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Posts posted by Obscured78

  1. Nerve, I'm still in my 30s but I don't want to stay on and cruise. Maybe I'll revisit that later but right now not something I want.



    So I have been having some issues with my shoulders not sure what's going on but I remember having the same pain in my 20s. I pushed thru and it eventually went away but now I'm getting close to 40 so I don't want to just push thru the pain. I get an MRI later this month. Depending on what it shows I may cancel this cycle altogether. However, if it doesn't show anything significant I will proceed as planned just being careful with my lifts and maybe not go crazy heavy like I like to do.


    So my question is could I add deca or npp low dose to help my shoulders or would that be too many ingredients? I definitely want the mast and var in there.

  2. Specifically shoulders what are some good supps for joints? My shoulders be hurting lately possibly arthritis not sure till I get MRI but looking for supps that could work? Is glucosamine chondroitin msn the main ones?

  3. I just read a write up yesterday saying parabolan isn't made anymore and anything claiming it is is probably fake or a different type of tren. I'll have to look for the link...

  4. Pretty sure he means 1.5cc of test E twice a week. So two injections of 375mg of test E every week --> 750mg Test E/week. And then a total of 400mg tren E/week via two injections @ 200mg each. For a grand total of 1.15 grams of gear per week.


    No idea why you guys are telling him to switch the tren for nandrolone. Nothing wrong with what he's doing at all.


    Is this your second time using hormones Bigant?


    That sounds better then. As for the tren I've never done it so I can't comment.

  5. You can run it on cycle or u can blast some at a higher dose for a few weeks every other day right before your pct starts..You can even do both but i wouldnt..I only do that on tren or deca cycles..If its real hcg and not some china bs you dont need huge doses


    Yeah I'm thinking just 250-500 a week should be fine while on and end it before pct as you said. Thanks man

  6. If your testicle size is of major concern then I wouldn't use AAS. Anabolics will shut down your natural test production. HCG will help your testicles start producing natural levels again and help overall size if atrophy occurs.


    Don't use it on cycle if possible save it for PCT.


    I just got done reading on two other boards not to run it during pct. Said to stop it right before pct.

  7. It's been over decade since I pinned but I never had PIP. I only used test e, sustanon, omnadren, deca, and EQ. I think that's all I injected but back then it was always human grade or vet grade. It looks like next time I go it will be UGL so we shall see if I get any PIP.

  8. Better be careful. Don't want to wake up looking like an ifbb pro overnight:) Good idea easing back into it though and the doses seem ok as you can always increase them.


    I do have the tendency to blow up like Ronnie Coleman so I'm trying to avoid that this time around. Light weight yeah buddy!

  9. Why run HCG on cycle... your conflicting hormonal response doing so.. save that for PCT


    I'll keep the HCG around 250iu during the cycle as someone else suggested. There are different opinions about running it on cycle. I read a good article about it and using it to prevent atrophy of gonads during the cycle instead of afterwards to treat atrophy. We shall see.

  10. I would do 300 mg of test e twice a week


    I'm keeping test low I respond well to it and I'm not trying to blow up real quick and have my results be obvious that I'm on the sauce if you know what I mean. It still may be obvious but I want to start back out little as possible. And I've never tried mast or var before so it should be fun.

  11. So I haven't used gear in over a decade or so. Kept majority of my gains from back in the early 2000s as far as my size but obviously lost a lot of strength. 5'11" 190lb not sure of bf% but it's not high id say low teens. Diet is pretty clean but I don't deprive myself if I have a craving for something... Which doesn't really happen often. I'm not looking to get huge maybe just add a couple pounds quality muscle or even break even on weight but add muscle lose fat. So here is what I'm thinking:


    Test E 300mg/wk

    Mast E 500mg/wk

    Anavar 50mg/ED

    Arimidex 0.5mg/ EOD

    HCG 500-1000iu/wk

    Clomid/Nolva PCT


    10-12 week cycle


    Critique away...

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