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Posts posted by Theworm

  1. Your doc actually prescribed nandrolone? I hadn’t heard of that.


    It’s a real thing. The dose is crazy too, one script said 1.25 ml nandrolone 200mg/ml, and the other one was 1.5 ml= 300 mg weekly.


    Only a matter of time before it ends I bet, but it’s been over 5 years now.

  2. Dude that trt protocol is really low in my opinion , I would do what your suggestion with the 300 my test and deca as a little blast here and there maybe up both of em and check your health markers twice a week year .. but I would up the test to to at least 150/200 mg a week and yea like the guy above add a couple iu of gh is also what I’m thinking about ..


    My plan was 150 test a week and 250 nandrolone a week (all from my trt doc), and some hcg to keep balls alive...


    Navychief, thoughts?


    I want to add LBM but more importantly I want to feel good yet stay healthiest as possible.


    Or just stick with trt and add hgh or mk677 etc?


    I do agree with a sleep study but just can’t squeeze it into my schedule (about to have 5 kids ages 6 and under)...

  3. The test your taking puts you in the normal range and its actually what trt is for, your problem is more than likely somewhere else. With trt it should always be the lowest amount to get your levels in the healthy range. When you do your bloodwork they test your nadir levels, which is at your lowest point. So most of the time your levels are probably around 7 to 800 total test. Your free test is above the high range, so you dont need anymore test. If you want to up it for some goals that's fine, but it's not the reason your not feeling good.


    The study galaxy is referring to showed that metformin isnt good for athletes. The combination just lowers certain markers of biological age it doesnt neccesarily make you feel better. I unknowingly used that combination for over a year, and didnt notice any difference in how I felt. I dont use metformin now after the study, and I'm going to start using lantus instead.


    If your constantly tired and run down you should do a sleep study, its probably sleep apnea. You can add in all the test or decca, but your test levels are actually very good. Upping the test, and adding decca more than likely will not help.


    Thanks for the honest reply.

  4. I’m on trt now, 30 mg every 3 days, 300 hcg every 3 days, no arimidex.

    Labs, CBC, thyroid tests, etc normal.

    TT 570, free T 188 (normal is 55-150), SHBG 8 (normal 20-40), sensitive E2 40 (< 29 normal), psa normal etc.


    I’m 40, 4 kids, 5th on way. I feel so tired and run down. Like I’m depressed but I know I’m not. My question is, despite wanting the healthiest option, I want to feel good...


    I was thinking of running 300 test and 250 deca for a long time and checking labs every month. Am I way off in my thinking? Any opinions... I’m not looking to be a BB, just look and feel good while minimizing health risks...

  5. Why would you want to use this?

    IT suppresses natural testosterone production.

    Triptorelin has been used as a chemical castration agent for reducing sexual urges in sex offenders

    Enhances estrogen effects on breast tissues....Why the fuck would any man willingly use that?

    Suppresses testosterone at high doses (4mg). It does so by over stimulating the pituitary so it becomes desensitized.


    By using small doses, 100 mcg, it can be used to restart pituitary thus increasing LH/fsh and restoring testosterone.


    I’ve tried dr scaly pct and my LH was zero a few weeks after. I wanted to try one last attempt.

  6. I thought bout using it not long ago but read up alot u hve to be careful not shut yourself down permanent. I was goin to try rui

    They have the best triptorelin?

    Love to try it but heard of so many fakes...

  7. My TT was 17 after several months off, felt so bad, like no motivation or strength, constant brain fog and felt like I got 2 hours of interrupted sleep for several months.


    I thought I could come off, did 6 restarts with pharm meds, scally protocol etc. F that shit! Must be so hard for the body. Now Im on trt for life and feel amazing! So much energy, work is better, happier around my family, better father and husband. Im 40, and def not coming off trt anymore.


    I add in 300 iu hcg every 3 days and that for me really makes me feel good. Mentally and physically.

  8. I feel off, uninspired, no energy etc.


    I usually feel great


    Been on trt for years 30 mg SQ every 3 days, TT around 650, E2 in the 20s. Also do hcg 300 SQ every 3 days and .25 mg arimidex every 3 days. Feel great on this.


