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Posts posted by Test-Drive

  1. So the firearm has to be used in the crime right? If i have gear in my house and cops come kicking dowm the door i d9nt get a heavier charge because of the gun?
    No, the gun just has to be present in the crime scene or on your person during a crime. If u slang drugs and carry legally, you are getting a stiffer charge. They like to pile on whatever charges they can so something will stick, carrying or possessing a firearm while committing a crime and it will be an aggregating circumstance and will get you a stiffer charge. Feds have mandatory minimum sentence for specific crimes, if a gun was present or used during the crime, your minimum sentence is going longer than if u didnt have a gun.


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  2. What if the guns are owned legally? Does that still add to the charges? I dont see how a legally owned firearm automatically becomes illegal, because you sell steroids. I guess the fact that it doesn't make sense means it make perfect sense to the feds. When will the country learn drug prohibition doesn't work, and it causes more harm than the drugs themselves.
    It doesnt matter, if you have a legal gun on you and get arrested doing something illegal, its an aggregating circumstance and will get you a heavier charge. If you rob a bank with a legal gun you're still going to prison if caught.


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  3. The whole thing doesn't really make sense and in my opinion USADA isn't the most trustworthy organization. I believe there is corruption with in their organization and this could be their screw up.


    Jones passed his unannounced tests on 7/6 on 7/7, then he fails the test he knew about on 7/28 but passed the test on 7/29, 24 hours after failing his test on 7/28.


    I don't get it, either jones is clean and the 7/28 sample was tainted or USADA used someone elses sample or they successfully covered up Jones failing the earlier test on 7/6 and 7/7 plus the post fight test on 7/29 but couldn't submit a clean sample for Jones's test on 7/28.


    If he is dirty, he is a moron, career wise, it would have been better for him to fight clean and risk losing than taking PED's to gain the advantage. Had he lost, it would have set the stage for a trilogy and probably the biggest payday of their careers.


    I haven't followed the story lately, so i am not sure what they are going to do punishment wise, but under the new anti doping policy, he is supposed to get a 4 year suspension. Now, i doubt he will get 4 years as he has been given leancy in the past. If this was someone like dennis siver, his ass would be getting the 4 years for a second offense.


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  4. He claims he has dyslexia, ADHD and stated he is barely on the spectrum for autism. he's perfectly aware of right from wrong, but choses to be a dick to most people. He knows exactly what he's doing, he is proud of it; he has fucked with people's livelihoods and marriages just for hahas. Don't let the disability shtick fool you, imo he's overstating his condition to get sympathy as well as a get out jail free card.


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  5. I seriously doubt that he'll get a safety valve. In my years incarcerated in the Fed I never met one person who had. Number one reason he won't get it is that he was a leader in his organization. Number two is that no one is supposed to have been harmed by his crimes. I'd be shocked if the prosecutor doesn't use a snitch to rightly or wrongly state that he got an infection, shrunken nuts, the day killed his buddy, etc. He won't get much time, you usually don't get any bond on drug charges in the Fed unless you're working for them. Keep that in mind fellas, somebody you know gets busted by the Feds and bonds out he's working.

    He'll end up at a minimum security camp almost guaranteed. He won't have any problem being ex LE there if they even figure it out. We had several when I got to the camp. Nobody fucked with them, everybody is usually trying their best not to get sent to a higher security prison.

    I thought if a gun was found in the defendant's possession or on the property during the arrest, then the defendant is disqualified from being eligible for the Safety Valve, regardless if the guns were registered and legally owned?


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  6. My dear 'ol mom lives a block or 2 from Misquamicut State Beach on Shore Rd. When my kids were little and when we lived in CT we would park at her house and then ride our bikes down to the beach.

    I know the whole area. There was a club called Liquid(techno) in Providendce that a DJ I did security for worked at. Late 90's early 2000's were fun times. There was a chain called Fortuna's(sp?) that had wonderful fresh take home Italian.

    I'm more familiar with the strip clubs in E Hartford, CT and Springfield, Mass.

    Tabman....pushing hard to have his amphetamines paid for. ADHD is still the easiest ailment to get a diagnosis of. Subjective question and answer test. Learn how to answer the questions and get your speed.

