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Posts posted by geogroup

  1. I’ve been running generics for years (gray tops, black tops) and ran pharm grade for a few months. Not a huge difference at all to me. I’ll never get off generics and never waste my money on pharm grade again. We all respond differently, I guess.


    I've followed your progress and have to say I've been very impressed. I've also seen countless others during the same time struggling with different generics. You had the advantage of being educated on the subject and having the board we're kicking it on right now being one of the entities that helped educate you.

    In addition to that, ab was the conduit to one of only 3 connects on the planet where you could obtain the effective grey top and meditropes. I've read so many times where guys are talking about how they have they grey tops and don't understand why they are testing like shit. They don't understand that there were only 3 sources where the grey and blks can originate from to be sure that they get the real deal.

    Can I ask what generics you are going to be moving on to now or are you still plugged in with a source for the good grey and blacks?

  2. S said he did have a remailer that got busted, but never went federal. Maybe that’s just something the remailer made up.


    What didn't go federal? Strango's case most certainly is federal? Something the remailer made up? SMP made up the story about being busted at the post office. Myo can tell you that. The second situation with the kid from Staten Island being busted was the feds and led to s and mom being snatched up.

    Hey, I could be mistaken and confused. The older I get the more often I find myself wishing I hadn't sworn to Christ or taken the bet...but here goes...I swear I'm on it this time! I enjoy a friendly wager every now and again. Let's make it interesting and easy....what do you have for bitcoin you can access and send my way if its proven I got this one correct? I've got whatever it is covered...

  3. Or they're already co-opted by the feds bro.. If it looks too good or too stupid to be real or to be possible then well.. you know where that goes.


    Same with OLM. The board, its owner, the boards most popular source, Thorus...all named in this federal indictent. Russo and Thorus convicted of distributing gear and sentenced toooooo...time served. They cooperated and swore to let the feds use OLM to collect info on sources and members for the next decade.

    Thorus was sourcing here like nothing ever happened. -MU- got a pm from me with this morsel and Thorus was unceremoniously relieved of his sourcing duties here.


  4. I just wonder how sources on PM survive. This is a relatively small board and Plat was a small supplier. PM is an open board with advert plastered everywhere, on social media and even youtube FFS! Yet most of sources go untouched indefinitely. TP has been around forever.

    They have to have someone looking out for them.


    Over the last few years...shit, as long as I can remember, it has nothing to do with the size or level of "openness" that a board operates at. The tip of the spear..ground zero...where the shit hits the fan and signals the beginning of the end. Int pkg's from China with a sources re-mailer's name and address traditionally kicks of an investigation or controlled delivery.

    We can go back to 2012 when a pack of raws addressed to B-mans remailer. They let him have that pkg and several more over the next few years as surveillance was set up and they followed the money. By 2015, when they wrapped things up, the feds had a pretty good idea how that group existed and returned a money laundering indictment on top of steroid distribution. That case sticks out as one of the first cases I remember where the usual 3yr to 5yr sentence wasn't going to satisfy the time and money spent on the investigation. A prison term that psychologically is on another level. 10 years...a decade. Do the math any way you want. In the feds you've got to hunker down and get some of that time behind you.

    Then we had SMP acting as strango's remailer claiming to have been busted at the counter picking up a pkg of raws. Regular and myo announcing that there was nothing to indicate SMP was charged with anything. Old tymer pulling a dope feign move keeping the raws for himself. I know for a fact a large portion of those proceeds went to feed his Alprazolam habit. His tolerance was off the charts.

    Then I recall being online here at AB when a post went up in a thread or the shout about ghg15(can't quite remember his handle) by ghg15. The Staten Island guy who claimed to hang with "Jay" at the Olympia. Remailer for Magnum....Mag loved him. Didn't matter that we had him dead to rights for stealing Serostim from a VIP. Mag was singing that kids praises as his ship went down.

    The post said that his place was being raided and that strango could be next. Confirmed busted by the feds only to be walking around his borough a week or 2 later? S should have been able to see the Forrest for the trees with that one.

    Its always been the soft spot. The remailer always gives up the source and I'd say 90% of the time when a source is busted it starts with US Customs alerting a Postal Inspector who talks with the dea and in some cases IRS agents. Controlled deliveries or the start of a long investigation ensues and that's pretty much all she wrote.

  5. He knows, he lives in Escondido. I was just in that shit hole yesterday


    You should've kept on coming down the road to my neck of the Desert. Weather has been perfect. Little more classy over here. We don't mess around with those silly generics. I'll put you on some fresh Seros and go play some cards or kill a few hours on your favorite slot machine...have a nice lunch..you'll feel like a million bucks. Stop slumming, Warhead!!

  6. please remove this... for peoples safety


    You did see who started the thread? Staff....like others have stated, PD is already busted? Lets maybe help keep anyone not in the know from possibly firing off emails to a compromised email addy...yes?

  7. If GG is BB than RR this is funny.

    FYI the random generics ppl are getting from pop up shops are coming back dosed lower than what they have been sold as.

    This is nothing new.


