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Posts posted by MAXIS


    the chances of us seeing oil at 120-150 or higher ever again are slim. drill baby drill hahaha... we created this drop but its not bad 1.85 at the pump I will take that shit. rigs will close and things will slow but this to shall pass. We will continue to do energy solutions we will continue to drill and we will continue to increase cheaper alternatives to foreign oil. The Saudis fucked up.. they went for the power play they went for the kill... GREED... it finally caught up with them. The rigged high prices for so long forced us to act on domestic soil and we did. Oil will pinned below 100 unless some unforeseen event. all this is strictly my opinion.. I've been wrong before and I will be wrong again

  2. Whats ur bottom price . Entry to going long. Im thinking oil around 38-40 imo however im adding piece by piece now


    some bozo on CNBC saying 37-38 bur idk man I really think 40-43 will be the bottom support that forms. However, I am adding small chunks as we go now. If it does dip into the mid 30's I'm loading... I don't really care if we see 120 or 100 or peak oil but we will see 75-90 and thats a sure double from here.. easy money. play smart and be patient.

  3. 8% day for oil friday..biggest one day swing in awhile. I wouldn't think too much into though. options expirations and end of month. i think we lose the gains in the first of the week and head right back to where we were. lots of chatter friday also of all the rigs shutting down too helped the rally.

  4. Yes uwti is triple and uco is double looking at arex and im in apl now too



    thats a good way to play it... I play USO.... you also got XOP and a few others. Like NGLS as well. Gonna be a wild year, the small players will be squeezed out and the big guys will prevail. Will be a ton of lay offs, mergers, restructuring, and acquisitions. I have also started back in.. slowly and strategically. I have started to add positions back into a long hedge against higher oil. Do I think we have seen bottom? No probably not, but its not all about catching the knife. Add slow and buy in chunks so if we drift lower which many think we will, then you add as we do building your base along the way. this is just another cycle... Make sure you make money along the way.


    and as someone else posted above, anything here in the 40's will eventually make you bank... just add and hold and be patient.

  5. PD if you carry those Im def in and I bet several other bros would be too especially if they are the batches been going around. lots of folks talking about these being good to go right now. It would be nice to have a decent run for awhile.

  6. wow.. holy shit.. yea thats large. no close pics or anything close enough to see the Lab name. Lots of caps though... hmmmm


    got to be one of the larger guys on the boards.

  7. range rovers are absolute POS... don't buy one..


    more time in the shop then on the road. not worth the brand name or flash. But I'm with you on the new yukon tahoe being ugly as hell. to me they look like a funeral car pulling the casket. so I'm in same boat. just kind of waiting right now.

  8. Titan nice to see you post man wonder where you been you always post some well worth info for real.


    I have to agree with Sellingoisa yeah Phil belittles all his comp. He is actually a nice guy but they way he acts to his competitors is a complete asshole


    I know a lot like Jay as fans but if you really knew the guy he is complete arrogant asshole and cares about NO ONE but himself n money. If you guys knew the dirt on this guy your so called 4x champ and mr.perfect to the fans wld be luked at complete differently FACT.



    I will bump this.. if people think Phil is bad then you'd really think something of his mentor jay. Its all about the money, the business, the game. Some folks think Jay is great.. others not so much. Two sides.. the sides thats put on for the game and the other that some say is like a totally different person. And there are some videos out there that you can see this in. He is very out of it very standoffish and asshole. and he will tell you he is the greatest of all time because of his business knowledge and his ability to bring in the biggest financial aspect of the sport.


    Of the guys Ive met and been around Victor Martinez has seemed the most humble and nicest guy out there... just my imo

  9. the winnings are shit... for now.


    the supplement sponsorships are where its at. JM has his hands in the big supp companies pockets. The top guys are getting theirs and its nice. But like stated above the IFBB doesn't give us MP shit. The WBFF pays good for shows and winnings but the supplement contracts and the sponsorships aren't here like with the IFBB. Until PD can even that out more people will still cling to the npc IFBB and maybe the winnings will increase as it grows.


    And yes a few of the top guys are on more gear then most might guess, however others not so much.

  10. hey brother, I thought I commented on one of your other posts but I wouldn't be frustrated at 6 months. if it was a full blown tear then complete recovery is more like a year. I think you said before you were already benching and military pressing? I suggested not to even be doing that yet.... I do not military press and I don't do flat bench. I would ease of the amount of weight and chose your exercises wisely. There are things you can swap and do in place of those. Is it worth the chance of injuring yourself again? Again this is all just my opinion, I'm not a doctor and everyone had their own opinion. Im just trying to watch out for another good bro. I was to stubborn and too eager to beat the timeline my doctor gave me for recovery and I wanted to get back to full swing too fast. I did what you described above and then because I came back to quick and tried to do the same lifts and same heavy weight in 2011 it happened again but this time mine tore abnormal and tore at the muscle and the tendon instead of the tendon and the bone.


    Just be careful bro.. shoulders are no joke, they can be game changers and career ending. I never want to see anyone injure themselves.




    So heres the question.. im 6 months since my surgery... i still feel pain when doing certain exercises... is this normal for just 6 months? Im starting to get frustrated because i cant push hard yet when i want to be working out hard..
  11. I can't think of worse advice for someone who just had rotator/labrum surgery. It's good you're cautious but you might need a second opinion.


    yea BigM def agree with what booya said.. thats the worst advice a doc could give. he either made a mistake or maybe you heard him wrong? those two exersizes are usually the two you stay away from. most dos will tell you not to do those anytime soon if at all anymore because of the angle at which it puts your shoulder and rotator cuff at. I've had two surgeries, one minor one like the one you have here and then a second one where my tendon separated from the muscle instead of the bone.. 4 anchors and mesh wire to hold the pos together. I don't bench and I doth military press. However I'm stronger and more fit now then I ever was before..


    go slow buddy.. seriously and Id get a second opinion on that or stay away from those period. you don't need them you can work same muslce groups with other machine or exersices

  12. guy has been around the boards for a very long time... like a few stated some of the best UGL gear ever. Personally I never had any issues. His primo and tren were some of the best Ive ever taken if not the best. But thats just my opinion and my experience. I wish he would come back and explain and we could all work this out. Shame to have it be like this..

  13. using it now and love it... 60mcg ed pre workout. Like it better then hgh. But just like anything you have to trust your source and know where and what your getting. I have never used a research chem site for it, too expensive and probably shit... but yes there are some legit places that have it and i can say it has treated me very well.


    1mg igf des in 2ml acidic acid then pull Bac water after..

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