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Posts posted by mrxplosive

  1. My remark was regarding African slave ownership. Was it humane in and of itself? No, was it more humane than american slavery? Yes. Do I justify what is going on in the Congo region of Africa? No, I don't, and never have. It is a bunch of people murdering others based upon tribal affiliations.


    African-American institutions are still singled out. It is an accepted fact that inner-city schools receive less funding, and outdated books than white schools. Obviously, this would place an hinderance for some people to succeed in life. Again, I am going off of first hand experience. There is a difference between blatant racism and institutionalized racism.


    Your other statements in your recent post I agree with.


    To start with, poor inner-city schools do not always get less funding, but yes, most of the time they get less. As do rural poor small town predominantly white schools. Its not based on race, its based on class. Poor schools don't have as many people pushing for money from the state, so typically they don't get as much. But when the NAACP and other black groups step in, they get a lot of money, more than white schools. Such as:



    Chicago Public Schools spends an average of $6,980 per high school student. However, 57 predominantly Negro high schools receive $7,712 per student. "The Chicago Public Schools has posted school-by-school expenditures on its website showing that racially isolated African-American schools receive the most money-per-student and racially isolated Hispanic schools receive the most money-per-school." Chicago Public School Funding


    Washington DC spends $10,000 per student for it's nearly all Negro public schools. The highest per student expenditure in the country. Over double some state averages. According to Goodschools.com, DC has the "lowest test scores in the industrialized world." Goodschools.com




    Now even if American slavery was less humane than African slavery (which I personally don't agree with), lets look at some figures to lift the finger of blame from the white race. Who were the slave owners in America? Everybody. That's right, all races. Surprised? Here is some census info that should be eye opening to say the least:




    According to the U.S. census report for that last year before the Civil War, there were nearly 27 million whites in the country. Some eight million of them lived in the slaveholding states.


    The census also determined that there were fewer than 385,000 individuals who owned slaves. Even if all slaveholders had been white, that would amount to only 1.4 percent of whites in the country (or 4.8 percent of southern whites owning one or more slaves).


    Records of the same period, on blacks who owned slaves, include individuals such as Justus Angel and Mistress L. Horry, of Colleton District, South Carolina, who each owned 84 slaves in 1830. In fact, in 1830 a fourth of the free Negro slave masters in South Carolina owned 10 or more slaves; eight owning 30 or more. Of the blacks residing in the South, 261,988 were not slaves. Of this number, 10,689 lived in New Orleans. The country's leading African American historian, Duke University professor John Hope Franklin, records that in New Orleans over 3,000 free Negroes owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free Negroes in that city.


    To return to the census figures quoted above, this 28 percent is certainly impressive when compared to less than 1.4 percent of all American whites and less than 4.8 percent of southern whites.


    By the way, while we are talking about Whites and slavery, it's also worth remembering that between 1530 and 1780 more than a million White Europeans were enslaved by jewish North African slave traders.

  2. You never answered my question: Were there laws enacted which were specifically designed to impede the progress of the white race? Yes or no! Your ancestors still would have had it much easier than African-Americans who had to seek permission simply to travel from one city to another. There isn't any comparison whatsoever between whites being mistreated and Afican-Americans. I don't recall whites being hanged for fun, being whipped for the slightest provocation, or

    having their property confiscated and given to another race, being burned alive, etc. If all of these happened to whites then I stand corrected, but my question has never been satisfied.


    And name on law enacted to give African-Americans something-for-nothing.


    No, there were no laws enacted in the US specifically against white people. We started this country. Our trying times of mistreatment were in Europe, long before this. And to paint the African picture of all nice black people owning black people without mistreating them is purely a fantasy built by those who try to justify blacks having a good reason to blame whites for everything. Look at Africa now. Some of the largest genocides in the history of earth are happening now, with blacks killing blacks. But I'm sure you have a reason that its white people's fault that blacks are killing blacks.


    You are also missing my point. I don't disagree that blacks were singled out for mistreatment in this country in the past. But the turning point has taken place. Most white people I know go out of their way to be fair and nice to blacks so they will not be accused of racism. Yes racism still happens, but it is a problem that plagues every race now. There are at least as many racist blacks, mexicans, arabs, etc. as there are white people that are racists.


    Mistreatment happens to groups of people for a lot of reasons, race just happens to be one of them. Religous and political differences are the 2 other biggest reasons for mistreatment of a group of people.


    White people have mistreated other whites, just as other races have mistreated their own race throughout the history of earth.