    In the past I always ran high deca low test with zero issues. My current blast is 400 deca (ok top of my trt test dose), 50 mg Anavar. Good gains, but feel bad. I cannot get labs right now as I just got them done before this blast. Any opinions? Drop the blast? Up the test dose? Is it the anavar? I feel stupid asking these questions, but I feel horrible and suffer at home and work...

  9. Wife is pregnant and I’m on trt... I take hcg with .25 mg arimidex every 3 days.

    Think it’s safe to be taking arimidex? Maybe I should cut the hcg and just do test?

    I take hcg cause it makes me feel better etc...

    I was also doing 20 mg nolvadex for a few weeks, just had gyno surg and the whole gland wasn’t removed... trying to shrink what was left.


    also I was planning a short blast with deca, oxandrolone and prop. Was going to take nolvadex with it as I just had gyno surgery ... maybe I should wait? Maybe add hgh instead of a short blast?

    Thanks for any help, I can’t find any studies on these issues. Writing this out makes me feel like I’m on too much shit, just go with my trt test and plus or minus hgh?

  10. On trt, had gyno surg with power assisted lipo. Plastic surgeon said he was able to remove a lot of fat and gland, but there is no way to remove everything or my chest would look sunk in. I’m one week post op and love the results!


    I really wanna blast again but scared of gyno coming back, my wife said no more elective surgeries... (cost 5500!). I can only use hrt clinic products, test, oxandrolone and deca. But there is a thread on here how deca directly stimulates estrogen receptors. So even if I have an AI dialed in on a blast, which is really hard to do, I fear my gyno would return. I could always use oxandrolone but it crashes my lipids. I know it’s a newbie question, but I can’t risk this shit coming back.

    I was thinking prop and var, add nolva to protect gyno and help with lipids. Or just cruise on 150 mg deca for a while... any input?

    Again, I have to only use what I can get via my hrt clinic... oxandrolone, test e or prop, deca...

  11. Do you take anything for cholesterol?


    I did 6 weeks oxandrolone and my hdl dropped to 17 (from 46)! Ldl went from 100 to 181...


    I did that with prop so I also had an AI. Maybe I’ll try again with my trt and no AI and see if it drops as much because prescription oxandrolone is one of the best compounds I ever tried, get ripped

  12. I personally feel hgh has protective effects on the heart. You read about hexarelin having these effects so I don’t see why it wouldn’t apply to hgh. Not to mention the tons of gear pros consume, I think it’s the hgh which keeps them ticking. No proof. I suppose just my own bro science. I also feel using AIs like arimidex protects against cancer. It’s given to cancer patients and there is also studies on soy actually protecting against cancer as it’s a phytoestrogen which is an anti estrogen but because estrogen is in the word people will try and tell you it causes cancer when it’s the exact opposite. I think bodybuilders unwittingly protect themselves by using hgh and arimidex. Any reason you don’t just use black tops or grays? You could probably even find serostim kits for around $600 to $700.

    Have to stay legal for various reasons...

    I can get legit US pharmacy obtained test, deca, oxandrolone hgh and sermorelin


    It’s costs a ton, but legit and legal

  13. I know aids patients always use anavar, not sure about deca. For overall health and long term I would feel anavar the safer choice. I saw one study, mind you one study, that deca was 11 times more damaging to blood vessels than testosterone. Which to me means it’s raising your CHD risk factor considerably more than just dropping your HDL for a few weeks.


    You really can’t afford hgh? Just 2ius ed or 5 days a week does tremendous things. Joints, arthritis, everything just gets better.


    My hrt clinic has hgh for 1500 for like 20 units.. too insane!

    One thing with hgh is lymphoma risk

  14. So what if your HDL is wrecked for 6 weeks. Eats some walnuts and in two weeks it will go back up. It’s not like it’s permanent.


    So are you saying do the 6 week oxandrolone blasts to trt a few time a year vs long low dose deca?

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