    I hear you Thaistick. My thing had the same 5-40 yr sentence. 5 yr mandatory min had my pretty clear past record mean nothing.

    One thing's for sure....he's gonna do time. I also hear you about guys getting out on pre-trial providing assistance.

    He was a cop. I'm thinking he had zero criminal history and is either a 0 or 1 criminal category. That makes him eligible for the Safety Valve. In order to be eligible for the Safety Valve and the downward departures from the Sentencing Guidelines he has to satisfy the prosecution that he has told them EVERYTHING he knows about his case. Everything. From suppliers, to customers to anything and everything.

    Being a cop or in any branch of LE makes for a very lonely and scary trip through the Federal System. I was down for a while with a cop who had violated someones civil rights. Guy walked the yard. Mind you, this was at Terminal Island, CA. More than half the yard is made up of sex offenders and informants. I was there finishing up a probation violation. The place has a very strange vibe.

    Kahoots closed years ago. No titty bars in eh any more that i know of but that's never been my scene.


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  7. If you thought I was offended by what you said, I wasn't at all. I'm a West coast lifer, so all I was saying that I had no idea about the area, but I do know what Italian food should taste like. I miss real italian food. You probably couldn't offend me if you tried so don't worry about that.
    I didnt mean to quote u, i was just putting it out there, not to offend ri and nj posters with such a general statement.


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  8. I can't comment on most of what you wrote, but what we consider Italian food is garbage. I moved out when I was 14 ended up living with a friend's family. His mother was 100% Italian she was the first generation of the family to be born in America. The food was unreal it was so good, your post brought me back quite a few years. I don't even really eat Italian food, because most of it is just garbage. I have never met anyone that could throw something together with such simple ingredients, and have the flavors be so amazing. Thinking back she didn't keep many seasonings around either.
    Sorry I tend to generalize, I'm sure there's legit Italians in both New Jersey and Rhode Island. Didn't mean to offend, just talking shit


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  9. Fairfield, NJ is the currently the biggest Italian population in the nation ....and then tiny Johnston RI at #2. Providence is a great city... Awesome restaurants & a shit ton of anything goes strip clubs.. what more can you ask for in a town?


    His suit is fine, it's the shoes that make the diference ..... No legit BB can buy off the rack.. he'd look sloppy.


    My town isn't like that any more, way more diverse now, but its a suburb on the southern border of little italy part of the city, now its more like little porto rico, they all moved out of the city and into my town back in the 70s and early 80s.


    every friend i grew up with is either first or second gen Sicilian. My wife moved here from Sicily when she was about 6 or 7 along with lots of her neighbors in canicatti (sp), the others are mostly from floridia (sp).


    Most of the people from Providence and Jersey are fake Italians, they lived here for many many generations and can't speak a lick of Italian but yet they all speak with the same phony italian accent ( think Rocky Balboa). Real Italians don't sound like wanabes from Jersey or Providence that's what they learned watching mob movies. Most of the people in my neighborhood spoke Italian first an English second. I am Lithuanian and french Canadian, i was an outsider.


    The food is totally different too, American Italian food is some of the nastiest shit I've ever eaten, totally disgusting, processed crap.

    Authentic Italian is very healthy, its made with fresh and very simple ingredients and nothing it's processed.


    They also tend to have specific meals for specific days at least the traditional ones do. For instance my in-laws always have soup on Mondays with some side dishes usually made up of various vegetables(broccoli rabe, eggplant, roasted peppers and garlic), every Wednesday it's rabbit and a red sauce over pasta and on Fridays it's fish and pasta, no meat. Tuesdays and Thursdays it's either chicken cutlets, vegetables and pasta or beef cutlets, vegetables and pasta.


    My mother-in-law prepares fresh sauce daily never Frozen and never processed. Her sauce is made with tomatoes, basil and a little salt, sounds simple but I can never duplicate the taste of her sauce, it's the best sauce I've ever had in my life very simple and very healthy. She has three spices and her spice rack, salt, crushed red pepper and black pepper, the rest of the flavor comes from garlic, olive oil and herbs like basil and oregano. They also use a lot of fennel.


    I would say my town is about 50% Italian now maybe even a little less now.