    Torture has been used for at least 2,000 years and has been widespread. Early Greek and Roman laws specified that only slaves could be tortured, but soon freemen could be tortured in cases of treason. The right to torture slaves was abolished in Roman law in AD 240. In the Middle Ages, torture was included in proceedings of the Catholic Church, which legally employed torture to obtain confessions.


    It was during the times of the Tudors that the use of torture reached its height in England. Under Henry VIII, torture was frequently used. When Edward and Mary were on the throne, torture wasn't used as much. However, when Elizabeth took the throne, torture was used more than in any other period of history. Queen Elizabeth thought that treason was one of the worst crimes that could be committed, and the majority of incidents of torture were for reasons of high treason. Lords and high officials were exempted, and woman were rarely put through torture.


    The punishment for poisoning during this period was to be boiled to death. Mutilation and branding were also common. People often had their right hand cut off if they were caught stealing, and on certain occasions eyes were plucked out with hot pinchers and fingers were torn off.


    Some minor cruelties included the pillory, the stocks, the finger pillory, the ducking stool, and the ranks. The dunking stool was a stool or chair in which a woman who had been accused of adultery or other crimes would be repeatedly dunked under water until pronounced dead.


    The pillory was another device that was commonly used. There were a couple of different forms of the pillory. One is still known of today. The pillory was a frame in the shape of a T, usually placed in the center of the town. The accused would place his/her hands in the cross bar of the T with his/her head sticking out of a hole at the top. The accused then had to stay in the pillory for an extremely long time and would be harassed by everyone that crossed his/her path.


    Another form of the pillory that isn't as widely known was for the feet. This device had holes through which the toes were forced; then the toes were crushed with a hammer and wedge. This form of pillory had much less emotional pain, but the excruciating physical pain was much more enduring.


    The harsher the crime committed, the more horrendous the punishment during this time. A person accused of manslaughter, rape, or robbery, might find himself trapped in cages hung up in public places where others could observe his slow death. Right before being pronounced dead, he was taken down and quartered until the pain finally killed him.


    Nowadays these torture devices seem cruel and heartless, but in the sixteenth century cruel punishment was a normal everyday thing. Under the Tudors, torture flourished throughout England. The result was a country living in fear of being the next victims

  3. This exerpt comes from a historian who has presented both good and bad sides of slavery. The problem is, hardly any blacks today are willing to believe that things weren't so bad, and that every slave owner wasn't a white asshole. Its much easier to get angry and only look at the bad cases. But the white people who treated their black slaves like shit most likely treated everyone they came into contact with like shit regardless of color. This is still the case today. Do you understand that I am white and have been mistreated by a shitload of white people? These assholes treat people of all races badly. And that goes for the assholes of every race. They don't treat all people of their race kindly and then hate other races only. They are just assholes in general.


    And another thing, white people came hear to leave persecution in Europe and have freedom to choose for themselves. My family traced back to their European roots were dirt poor, suffered from religous persecution, and came over here with only the clothes on their back. It wasn't until the mid 1900's that you could find a close relative of mine who wouldn't be considered dirt poor by most people's standards. We weren't given shit, we earned it. Our persecution just happened a couple century's earlier than the current African Americans. The biggest difference? We didn't rely on the government to hand us anything. But anyway, read below, you'll find that for a lot of the blacks that were mistreated, a lot of them had great relationships with their owners and their owners took great care of them. I'm sure you'll shake it off because you would rather believe Malcolm X or some other shit stirrer, but nevertheless, there were many who got better treatment in America than they had before they left Africa.




    Forgotten Black Voices


    American slaves had surprisingly positive things to say about slavery.



    by Gedahlia Braun



    From September-October, 1993, issue


    On the subject of the treatment of American slaves, your readers may be interested to know that during the Depression someone had the idea of sending people to the South to interview the last remaining blacks who had been slaves--all then in their 80s and 90s. Someone named George P. Rawick has compiled these narratives into a 19-volume collection called The American Slave: A Composite Autobiography, which is published by Greenwood Press.


    Several books have been based on these interviews, and a few years ago I read one called Before Freedom: 48 Oral Histories of Former North and South Carolina Slaves. It was edited by Belinda Hurmence, and published by Mentor (Penguin) in 1990. I recall that of these 48 interviews only two could be called hostile to former masters, slavery, or whites. Some were more or less neutral, but certainly the largest number expressed a positive attitude toward former owners and to slavery. Here are some excerpts:






    Patsy Mitchner, age 84 when interviewed on July 2, 1937:


    Before two years had passed after the surrender, there was two out of every three slaves who wished they was back with their marsters. The marsters' kindness to the nigger after the war is the cause of the nigger having things today. There was a lot of love between marster and slave, and there is few of us that don't love the white folks today. . . . Slavery was better for us than things is now, in some cases. Niggers then didn't have no responsibility; just work, obey, and eat.






