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Posts posted by gymfreak81

  1. bump


    good job bro, short cycles are the way to go.. fuck long cycles it suppressed natural hormones too much, making it impossible to keep gains.

    staying on for only 4-6weeks at a time makes recovery MUCH easier trust me. I know. Id much rather cycle 4 wks on 4 off and 4 on instead of a 3-4 mo cycle... at least my cock will still work.

  2. yo


    is it like a white and grey box with a red logo on it? I have an older version or something but thats what mine looks like im also on it right now. I know the newer one is supposed to have like a yellow label with a kangaroo on it.

  3. bump


    iwas impressed with m1t i never thought the prohormones would ever be as strong as real gear... this stuff i would say is as effective or maybe a tad more effective than dbol. Gives me crazy ass pumps too, to the point where i cant lift anymore.

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