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  10. Just busting a friend's balls from that area, that logs on here occasionally. He sports the $100 t shirts, spends an hour spiking his hair & wears a $5k watch .......but at 45 still resides at home, eating mom's pasta & gravy..I believe his IROC is an 88' also. All stock, t tops......really nice .... No hating on 80's here ..I own an 86' el Camino ss.
    Lol, i grew up in a town made up of 90% Sicilian's, i can relate.


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  11. Thanks for the feedback fellas. It's only a few bottles of test, so probably won't bother heating or going through that much trouble. Not out that much money. Just wanted to hear a bit of input before trashing. Guess I just kind of feel like if they don't even spend enough time to check the crimping, how thorough are they through the rest of the procedure.
    Excellent point and one that I overlooked. I agree just toss it.


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  12. I would transfer into another sterile bottle with a properly crimped top, then bake it at 220 for 40 minutes using a 22g needle through the rubber stopper to vent ( supposedly the venting part is not necessary with an oil base substance however I always vent). That will ensure its sterile, you could also filter when you transfer for added assurance.


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  13. Dam, that sucks, 46 is way to young, he had so much going for him. Rest in Piece.


    On another note, (@Titan) I thought lee priest was straight edge (no drugs or booze)? I always wondered how truthful he is in his interviews, he seems to understate his aas usage imo which i am basing soley on his biuld. This is the first time I've heard of him being a drug addict though. There are interviews where he talks about being clean his entire life, said junk food is his vice. What have you heard about his drug use and what's his drug of choice?


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  14. Fuck this thread is bringing back some memories...fuck it, give me some cell tech, some ultimate orange and vanadyl sulfate and let's run this shit.


    Creatine used to kill my stomach, make me bloated, fart and gave me the shits.


    I used to train a gym that was filled with bodybuilders at one time. There was an old-timer in my gym that sold supplements, I believe he mixed them up in his basement.


    He use to sell a product called three-in-one which was BCAA, glutamine and creatine. You had to mix it with a solid like yogurt or applesauce because it was hydrophobic and wouldn't mix with water. I used to eat three heeping scoops without mixing it, it tasted god-awful and felt like it was turning into cement while you tried to get it into stomach from your mouth. It definitely helped with recovery, well maybe it was a placebo effect as I was only 13 years old when I was using it. At the time I thought it was the closest thing you could get to steroids without using steroids LOL.


    The guy who sold it to me told me said it was the secret supplement that all the bigger dudes in the gym were taking. Who knows what was acruallt in it, but i use to choke it down before every workout, like my life depended on it lol.


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  15. Hes more successful and has more money than you ever will lmfao
    Lol, you know that how? I live a very comfortable life and money is not an issue for me, i have plenty, so don't worry about me, i am doing just fine.


    I know my comment came off as me hating on RP, that wasn't my intention, I was just making an observation based on what I see in his videos and how carries himself.


    In your opinion, do you see Rich as self confident with high self esteem?


    I like Rich, i think he has a big heart (literally) and he has a lot of charisma. I hope he recovers and gets his life back on track. Also, i hope he doesn't have post trauma issues when he recovers.


    Like him or hate him, he has an impressive following of fans that will pay money to see him wherever he goes and watch whatever he puts out. He definitely has a knack for self-promotion and created a somewhat Infamous and interesting online personality that tons of people would watch religiously. I hope he can use the support he has to turn is life in a positive direction.


    He strikes me as someone with a lot of baggage, it seems as though he has personal issues that he need to addressed, perhaps with the help of a professional.


    He clearly suffers from body dysmorphia which is considered to be a mental illness which supports my theory that he lacks confidence and has low self-esteem.


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  16. I know how its going to end to and hes talked bout other drugs hes done in past and not long ago. I think he was still doing shit his pupils always seem diulated
    He has the worst self esteem, litterly no confidence in himself, i wouldn't be surprised if he was heavily self medicating, im guessing opiates and xanex.


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  17. I dont know why some many people use tren, there is very little research on the long term effects of tren. The fact that it gives people coughing fits and negatively affects your cardio is enough for me to avoid it. Doesn't seem worth the risk to me.


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