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Posts posted by Yohimbe

  1. i notice this at my gym too. same thing at the grocery stores now too. when you walk in there are the little disinfectant wipes that people use to wipe down the handle of the carts. haha.


    Haha yeah I see people wiping the basket handles down at the grocery store all the time. I don't know why, but it aggravates me lol.

  2. I feel your pain bro. It's a nightmare for me trying to buy dress clothes period, especially a suit. If you have the extra coin I'd definitely suggest getting it tailored. The couple times I purchased a suit and had it tailored made a world of difference.

  3. Exactly bro. I'll tell ya, after i left her i got into another relationship with a truly nice, genuine girl. And like you said too, i took it out on her. I did apologize after we broke up, but breaking up is never pretty, always one party that gets hurt.


    I'm not drudging up the past here, its just when i saw that evil smile/face on her FB page, it was almost like she was saying "C'mon, let me fuck your world up again..........you know you want me, and i can do it to you again, and again if i want to." I guess my intention was to make her feel at least a fraction-of-a-fraction of the pain she put me thru, during and after. This bitch, i wouldnt wish on my worst enemy.


    Haha I know exactly what you mean. She was so bad I felt horrible for any guy she dated. Everytime I saw a picture of her I just got pissed that she put me through hell. She married this guy not too long after we split up. I saw him at the gym one day and he just looked like a beat down defeated dog. I actually felt bad for the guy.


    That's how you know your ex is a bitch, when you run into her knew man and instead of being pissed, you feel sorry for him.

  4. I would definitely recommend handling a few different models and calibers until you find what is most comfortable for you and your hand. I'm not sure about the laws in your state, but in my neck of the woods you can go to the shooting range and rent various guns to shoot. The best gun for home defense and the best gun for concealed carry will vary. The best for concelaed carry is the one that's most comfortable and the proper holster makes all the difference in the world. If you choose a gun that's not comfortable, you're gonna be miserable while out. Gotta keep in mind, getting in and out if the car, sitting down, standing up, bending. I've seen so many people choose something based on caliber alone, or brand etc... and it's difficult for them to carry all the time. The best gun for cocealed carry will vary from person to person. It's the one you're most comfortable with.

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