    Except those blk tops from PD, TP, and HK. Those were 15iu's but advertised as 10iu's. By the way. I am as you suggested in the first part of your post I quoted above.

  8. Why not just copy and paste it into this thread? Hangem out to dry.....


    Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk



    Posting private messages in the open without the consent of those involved is always frowned upon. I've asked geargrow to confirm or deny that he sent me the pm but he has been ducking since the 6th of march when he initially sent it.

    We are only allowed 15 total pm's' here. Once we get to 15 it kicks back the email to the sender?

    I emailed the file containing the pm to navychief.

  9. Where is that piece of shit geogroup??? You never answered my question you silly secret hand shaking Motherfucker. Get in with HK?? Motherfuckers like you make me sick!!!


    What are you going on about? The irony in your acting out and calling me names, I understand, is lost on you and its too bad. It is pretty funny. The mania you suffer from is evident as is your desperation to acquire the product you are posting about in all these threads.

    Bigsport is busy and snowed in...i know a guy that knows a guy that has drop shipped for him in the past and has more of that exact product big is pushing in that thread of his than anyone on any of the hundreds of boards in cyber space.

    I couldn't hold it in...and there isn't any way any would exchange hands after my lack of maturity and discipline had me spill the beans. It would and should be viewed as shameless self promotion and I would expect to be banned. You have my word, navychief, nothing is going to be exchanged. I couldn't help myself. Impulse control issues..,I'll own it.

  10. its geargod. Im not a pro and neither are you..


    Case closed. I just happened to get this notification, but I seriously don't have time to play on the internet like you and do meaningless investigations. I have a real good life outside of boards.


    Good day... I feel sorry that you feel the need to spend so much time on what you believe to be true... Everything you are saying really is not true, but even the administrator of this board couldnt change your mind. Good day buddy.


    The case will be closed when you either deny or confirm you sent me a pm telling me that bigmills was a distributor or samobiotech products and that you were a customer of his and that you were quite pleased with those products. You sent it out of the blue and after mills posted a glowing review of the companies gh in hopes of.....you fill in the blanks.

  11. What the hell is everyone talking about?

    I hate when the dialog is started based on something talked about somewhere else.

    Geo? Never heard of him. Is he a sponsor? so what?

    This thread is like a vanity plate no one can figure out but the idiot who put it on his car...whats the point if no one knows what it means or understands the damn thing...LOL

    It baffles me that some people here seem to know every little thing that goes on here...you guys spend WAAAY to much time on this board. My God !!!!! find a hobby off line. Read a book or something. dont live on this board for hours a day...GEEEZ


    Alright brother lets clear this up once and for all.


    1. I don't know why you're hating on me so bad when all I did was answer a question that was posted by another member.


    2. Like I said before I couldn't give a damn about that GH company or any other GH company out there.


    3. This is not a TV show you are not Jesse Ventura and this is not a conspiracy theory.


    4. You can go through every board I'm on. It might take you a few days if not weeks, but you will then realize that I am just a respected on other boards (much bigger than this one) as you are here


    5. I haven't said nothing until now because I have bigger and better things to worry about.


    6. That's basically it. You respect me I respect you. However keep my name out of your mouth..


    7. I do not sell g h peptides or any other antibiotic.


    8. If you have a question just ask me.


    9. You think of crackheads paying you back, shit forget it.


    10. Now back to work...


    Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk


    When I asked if you were connected in any way with samobiotech after you posted for the first time on the subject you showed what you were about. You lack respect for our board and its members. A fucking wiseguy who believes he's something special because he is a rep for ugl? You run interference for arl by making meaningless posts in response to guys who have legitimate issues. You don't offer anything helpful because you know about as much as the guys asking the questions. You don't have access to orders that have been placed or tracking/shipping status. You wait for instructions and updates like a customer does.

    You aren't calling shots at that joke of a board, bop, and you aren't doing much of anything here, either.

    If you and your lackey act up again, you'll once again find your name coming out of my mouth with impunity.

    Gearpro....do yourself a favor...slow it down. I've seen guys like you over the years. You can be useful at times, but you will be used and abused by guys who are higher on the food chain. A crash test dummy is one way to describe you. You are eager to please those you look up to.

    Growing up the Alphas would have you doing all kinds of nonsense. If mills came at you and told you to suck his dick, you'd be suspicious, but not enough to cause any significant delay with your date with destiny(destiny=the dick).

    Gearpro, I sensed your frustration when you, once again, found yourself in a wreck here. Do you see the error in your following orders and hitting me up by pm? We're getting comfy now, but when you sent me that pm you didn't know me.

    You haven't addressed your sending me that pm. You haven't acknowledged it, yet? What you did was disrupt the flow of our board by starting this thread. You did that all by yourself, didn't you? Left to your own devices this life seems like one trick bag after another, doesn't it? You've got poor Titan looking around for someone to point him in the right direction.

    Now, why did you pm me about mills selling samobiotech to you and then giving me your impression of the product? Were you trying to be helpful? Following directions again? Try answering my questions. Don't start another thread...you're not likely to recover as things stand now.