    Betty Cofer, age 81:


    The rest of the family was all fine folks and good to me, but I loved Miss Ella better'n anyone or anything else in the world. She was the best friend I ever had. If I ever wanted for anything, I just asked her and she give it to me or got it for me somehow. . . . I done lived to see three generations of my white folks come and go and they're the finest folks on earth.






    Adeline Johnson, age 93:


    That was a happy time, with happy days. . . . I'll be satisfied to see my Savior that my old marster worshiped and my husband preach about. I wants to be in heaven with all my white folks, just to wait on them and love them, and serve them, sorta like I did in slavery time. That will be enough heaven for Adeline.






    Mary Anderson, age 86:


    I think slavery was a mighty good thing for Mother, Father, me and the other members of the family, and I cannot say anything but good for my old marster and missus, but I can only speak for those whose conditions I have known during slavery and since. For myself and them, I will say again, slavery was a mighty good thing.






    Simuel Riddick, age 95:


    My white folks were fine people. . . . I haven't anything to say against slavery. My old folks put my clothes on me when I was a boy. They gave me shoes and stockings and put them on me when I was a little boy. I loved them, and I can't go against them in anything. There were things I did not like about slavery on some plantations, whupping and selling parents and children from each other, but I haven't much to say. I was treated good.






    Sylvia Cannon, age 85:


    Things sure better long time ago then they be now. I know it. Colored people never had no debt to pay in slavery time. Never hear tell about no colored people been put in jail before freedom. Had more to eat and more to wear then, and had good clothes all the time 'cause white folks furnish everything, everything. Had plenty peas, rice, hog meat, rabbit, fish, and such as that.


    As I reflect on these interviews, they remind me of what I find now among non-Westernized Africans. They like and respect whites because, generally speaking, whites treat them better than their fellow blacks do.





    In the introduction to this collection, the editor is at pains to explain all of these favorable statements about whites and slavery. The best she can do is to point out that these interviews were taken in the midst of the Depression and people must have looked back nostalgically to the past when blacks had food, clothing, housing, etc.


    Even if this could explain the fond memories of the condition of slavery, it does not explain fond memories of white owners. What is especially surprising is that after sifting through thousands of interviews, and with the clearly expressed liberal bias of the editor, there is still such a preponderance of positive expressions about whites and slavery. One is bound to conclude that this was at least a very common reaction if not perhaps even typical.



    American Renaissance

    Dept. A P.O. Box 527

    Oakton, VA 22124

  4. Yes...my grandparents. Were they "legal" slaves? No. However, considering they were only paid $.10 a week, paid rent in the amount of $.25 a week, had to receive credit from the commissary located on the plantation (also owed by the plantation owner) making it impossible to save and leave (many southern states had laws that African-Americans could not leave a plantation unless they had fully paid their debts, or some other plantation bought their debt).


    My grandparents (who are still alive) have recounted stories to many of African-Americans being murdered or beaten simply for no apparent reason, or not performing to what the slave owner believed was "his potential." They finally escaped in 1957. The Overseer struck my grandfather with a whip, and my grandfather pulled him down from his horse and beat him. My grandmother then said, "you a dead nigga tonight boy, you and all ya family." That night my grandfather, grandmother, great-aunts, and great-uncles left in the night.


    The stories they told me were horrible. For a long time I didn't like my grandfather, he was as mean as a person could become, with a self-hatred you wouldn't believe. And unfortunately he passed this on to his sons. My aunt sat me down and explained to me why my grandfather possessed this sort of mentality. I spoke with my grandmother, who then gave me further information about what they had to endure, and I began to finally have sympathy for him. This is why I mentioned the psychological damage that was committed against African-Americans, and that may have been worse than the physical suffering they endured. I would never have realized it had I not spoken with my grandparents and other African-Americans their age. The white-written American history books do not want to address this aspect. We all want to believe that when African-Americas were freed this solved everything.


    Hymm- please...next time you debate use facts and not emotions.


    Thats really too bad. Your ancestors got treated like shit and were poor. Its all white people's fault right? Guess what bro, my family on both my mother and father's side was dirt f'n poor. They basically grew what they ate, and stored up for winter. Anytime there was a drought or bad crop year, they ate 1 or 2 small meals a day and worked from morning to night everyday.


