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AB V.I.P. Member
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Posts posted by death

  1. not fear based?????????? if you dont follow a long list of rules youll burn in hell??????? thats not fear based? you should live a good life because its the rights thing to do not because your afraid of going to hell or because thats what jesus wants. thats why there are millions of killers that think they are going to heaven because all they had to do was repent and be forgiven... bullshit!!!!!!

  2. there are always debates on whether dem. or rep. are better...The answer is niether. Bipartisanship is the silent but deadly killer of americas political system. Anytime you have a group of people devoted to helping a certain group of people there is always someone or several people left out. is it to far fechted to have one political party and call them say oh i dont know AMERICANS!!!!!! as long as the democrats fight the republicans and the 40 other small parties fight themwell never have a political system that is interested in all americans.

  3. back to the question of how to use it.... i found alot of useful info in the books "building the perfect beast" and "chemical muscle enhancement" both books are great and lay out several sample cycles for both gh and igf1......plus other things like dnp. lots of useful info in that most people either dont know or dont mention when speaking of cycles of gh or igf1. ......ps... be sure to alternate gh and igf eod plus be sure to spread the injections out 3-4 times a day on both drugs as there half life is not particularly long in the body.

  4. i was under the assumption that bringing back my natural test should'nt be neccesary on a gram a week of test? only near the end would i need to jump start natural production. i am taking so much liquidex because im taking 55 mg of winny/day and 110mg of anadrol/day on top of ther test. estrogen is sure to be a problem? just wasnt sure if the liquidex would help any with some natural test production until the deca wore off? i wasnt planing on hcg until the last week and then for one week post cycle.

  5. i have noticed a severe malfuntion with my little soldier and my friends tell me it is probably due to the deca i'm doing. I would like to know what causes it and how to keep it from happening again. My buddy says his didnt work for a while after he got off the deca? I'm taking 2-3 mg's of liquidex a day. Will that help.

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