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Gain Train

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Posts posted by Gain Train

  1. Hello, DFL are you still accepting new customers? I haven't been on cycle for about a year now I gave my body a break and I am looking at getting back into it. Used a few sponsors here and from what ive read from feedback on some have been good and bad... Looks like to me you are still being consistent from all the feedback. Definitely Interested.

  2. its not safe... lol... crystalized dnp is what you would want to take if u were too... not the plant shrub fertilizer form...


    both are dangerous... take clen instead... i wouldn't even suggest t3 u can fuck ur thyroid up just diet hard and stay consistent

  3. Excess Use of True HGH can alter anyone's genetics regarding their overall body composition structure etc... genetics play a crucial role in how an individual will respond to AAS and other compounds... Genetics on an athletic side is very different... muscle fiber types are a genetic factor... yes you have multiple types but due to genetics and exposure to a certain training stimuli effects the overall amount of which but your already predetermined by your parents

  4. Take Growth 1 hour Before Fasted Cardio...


    Take Growth 1 hour Before Workout...



    If your taking 6 IUS for Example to 3 IU in the morning and 3 IU pre training... Works the best IMO...


    Rest days is when I do my cardio... SO il usually do a Full dose then do 35-45 mins cardio 30-45 mins post injection

  5. There is a reason that gear is readily available, legal and pharma quality in Europe yet very little of it (relatively) reaches the largest consumers in the world. Because sending drugs US to EU or vice versa is way more difficult. Many factors play into that including but not limited to agency to agency communication as well as governmental participation.


    To make claims like Watson Pharmaceuticals products are on par with OR sub par to UGL gear is insane IMO.


    I also have a difficult time buying that an employee of a billion dollar legal pharmaceutical company sold a small amount of that companies raws to his nephew in the US. Not to mention that you successfully shipped and received it. Some how that company just didnt miss the missing raws.


    Not necessarily calling BS just saying thats a big claim. BIG.



    It doesn't work the way you think. Pharmaceutical companies are more corrupt than any politician. My uncle has been there for 20+ years... if he wants something made or done it is. There's no big claims being made just stating facts and my experiences

  6. I'm honestly not sure what the hell is going on back and fourth between a few members and a new provisional source but after looking through the thread Here and the one posted about regarding gh0sts post.


    I am in no way associated with Kronos or have any contact with anyone here outside of Pms and open posts...


    To clear up the whole "All Raws come from China" This can't be further from the truth... My Uncle and his son both work overseas for major pharmaceutical companies that produce anabolics and other pharmaceutical goods. One living and working in Portugal which provide a large amount of Watson Products "They Make their Raws in house and my uncle is one of the chemists responsible" His son also works for a company that manufactures human growth hormone as well as other Raws that some pharmaceutical companies purchase in Romania. Believe it or not their company sells Raws they produce aswell as growth hormone to resellers that supply a vast majority of big name UGLs.


    Certain Countries you can buy AAS and Ancillaries OTC without a prescription and it's not hard to get in contact with pharmaceutical companies that supply these areas.


    I for one have purchased directly from Watson through my uncle to make my own testosterone and have also used a Source on another board for Raws and I actually get higher Test levels from a China source then I do from Watson... EU/China/Etc it doesn't matter where Raws are coming from and those of you claiming one place is better than the other I'm calling bullshit.


    You can get Raws anywhere as long as they are using correct formulation techniques and the right materials quality will be there

  7. Best bang for your buck is different from something that is of better quality... Is a Chuck roast better than a filet mignon? If you have a little extra $s to spend check out that Protein I suggested but look at local supplement stores because most places online have it listed for $99 bucks and I got mine locally for 78 bucks and some change after taxes

  8. Hey everyone just thought I'd give a huge thumbs up to a recently new product by musclesport. If you have ever got burnt out of drinking a specific whey protein or just want something that you don't have to hold your breath to drink lol check out their "Fat metabolising Whey Protein" So far their CookieCrisp and Lean Charms are my favorite. I'm really wanting to try the smores version when I run out of these two.



    Local stores usually carry this product for around 69.99-79.99 for a huge tub that has 106 servings...



    There is literally cereal in the protein and it's fucking delicious

  9. I still prefer Tren A over Tren E and Tren Hex.... the ester is obviously different than E and A so realeaae time throughout the body peaks at different times. Some claim that Tren Hex has the least amount of noticeable side effects but from my experience I don't get hardly any side from Tren E or Tren Hex unless I'm over 1g a week which I would usually have to pin ED so in all reality I'm not doing anything different than what I'd be doing with Tren A. I have had better results cutting and bulking on Tren A over Tren E and Hex. Diet is key ultimately... while on Tren eat good healthy food and don't forget to do some cardio

  10. If you got it you got it... it can only get worse or remain how it is even with the use of AIs SERMs etc. if it gets bad get it surgically removed.