  12. What's more, lets say you succeeded in getting a few bucks out of our guys here and the gh turned out to be garbage? You fine fellas gonna be back to make good on what you sold? I think not. I see how you operate. You take from as many as you can and give nothing but your worthless time.

    We have sources here that are considered friends of the Community. They stand behind their products. You move in the shadows while promising the world. A 2 bit used car salesman who was admonished publicly on his home board for similar behavior. They won't stand for it at that shithole, bop....what makes you think you can pull it off here at one of the best, it not the best, boards on the net?

  13. Funny...ceptin it ain't no conspiracy theory when, you did in fact, send me a pm explaining what bigmills was doing here with somabiotech. You told me he sells the product(gh) and that he sold it to you! You told me that it was "Pretty good stuff".

    This was before things warmed up a bit more.

    We're not stupid around here and you're not as smart as you think you are. If it was gear it wouldn't have bothered me as much. However, generic gh is at the core of more scams than any other product over the years. Generic gh has also seen more money thrown at it than any other product over the years. There almost is never a happy ending with generic gh.

    PD recently closed his doors for an indeterminate amount of time which has created a void and guys are looking for the next big thing. Mills actually said something along the lines of samobiotech gh being the equivalent of finding gold or some such fucking nonsense. Also that biotech is selling its gh too cheap?!?!?!

    Sure...thats not the hard sell? I'm getting pissed off again because you're the type who will piss on my leg and tell me its raining. You piss while I'll retaliate by taking a nice fat shit on the plans you 2 had. Fuck off. If you hadn't pm'd me out of the blue to tell me mills had the hook up to this fire gh you still wouldn't have a leg to stand on.

    Conspiracy theory, huh? You think frank ran up inside you for being shady? Wait til you see how navy treats your guts.

  14. Guys honestly what is the difference between pharm grade and these generic growth. If it is 191 as to my knowledge the only difference can be the purity... Correct.


    Sure...with PD on vacay and your getting in with TP and HK unlikely, make a purchase and let us know how that works out for you, honestly.

  15. You really think batch numbers mean anything... I always thought it was just to make the product look more authentic.


    This quote above is the likely reason. While I would expect that you probably received the 2 vials in the same order we don't know if the source practiced proper rotation of his product. This means he could have test E that was brewed at different times because he is just grabbing vials and not using the oldest first.

    I've asked the question about batch #'s by private message to a few labs and have been told that if the lab is being honest the batch #'s mean nothing.

    Even the biggest, Pharmacom, has been caught with their proverbial pants down when it comes to this very subject....though they'd never admit it. There were questions about a compound that had been purchased at various different times...more than a year in a couple of instances....and the same batch #'s were on them all. As with much in this life, it's all about perception.

  16. About 9 weeks into 600 test e 400 eq and for the past 2 weeks upper tren a to 75 eod. I’ve been taking caber and adex .5 eod this entire time and now out of nowhere my dick can’t get fully hard. Help bros!! Will cialis for a night work ? What do I do


    We could all play Dr and chime in telling you to drop this and add that before insisting you submit to an un-gloved 2 digit prostate massage(uh..check up.). You could save time and frustration by getting yourself a full run up with blood work. You'll have it all right in front of you. You probably will need a hand reading it if its new to you. We've got guys who can walk you through what you're looking at. I've seen it go down.

    We've also got guys who will offer you the prostate massage claiming it is the magic elixir for anything that ails you...sleep with one eye open when they're around and keep an eye on your drinking glass.

  17. Hmmmmm. Hopefully, K will chime in here.


    K's 50mg Winnys from wwwaaayyyy back when he used to be called Generic Labs are some of the best Winnys I have ever used. Loved those things.


    Had a couple thousand 50mg d-bol tabs k pressed that I acquired from Johnny Test. My guys all converted to d-bol once they heard the review from this monster NPC competitor I count as a disciple. The kid posted up on another board talking about strength gains and back pumps from hell. Sounded good.

    Then, in all caps, he started cursing and pumping himself up describing how the d-bol was giving him nose bleeds. He was all about it.

    He got kinda weird right after that. PM's, sent me a text msg and email demanding I put my remaining stock of the double stack d-bol aside for him and only him. He had to make some calls to try and raise the cash in order to successfully hoard my stash of ALP d-bol. Sickos propelled by ALP. Kid has potential.

  18. I know. .. it is very low. The nurse took it 3 times... and 3 times it was low... I accredit it to cardiovascular and staying healthy.... but tren does increase it. Hmmmm....maybe low blood sugar is causing the dizziness...didn't think about that. . I'll get sugars checked repeatedly this and next week. Thanks for the info.... ohhh.. and there are athletes such as avid cyclists and runners who have extremely low blood pressure and heart rates who are standing straight.... the body is a machine and at such low numbers it's running very efficient. .....

    Hmmmm....your heart rate that low, has the total # of beats of an average male, over the coarse of an average lifespan....you have the potential to live to the ripe old age of 137(give or take).

  19. Thanks

    Nh is closer to me. Anyone know if NH works for MA residents?


    I know the Liquor Stores are worth the trip. My daughters God Father and my college roommate lives in Lexington, MA. The Commonwealth enjoys some "Dry" towns and Lexington is one of them.

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