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Posts posted by AKOG

  1. I agree keep the incline low but don’t make it a flat bench movement with that little of an angle. If it’s got notches on the bench for incline put it at 1 or 2 to hit the upper chest. Any more than that is really hard on your front delts and you’ll end up having shoulder issues. Took years to learn how to train correctly. Actually you’ll always be learning your own body and how to make it grow without undue or unnecessary injuries/pain. Arnold is a great example, he uses almost all hammer strength and cable machines now to protect his aging joints. He adapted and so should everyone whose building their body.

  2. Look into running a short cycle of HCG to get your balls up and running again, followed by a pct of clomid and nolva. If you can find a trt dose of test that works for you, pinning weekly for the foreseeable future, then by all means, have at it and good luck my man. I would definitely see where your estrogen is at

  3. I actually agree with this, stop it before pct, I'll edit my previous post. I'm of the camp of running it the whole cycle. Waiting 2 weeks after starting the cycle would be acceptable also.

  4. To clarify I did say HCG and not HGH. HCG, or leutenizing hormone, sends the signal from your brain to your balls to create testosterone. Which stops happening on cycle.

  5. The whole time?!?!


    Run it for the cycle, stopping before starting pct. Why is because it's cheap and will prevent atrophy of yer manlyhood. It really does help hasten natural test production post cycle.

  6. If you want gear to help with the actual 'cutting' part, tren and gh. That's about it outside of appetite suppressants, thermogenics, t4 and t3, etc. outside of those it's like the guys said, calories in vs calories out and activity level.

  7. Try this-incline dumbell flies to failure, then switch immediately to pressing. Just as if you were going to do a straight set of incline dumbbell press, but start with flies and when you hit failure there, without switching dumbells, start pressing to failure. Try to pick a weight that would allow you to get close to 8 reps of flies and then 6 or more presses. It's a gamechanger

  8. If it's musculalature then absolutely YES!! It is fantastic for her! Growth releasing peptides have been used for patients with degenerative muscle diseases as well as for burn patients, injury repair, etc. It may not cure the MS but it will certainly slow and possibly stop muscle wasting. To go so far as getting pharma gh, is say that's not worth it. Too spendy and requires injections which is fine (of course) but would she be willing to inject multiple times a day? I would look at mk-677. Pm me with questions but this is an oral growth hormone releasing secretougue and is cheap, reliable and very effective.

  9. I have fairly extensive experience with IGF both DES and Lr3. If you want hyperplasia, which is the literal splitting and creation of new muscle cells, take massive amounts of test, tren, GH and gh releasing peptides. But hyperplasia is not easy to achieve AT ALL. The stuff on the market today as far as IGF is concerned is a glorified glucose disposal agent. It gives great pumps, leans the body out very quickly, and induces a general side effect of well being in the gym due to glycogen being more available in the muscle bellies during exercise. It also increases vascularity by doing the same thing. But it by no means at all indices hyperplasia. The stuff from yesteryear that you can't get anywhere anymore probably did. But now you gotta make your own igf by higher hgh levels in the body. Igf today can still have a purpose and can be used to some degree of success, but do not exceed recommended doses as it can cause side effects. Stuff like pissing out your ass diarrhea and kidney issues. But taken responsibly its fine and can be an alternative to things like t4 and t3 for leaning out.

  10. There have also been recorded measurements in higher levels of growth hormone secretion for a full 24 hours after just one injection of Ipamorelin. Although 30-45 minutes after injection levels are certainly higher, it is interesting to note that it may have an effect somewhat like mk-677

  11. What's your take on sermorelin acetate?


    It's a ghrh vs a ghrp. I personally like the ghrps better (Ipamorelin, ghrp2 and ghrp6) as they will always release gh when on an empty stomach. Ghrhs like sermorelin and cjc actually do have to be timed with natural hormonal fluctuations in the body. Research more into ghrhs if you would like to know more about this, but suffice it to say sermorelin does work very well, but sometimes a dose, even if taken at the same time of day every day, can be less potent or not even work at all. Also, sermorelin does have some side effects you won't find as prevalent with ipamorelin.

  12. I had great success with the same S4, but did have vision sides. MK-677 is fantastic also.

    Peptides are my bread and butter though-

    Best you can do is Ipamorelin with cjc-no dac. 200-300 mcg 3 times daily.