    All the stories I hear from blacks make it sounds like they were all poor working for all the rich white people. Well the rich white people back then were few and far between. And not all slave owners mistreated their people slaves. They treated them more like laborers, providing them with a living that was way the hell better than anything they would have gotten in Africa. So yeah, there were a lot of whites mistreating blacks then. But there were a lot of whites mistreating whites. Its not the skin on the person, its the person in the skin that determines their real worth.

  5. All I can say is F*CK New Orleans!!!! Who took the direct hit from this hurricane? Grand Isle, Louisiana, then the Mississippi gulf coast. Most everyone was so sucked in by our retarded media to the New Orleans shit, they forgot that Waveland, Bay St. Louis, Pass Christian, Gulfport, and Biloxi were fucking leveled. Where was all the help for Mississippi? It came, VERY SLOWLY. It is still coming in slowly, I have family there. New Orleans got so much attention because of the "race issue" that people of all races in Mississippi were forgotten as losing more than Lousiana did from Katrina. Were they all bitching in Mississippi about slow help? NO!!! They dusted themselves off and started helping each other put pieces back together. I took a truckload of food to my family because all the grocery stores were emptied and with no power, they didn't open for 3 weeks after the hurricane. The same thing happened all over Mississippi, and even some parts of New Orleans. But the bottom line is the government failed people of all races, in both Lousiana and Mississippi. I'm just f'n sick of hearing about New Orleans. Those dumb f'n shits are planning to rebuild? Let them rebuild the levees to what they think is strong enough, then let even a category 3 make A DIRECT HIT instead of a glancing blow. They'll be f'k'd again and they'll be blaming whatever white republican they can find again.

  6. Did you do a PCT after the last cycle? If not, theres your problem.


    If you did complete a proper PCT, it could be that your body got a little sicker than you thought. I know that even though you feel okay to do normal activities, sometimes getting sick can hurt your training for a couple of weeks even after you feel better.

  7. Screw the whole religion argument, I won't even get into that. What I want to know is why can't queers come up with their own names for their behavior and lifestyle? Yes, I said queers because the queer community hijacked the work gay just like they are trying to hijack the word marriage. They do this to try and gain greater acceptance and justification of their abnormal sexual preferences.


    I really don't give a rats a$$ if you are queer, homo, whatever. Its your choice. I'll never agree that it is okay, and when I have kids I will teach them that its not okay. But I don't hate or even dislike queers. Its the sexual preference. I had a queer neighbor. Was friendly to him all the time and never once hated him. But I did not want to go in his apartment while he was with his boyfriend, just like I wouldn't go into a whorehouse, or a crack house, or anywhere else that behavior I don't agree with takes place. Its not called hate, its called my choice, the choice to seperate myself from it.

  8. I am about to run deca for the first time. But I ran NPP before and loved it. Honestly would be run NPP again, but the deca was a freebie, so I figured I'd give it a shot, or 20 to be exact, lol. NPP is awesome and I would say if you like deca, go for NPP, you won't be disappointed.

  9. Its funny how people always mention that alcohol is more deadly and addictive and destructive to our youth than steroids. It really is, and not only do they ignore this fact, but they have f'n huge Coors Light and Budweiser banners all over the stadiums for kids to see. Our congress really is total bullshit. They are not about real issues, they are about distracting people with BS while they rake in the dough and vote themselves raises and accept "contributions". Been quiet too long in America, time for revolution IMO.

  10. I don't lift as much as it looks like I should, and I've actually lifted more on squats and deads before I ever juiced than I've been able to since. But I had a knee injury, followed by a year long battle with severe low back pain, and now I'm just getting over plantar fasciitis.


    Best lifts: Squat 495x2, Dead 505x2. At the time I was 245 and I'm 6'2".


    Now I'm about 250, and probably couldn't squat 315 for more than a single and pull 315 for 2-4 reps at best. But I'm back to training full blast other than a little caution on the lower back. Those poundages will go up, and soon! I've never benched over 345, but I've never converted my pressing style to a pl'ing style. Right now I could probably bench about 315 with the bar. But I don't do flat bench anymore. Shoulder injuries convinced me that dumbbell presses and rack bench press with low inline are better for me!


    Before lifting I was an endurance freak. Ran a 5k race in 18m 50s. For those who aren't familiar with 5k's, that's damn near a 6 minute mile average for 3 miles in a row. Completed a 2/11/2 biathlon (2mile run/11 mile bike/2mile run) in just barely over an hour at 1h 2m 15s.


    Once I started strength training seriously, I got into sprints and plyos heavily. Ran a 4.6 40 at a body weight of 245. Had a vertical of just over 30 inches too.


