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Posts posted by sifu137

  1. On 7/24/2020 at 2:45 PM, Freedom said:

    This is an easy Fix my friend.


    Do one vial at a time until you become comfortable with the procedure.

    METHOD stovetop
    - Put a small saucepan and vial of crashed gear on stove (SAME TIME)
    - Turn the stove on low/med heat (Low heat is good, it will slowly warm up to the temperature you need)
    - Swirl the bottle or shake very couple of minutes, repeat until all oil is back starts coming back to solution
    - Once it starts to dissolve swirl the bottle every 2-5 seconds
    Be careful not to burn your fingers when your swirl the vials.
    *Please do not post anymore pics of our gear online*

    thanks, if you want to delete my post you can

  2. 4 hours ago, Imperial440 said:

    Put it in the microwave for 1 minutesand shake it up to break any clumps that may have formed. It'll still work as intended, it doesn't degrade the actual compound itself.

    put metal in a microwave??

    • Like 2
  3. What’s the best bitcoin wallet app to use?


    safest way with crypto is blending it


    btc -> xmr -> btc


    and using a different sending and receiving wallet each time, i use Jaxx and Electrum

  4. I used to think there was quite a few dickheads here who jumped on new sources without a lot of warrant (Bigfoot

    especially ) but I actually think in more than a few instances lately it’s been warranted and a lot of the new guys should be thankful this can be a confusing world at first when you don’t know anything and just want to get jacked and there’s all This bullshit gh and when a source won’t even tell you what kind of oil they are using is a major sign of fuckery going on . I’m glad guys ran Chavo out of here and the other bullshit that was happening with hgh pro and Kronos etc etc..I salute assholes lately��


    i'm one of those idiots, I bought a bunch of nord pens twice from HGH pro but I got all of them in 3 days shipping time, each time. ::shrug::

  5. So I was watching a video from enhancedathlete where coach Trevor briefly talks about Vitamin D3 in super-physiological doses, that it increases the bodies ability to reproduce and regrow androgen receptors and increase sensitivity to androgens. Anyone heard of this before, or know anything about calcitriol? Every supplement seems to be in "Cholecalciferol" form and all I could find was actual RX meds in "calcitriol" form.

  6. eh, there was only one reference in there that was worth anything, regarding humans anyway.




    I don't like how the article says testosterone at the start then the rest of the article is talking about nandrolone or other compounds. Do you really want to say bio-identical synthetic testosterone is an ANABOLIC STEROID?? I wouldn't if its just for TRT.


    "Psychotic symptoms, excessive libido and aggression, in addition to physical and psychological dependence and withdrawal syndromes have been rarely described with testosterone treatment,306,307 though the validity of testosterone or the cause is uncertain." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2701485/


    Anabolic-androgenic steroids and psychiatric-related effects: a review. - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1551042

    Psychological and behavioural effects of endogenous testosterone levels and anabolic-androgenic steroids among males. A review. - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2263798

  7. I run anabolics, so I honestly can't tell the difference when I take SARMs.


    On that note, MK677 I can tell the difference but I would not classify it as a SARM though, its a growth hormone secretagogue.

  8. man don't just go straight into Accutane, that's kind of stupid and irresponsible.


    You added test and started seeing acne, therefor it can be a few things.

    1. test -> Estrogen conversion causing hormone fluctuations = Acne

    2. Androgen levels increased = so does your oil production in your skin and pores

    3. Not cleaning or showering enough, waiting too long to shower after sweating = clogged pores and acne


    Let's solve for each one:


    1. Are you controlling your estrogen with an aromatase inhibitor? Aromasin 12.5mg EOD or E3D would be a good place to start

    2 & 3: You need to shower 2-3 times a day while using oil control soap like Tea Tree soap. Also, on one of those showers use an exfoliating towel.


    Other things to consider:

    - Curcumin to reduce systemic inflammation and free radicals

    - Resveratrol another good ant-inflammatory that works on a different pathway then Curcumin

    - Keeping sugar and shitty foods away from your body

    - Eating clean (duhh)


    Let's focus on the basics before jumping into something as hardcore as Accutane, there's a reason doctors don't recommend until its the absolute last resort.

  9. I wasn't caught in that mix, and your thread is shutdown... I've literally been biting my nails for 2 weeks considering getting your Primo.. tell me its still g2g.. no offense, just hard to find REAL primo :*( :(

  10. 10 weeks test e 600mgs pw that's God for a 1st cycle. Any input


    Generally anywhere from 300-600 on the first cycle is common. Personally I'd start off lower and ramp up, something like:


    (assuming the test E is 300mg per 1cc)


    week 1-4

    .5cc Test E - Mon/Th

    .5mg arimidex EOD


    week 5-10

    1cc Test E - Mon/Thu

    .5mg arimidex EOD (or ED if you feel symptoms)

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