10. what doses are u taking and whats your experience with gear?


    Im taking 600mg test ew, 200mg tren ew, 50mg anadrol ed. Only running the drol 4 weeks so only bout 2 weeks left of that. Ive been using aas for close to 20yrs on and off. Lots of experience with both. I feel ok, just lazy. Which isnt normal for me.

  11. I am currently on test, tren, drol. I know many warn against tren and drol simoutaneously, but it works for me. Bloods come back fine and i get great results. I keep the tren and drol doses in the lower range. Im a firm believer that aas sides/effects are exaggerated. Anyway, i always have little to no motivation or energy while on this cycle. It effects my job and workouts. I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good sarm, med, or supplement to take during the day to provide me with energy and motivation. Any help is much appreciated fellas.

  12. There's so many new sarms/peptides etc. on the market these days i can hardly keep up with then all. Im old school and tried almost every AAS under the sun but lately Ive been thinking of trying MK677 and Rad140. Ive researched tons but read mixed reviews. Can anyone give me feed back on either based on experience, or maybe make a suggestion of a sarm that was worth taking? Any help would be much appreciated fellas. Thanks

  13. You shouldn't be using anyway Peyton Manning!!! You got a Super Bowl to win this year!!




    Im just looking for a little edge here. Even my brother has two rings...jk. But seriously, id imagine docs give all middle aged professional athletes HRT anyway, along with any other anabolic they could legally get away with.

  14. not as a chemist but as a user... and it flows really nice... and smells good too...


    Nice.. . thanks for the info. Did it seem much thicker that cso or gso? I read conflicting reports on the viscosity. Trying to figure out if i can still backload slin pins with this carrier.

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