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AB V.I.P. Member
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Posts posted by death

  1. Also, to answer your other post. I think you should really study and get your cycles and training on point before stepping up. GH and IGF is for old fucks like me. Your body is still surging with GH naturally. Hit your plateau before you start in on GH or IGF. I guarantee you, after reading your posts you still have a ways to go before you should go down that road.

  2. Bro i promise you if you space your cycles, train and diet right you will never need more than say: 600mg test/400mg EQ a week, 75mg tren EOD. Tren and drol are very harsh. Combined with the levels of test and EQ you are looking at liver dialysis by 35. An easy rule to go by is no more than 5mg per pound of body weight with double the time off as on cycle. Meaning if you weigh 250 you need not go over 1250mgs per week. 16 weeks should yield a minimum 32 weeks downtime. Thats not to say you cant do some GH or IGF post/off cycle with something like proviron. Despite what some here will tell you, ask any vets or mods and i doubt you'll find one that 3 grams a week is anything but a waste of money. Your body can not physically utilize those levels. It just ends up killing you liver and wasting your check. If you have people bragging about 3-4 grams a week they are amateurs and idiots, do not listen to them.

  3. Anyone here that says you need 2200mg of juice a week to gain weight is a fucking idiot. This is borderline retarded! I am 32 and know close to 50 people that have used and not once have i ever encountered anyone short of an aids or cancer patient that would need this much shit in your body. If you cant grow on 1000-1200 mg a week you need to learn how to train. More is not better, its stupid and its the reason steroids have a bad rap. Ridiculous!

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