    So there are my maxes! Some are weight max, the rest are my best performances in other areas since I haven't yet reached my strength goals. I hope to squat over 600, dead over 600, and possible bench over 400 if my shoulder gets better. Time will tell. Wink

  11. Even though I don't frequent this board as much as others, AB is still a great board without the source section. If it gets added back, good, if not, thats okay too. I'll be checking in here anyway.

  12. Joseph Biden is the biggest anti steroid crusader of all the politicians and Kerry will name him secretary of state if he gets elected.


    Did you think Gore or Kerry would have saved us from this? Haha, typical Kerry supporter, thinks Kerry is great just because he hasn't been in office long enough to fuck everything up like Bush has. Sad fact is neither candidate is very appealing. This has been the worse mudslinging campaign for presidency that I can remember. Oh well, only 2 more days of garbage lol

  13. I just watched the evening news and weather. The remnants of hurricane Ivan apparently split in half after it moved inland. Some went up the eastern part of the country. The other part moved to the Florida peninsula, then back out of the Gulf of Mexico. Now it has restrenghened and turned back into Tropical Storm Ivan!!! It is expected to hit the coast of Texas or Lousiana this weekend as a strong tropical storm, then stall out real close to where I live and dump torrential rains for a couple of days! This year has been the craziest hurricane season I've ever seen, and its only halfway over!! When will this shit end?!4376743

  14. Heavy cleans will add speed to your starting strength on the dead like nothing else IMO. When I was powerlifting, I would substitute cleans for dead every other week. So I deadlifted twice a month and did cleans twice a month. Made more progress in 6 months of doing that than any other variable change.

  15. Originally posted by bigbubbagunz

    why not just spend $470 on the real deal? then you'll get something that is going to work


    Or hell, you could spend $200 with the fine sources here at AB and get a cycle that would give you double the results the VPX cycle will give you.

  16. Cable preacher curls. Nails the shit out of the biceps and you can vary grip width or use an ez curl attachment too. My next favorite is heavy seated db curls.


    Triceps are done best for me with skull crushers or cable overhead press.


    If you work enough compound push/pull moves, you don't need much volume on isolation movements IMO. A lot of people use terrible form on isolation movements and turn them into compound movements. If you are training your biceps, make sure you aren't working entire posterior chain trying to heave up more weight than your bi's can handle. If you want to use that much weight for something, flip your grip and do hang cleans:)


    But yeah, all the exercises I listed and the other bros listed can be very effective. Just set your overall training program up properly. If you think your arms need extra work, find a way to make that happen without overtraining.

  17. Good info. I've heard that parabolan was a little shorter ester than enanthate, but never ran across any research literature on it. Good to know. I like tren ace as it allows for shorter cycles, but definetely the other 2 esters are interesting and sound like they would work well with a 10 week cutter.

  18. Re: Parabolan question


    Originally posted by TexasRock

    Is Tren Enathate the closest thing to Parabolan out there right now?


    What is the chemical name of Parabolan? Is there a powder available for Parabolan conversion?


    BTW, I an NOT asking for a source, just asking if it is out there and available!


    Thanks in advance!


    Trenbolone is the steroid. There are 3 different versions that I'm aware of.


    Trenbolone Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate- this is what the brand name Parabolan contained. Half life of this one is 7-9 days depending on who you ask.


    Trenbolone Acetate- this is the most common form of trenbolone and the kind found in cartridges commonly converted to homebrew fina. It has a half-life of 2-3 days.


    Trenbolone Enanthate- I really don't know where this one is found other than UG labs and powder sources. It is almost identical to cyclohexlmethylcarbonate as its half life is 7-10 days depending on who you ask.


    Tren Acetate requires ed or eod injects for optimal results. The other 2 forms can be injected 1 or 2 times per week.

  19. I thought about adding tren. I may do that instead of upping the prop. Not sure yet. I've used tren once and liked it other than it shrunk the boys. Maybe 100prop and 75tren eod? I would like to run a little lighter dosage this time and force myself to rely mostly on nutriton and training being just right.

  20. I'm thinking ahead to my next cycle that I will start between late November and early January. I'm finishing up a test/EQ/dbol cycle that has gone great. I've gained more size than I care for, but everything else is great. To date I'm up about 12 pounds on the scale and I'm leaner, around 10%bf. I'm only looking for better strenght and conditioning from the next cycle, so here's what I was thinking.


    Test prop @125mg eod

    Anavar @ 40mg ed

    Nolva @ 10mg ed


    8 weeks total. I might go a little higher on the prop, depending on how well I retain my gains from my current cycle. Just curious what you guys think of this idea.

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