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Posts posted by death

  1. If the 1% of the population that holds 90% of the wealth is scared about a recession, they will pull some out of the market. I think that's what starts it.


    Thats actually what causes a depression and financial collapse which i think is inevitable anyway. Read about the deprssion of the 20's. The system needs to correct itself.

  2. I lead a very humble life. I dont bother people and only try to help others and better this world, but WTF man life is so hard on me. My girl just found my stash and I think she is gonna break up with me. A couple weeks earlier someone broke into my house and stole about 6 k worth of stuff(my house isnt even finsihed since Katrina). I truly take to heart what rocky said about getting knocked down but how many times you get back up but man..... I tried to explain it to my girl that I have a shattered hip and knee and that I need gear (EQ) to help with my knee. For christ sake im a waitor and im on my feet all day and night. I know this is just rambeling that isnt making much sense I just want to know when im gonna catch a break ya know. I just turned 25 years old and im on my own. No family to help me out, just me lookin out for me. Many people dont know what thats like. Its a scary feeling ya know. THe last time I stopped taking juice about three weeks into pct I started walking funny and my hip and knee started hurting all the time. Now, I dont take much 200/200 (eq/test) a week. Thats the dose I feel keeps me mobile and is safe to run for the forseable future. Shes an understanding person and all. Anyways, im curious as to how you all deal with y0ur girl and your gear.


    Without being to philosophical here just remember bro life is what you make it. Every door that closes opens a knew one and if life was easy all the time what would be the point. You're here for a very short period of time and to think that girls are bringing you guys down is silly. Ive been married for 10 years and have had problems since day one. I often think if i didnt have bad luck i would have no luck at all. Its your life not hers and if doing something that she wants makes you unhappy then maybe you should reevaluate why your with her. If she cant understand your point of view then i guarantee you will find someone who does and be much happier in the long run. I do what i want when i want without consequence. Thats how ive always lived my life and i cant think of a better way to spend my days than doing what makes me happy. If these girls cant compromise with what you want then why should you return the favor? Live life and be happy, Everything else is just fine print.

    Good luck guys i hope you all feel better soon!

  3. Protein molecules are absorbed in the small intestine. I don't care what form, either solid or liquid that you consume. Liquids still have to go into the stomach and digestive system first before they reach the bladder. You could argue all day long about whether solid food is absorbed more efficiently than, say, a protein shake. But ultimately you're going to derive benefits from both.



    Actually protein shakes should be easier to absorb because they are pre digested when you drink them. the body wastes no time breaking down the liquids like it would solid food like steak which is extraordinarily hard to digest and absorb. You will probably only benefit from half to 3/4 of the protein in a steak or chicken breast. This guy has no concept of human anatomy or the digestive system. But agreed no matter what form liquid or solid it all goes to the same place. Ask this guy why doctors have old people or sick patients drink shakes like ensure if you can derive no health benefits from shakes.

  4. HUH? Well i've been in the bar business for about 10 years now and can tell you for a fact that what you look like and what you have has nothing to do with what girls you get. I got girls at 170 just as easy as i do at 215. Most women really don't want money or "muscles". If that were the case then why is it that all of these little 160lb abercrombie guys get laid so often? I will get further being broke and small talking to a girl about something shes interested in like shoes or clothes than being ripped (which i only am for about 6 months a year) and rich. I think its a little hypocritical to say women only want ripped rich guys when i doubt any of you tried to date ugly girls. Look at most playmates and porn stars, they're always with some broke construction worker from Iowa. I dont mean to be a dick but its a little conceded to think that all these girls want you now because you're so "ripped" and "hot".

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