    Always have everything you may need for a cycle in hand and take as needed...

  11. I'll keep the HCG around 250iu during the cycle as someone else suggested. There are different opinions about running it on cycle. I read a good article about it and using it to prevent atrophy of gonads during the cycle instead of afterwards to treat atrophy. We shall see.


    If your testicle size is of major concern then I wouldn't use AAS. Anabolics will shut down your natural test production. HCG will help your testicles start producing natural levels again and help overall size if atrophy occurs.


    Don't use it on cycle if possible save it for PCT.

  12. Just a few comments to finish the overall feedback on my cycle that was completed. I have been detoxing and off all compounds since I've completed my cycle. Upon finishing this cycle I weighed 229 pounds and at the nearby college university upon completing a hydrostatic weighing test through the exercise physiology department I reached a Body Fat Percentage of 7% BF.

    Sources Used CBLRep Dynasty Labs, Bigsports Blue Hearts, Platinum Direct Grey tops

    Overall Gain 18lbs of Muscle over 20 week period

    Currently maintaining 226lbs at 9% BF


    I would like to say the sources listed above provided great gear for me over this cycle. I Performed and responded Better to CBLreps Test versus Dynastys Testosterone. Dynastys Tren seemed to do more for me than the others I used over this cycle and other previous labs in general.


    Big shout out to Platinum Direct and Bigsport for the Great GH and Bluehearts!


    If you have any other questions or comments ask away


    I will be starting another cycle using another Provisional Source "Advanced Elite" I will post current cycle log once I Have everything in order.

  13. So your currently taking


    2 cc of Tren E guessing 400mg Tren a week

    2 cc EQ 500mg so 1g a week

    3cc Test 400 so 1.2g a week????


    And Rx GH or Generic?



    The you would switch to


    700mg Test Prop

    700mg Mast

    700mg Tren?



    I personally wouldn't of taken EQ for a 8 week cycle... I think you should of saved that for a 12-16 week but that's IMHO..


    If these are already the compounds you have on hand/ the only ones I would continue out your cycle another Week or so.. I personally don't notice the hardness and dry loom from Masteron until the end of my second week and 3rd week being my "peak" where I can really tell how it's working...


    I would also suggest you still take 1 CC of your Test 400 mid week (Wednesday) if you switch to this blend compound your talking about


    GH I never skip days... I would run it ED... It is costly but seems to work better for me then trying to save as much as possible and cut out a few days... I used to not take it on days I didn't train 5 days on 2 off (Wednesday and Sunday) but noticed better results from a ED protocol

  14. Just because you take an AI doesn't mean you are not going to bloat...


    If you want to minimize the bloat then just lower your daily sodium intake lower the test dosage and take an AI... Also Try to stick to gluten free products and increase your water intake... Also this may sound weird... But helps a lot... Get your training partner or a person you date/bang to wrap your mid section with Syrian wrap...


    Do a vacuum and get wrapped with the Syrian wrap and leave it on for 30mins to an hour if able... Usually around 30 mins is fine... It usually starts to break around that time

  15. I've been asked by a few fellow members and even some older guys in my local town about what to do while comming off cycle while on TRT... Id like your guys input on doing so and not just my 2 cents.. Usually one would drop all gear use and start taking a SERM Post Cycle along side HCG But for those of us on TRT we can't technically come off Test... Or shouldn't atleast...


    Usually if I hit a cycle I just tend to cruise normally I do one extra injection plus my TRT dose... I stay at about 500-600mg a week on a cruise since my Rx dose is 200mg/a week... Once I go to start my cycle again 500-600mg would be my base line So I would need to increase my weekly test to 1g-1.5g then increase over time...


    Those on TRT do you tend to do something similar or is their something better?

  16. Gain, You mentioned your friend was taking in 600mg of Dys. Test a week and was peaking/reaching around 6000s yea? I was thinking of giving his Test C a run.


    That is correct brother! I was kind of ticked off that his body responds like that to gear... He naturally has extremely high test levels... I think he got his bloods done and he's around 1200-1300 naturally which is seriously un heard of hes 25 years old.


    I've been on TRT since I was 19ish... Could never figure out my sleeping/depression problems until I got my levels tested... My dick worked just fine so I would of never guessed

  17. im starting his tren tonight, can't wait lol



    You will not be disappointed my friend! Best have a couple vials on hand 4-5 injections a week was my sweet spot... Then I got down to my last 2 vials and I pinned 1cc of Tren ED alongside my other compounds... Side effects were there but definitely worth it IMHO... If you've been running Tren frequently(previous cycles) I've noticed that more frequent injections always provide me better results... If you've been off cycle or haven't used Tren in awhile Pinning EOD would be a decent protocol but after a few weeks on I highly suggest pinning ED... If you don't wanna exceed over 700-1g a week then just take .5cc ED

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