    Also had success with the-500 and BPC-157 for healing. Igf des and igf lr3 are great for fat loss and pumps, but you won't find what igf really was back in the day anywhere. What you will found now is a great glucose disposal agent (which really helps with the fat loss and pumps). Also, melanotan 2 is GREAT for tanning, skin protection, and libido. Hit me up with questions, I love peptide talk ��

  13. Ipamorelin ran year round is definitely pricey if you are running it with the hope of reaching HGH results at high levels, say 10 or more IUs worth GH. Although you can get damn near really close. I would say this-Ipamorelin, with its ability to literally release all of the potential leautinizing hormone from the pituitary, is a valuable peptide. Compared to the price of actual GOOD quality gh, it's still dirt cheap, especially if you order iPad in bulk as almost all sources have massive discounts and coupons for bulk orders. I would say that above all else, I would run Ipamorelin over ghrp2. Hands down. If you do choose to run Ipamorelin with the gh, it will most definitely produce synergistic effects. It's just that again, I would, for the sake of my wallet, blast gh for a 6 month period if you can afford the high doses. If you CANT-then definitely run Ipamorelin alongside. Otherwise, save Ipamorelin go a bridge off of the gh. That way you are never without higher levels of growth hormone in your body. Sorry if this got muddy btw

  14. Really it would depend what your timing is with the peps and slin. High levels of growth hormone do cause insulin resitance, but the magic with peptides is each dose will only yield a gh pulse for 30-60 minutes. Generally speaking. That's why it's best to pin 3 or more times throughout the day with ghrps. Just take your slin after your meals, as you obviously wouldn't be pinning the peps around times you eat as it would negate the gh pulse.

  15. I would highly recommend Ipamorelin over ghrp2. Little to no sides at all as far as increased hunger or lethargy. Honestly though, if you trust your gh source, just stick with that. I would save the peps for bridging or as a replacement for gh. That being said, if you have the funds you might give it a shot and see how it goes.

  16. Hey all! On one of my recent threads a member had made the statement that it was possible to recover after years of blasting and cruising with AAS. Of course including adequate AI use as well as HCG, and a properly dosed and supported pct, do you guys belive that you could actually recover full test function without the need for trt? I appreciate any and all relative comments and opinions!

    Cheers =)

  17. I very highly recommend a 5 on 2 off protocol per week with mk677. With it being a long-acting compound, it's effect on the pituitary on secreting higher levels of gh will become less pronounced with longer durations of use-the pituitary gland is remarkable at recovery, but desensitization will still occur if it is run daily. I would recommend slightly higher doses only 5 days per week, and after a month take at least 5 consecutive days off. This will ensure that the gh output remains consistent and will prevent 'burnout,' which will leave you exausted during the day due to overtaxation of the gland.

    Mk is definitely worth running year round, I highly recommend it. Cheers!

  18. How old are you...just curious. anti estro's for myself are extremely over rated.


    You need estrogen to build muscle and this internet obsession to completely remove all estrogen form your system all the time is just ignorant.

    for example and I know you didn't say this but I read where one guy is taking 25mg ED of aromasin ( aromasin can stay active for days !!!) while only taking less than 1 gram of test per week is just plane dumb but I see it on here all the time. Now granted if your at a pro level and taking 6-7 grams or more of Test a week, then yes Id take anti-E's...


    Low dose test and you're very low at that dose...you don't need any anti estrogen until you decide to come off completely toward the end of your cycle "Maybe"...trust me.

    As far as HCG. Thats a very powerful female hormone, so I wouldn't even consider using it at your level.


    The one thing I learned early on when taking test is to use HCTZ ( Hydrochlorothiazide ) to help keep the water off.

    I used to retain tons of water and look just plain water bloated while on Test for long periods. HCTZ also helps keep blood pressure down which is a huge medical benefit.

    Just take a small Potassium supplement with the HCTZ. Drink more water than normal while using HCTZ...HCTZ is not in any way addictive. You can come off it any time after stopping Test with no sides and it will not effect your natural hormones after a cycle in any way. HCTZ down side? Makes you Pee every hour or so...so plan accordingly for that...LOL


    I don't know why that got posted twice, sorry.

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