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Posts posted by sliver

  1. todays back workout lol beat


    Standing wide grp sweeps 3 sets 16 reps

    Standing close grp sweeps 3 x 16

    Lat pulls 3 x 14, 2 x 25

    Seated rows 6 x 25

    Seated rows wide grp 6 x 25

    Seated row reverse grip....6 x 25

    Hammer strngth high row...

    3 x 14, 3 x 25...

    Hammer strength low row... 5 x 16

    1 arm rows... 4 x 14

    Barbell rows... 4 x 14

    Deadlifts super-slow...4 x 10

    Pullovers.... 4 x 14

    Seated shrugs....5 x 25

    Barbell shrugs....5 x 25

    Dumbell shrugs... 5 x 25


    OMFG! Thank so much CF! You weren't kidding about volume.... Ok now I have to see your leg workout! Thanks for taking the time to type all of this stuff out.


    Oh Yeah. Can you tell us what your protein intake is daily?

  2. Thanks for doing this CF!

    How often do you get blood work done?

    What panels do you have tested?

    Are the pros doing all this blood letting/donating stuff?

    At what age did you start aas?

    How many ounces of meat or grams of protein do you take in a day? Difference for bulking vs cutting?

  3. I feel this way when I have overtrained for a few weeks and a cold is coming. How long have you been on your blast? Maybe a 1 week break from training would be helpful. All that being said its probably the tren :)

  4. This thread is great! Thank you CF! So you said you knew what Ronnie is taking now... Can you let us know? How about big Ramy. There is a lot of speculation that he is some kind of science experiment with his supplementation... Any thoughts? The dude has exploded in the last 2 years.

  5. Navy,


    Do you feel that GH has made you healthier? Sounds like you feel it fixed some chronic issues for you. I have often wondered if moderate GH use would heal and add longevity. I know it is used for such but have never heard someone report back that they feel it heeled an issue. I think CF said it healed his tendonitis and that is what I want to use it for. Interesting to say the least.

  6. Why not moderate doses of both? 500-600mg of each along with test and dbol is my next blast, possibly.


    This work well too. Despite what everyone's "research" says, they work well together.

  7. You really need to do some more research. Let alone the personal experiences of 1000 differents people on this board alone. Eq does not drop rbc.


    Nor does any anabolic compound. It was a stab at the banter that was going on in the thread.

  8. amounts relative to your size, I'd run high tren (1050 for light heavy should be more than enough) and moderate (700mg or so) mast, with lower test. 150 is good. I would drop the test 3-4 weeks out as well as the EQ, then add in the winstrol and halotestin. Halo is the best drug I have ever used and produced the most dramatic results even in comparison to tren. If you are lean it will add an unmistakeable density and roundness to your muscles man. I noticed that with a couple days of using the stuff. It was jaw dropping. I couldn't believe how good i looked lol. I would definitely include it for the last 4-6 weeks of ur prep (30mg +). It'll give you the strength and aggression ur gonna need when on lower cals. Winny I'd keeping around 75-100mg, since tren and mast can already make you look stringy if dieting hard. Winny sculpts out my chest like nothing else, glad to see someone else who enjoys it.



    So i would run tren, mast, winny, halo straight through to show day. You could maybe get away with running the test and EQ too, but since they're long esters it'd be too hard imo to see how much water they're causing and going to cause u to hold cause of the length of the ester


    Are you using any lasix or hctz?


    From what I can see, this is the only dude that attempted to try to answer the damn guys question and I agree with this layout. It will and does work, not to mention the guy with the question is fully capable of making the decision of dosages. Why does anyone ask you guys anything look at this thread.


    For the dude that asked the question. This plan is solid just adjust the dosages to your experience level. In the end it is your decision.

  9. SFG, what do you make of the 3 vials test c jelled and 1 vial of test c in liquid state? Logically, they can't be chemically equivalent if they do not all jell at same temperature/conditions. I've read on other forums that some guys put their test c is freezer as a quality control test to see if it's legit. Originally I thought jelled vials were bad, but maybe its the liquid vial that's underdosed. Any thoughts?


    That is a good point. I definitely would work with your source but also start your cycle if you have one good one. I would leave them jelled until you need them. It shouldn't affect potency. Oh yah don't boil it! It doesn't need that much heat!

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