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Posts posted by bigstick

  1. So finally got put on trt via phone consultation. This is what was suggested thoughts?


    100mg cyp 2x wk

    hcg 250mcg 2x wk

    Anastrozole .5mg 2x wk


    You can’t ask for more than that. Got everything you need or would need.Id keep the hcg and anastomoses on hand you might need or want that too. Never know until blood work. Funny how everyone else knows what you need or want. Respect.



    He prescribes 1500iu a week.

    I think thats a bit much.


    prescription is:

    200mg Test C a week

    1mg armidex

    1500iu HCG

    Semorlin but I dont recall how much a week.


    Insurance does not cover it and the pharmacy uses does not accept my insurance I think.

    Tried in the past to get test approved again (insurance used to pay for it) but it became a pain in the ass so I just pay for it.

    Hell yes that’s a nice dose on everything very understanding doc. Respect


  3. My TRT doc prescribes me HCG.

    He is a well known urologist.


    Dang MK long time my man. How much does doc prescribe you? And do you like it? Asking because that’s all I do now from my gp @150mg and he said he would prescribe me hcg if I wanted in future. Don’t think insurance covers it. Idk. Respect.


    For me it was with just TRT my estro shot the fuck up I get 200mgs a week of test c, arimidex does suck but I cant get my TRT doc to give me anything else, actually going to see a endo in March to see if I can get aroma when I suggest that to my Urologists' he had to look it up online and they have a guy just for trt.


    Just curious what are your #s on 200mg. Age, tt,free t, estrogen, injection split per week. Respect.

  5. Yes sir, 100mg test cyp pulled bloods 3 days post inject tt 1107. I usually pin 30 mg x3/wk. but got off schedule that week. Gonna start 20mg EOD and re-test 2days post inject. Life is good. Respect.

  6. DNP is garbage and I can't believe people still use it. You don't need DNP to lose weight. How about decreasing your consumption of carbs, and doing cardio?

    But that's too much work and most people don't have the discipline, so lets use DNP and risk our healths, with the potential of death. Makes perfect sense to me..


    Yep x10 with IM on this dnp is low life much better ways to cut some weight. Be smart people I'm getting old and fighting extra bf big for last 3-4months. I would take clem if it was real. I do keto and cardio it ain't easy but it works and it works with 6ius mon and 6ius evening and 25mg test c/day

    No dnp needed. Gotta work harder brother. Take care of your body. Gotta stay solid 4real good rimes

  7. I’m gonna be a man and not delete my earlier post and didn’t see this. So these new test are all chemtox and the test results that were on the web sight awhile back were the independent test? And they all came back the exact same results? If this is so I apologize to the fullest. Now I look like a paranoid dick trying to start shit but I’m not. Surely most can see my point after all the shit that this board has gone through. Maybe I didn’t go about this in the right way and again I apologize to the fullest

  8. Brother- hope all turns out well with the bloods. I’ve been on gear the same length of time and am curious how you were able to manage having 6 kids. My sperm count has been so low from all of the fear that I have no kids. Lucky you.

    I know it’s crazy T. My youngest is 18. And had my first at 16 and he returned the favor and made me a grandfather at 32 so my oldest grandson is a month older than my youngest son. So that probably helped starting young because my nuts are gone now to the point where they are uncomfortably tight. Had a vasectomy after my last kid by a doc I was friends with. He asked if I was ok with having 4 med students be present during procedure and I agreed. 3 were female..... yeah nice and the first thing he said to them was “ notice he has big muscles, is already clean shaven and his right testicle is smaller than his left” Then I corrected him and said” no my left testicle is bigger than my right.”

  9. Have your doc order you a Therapeutic Phelbotomy to get that hemaglogin lower. Blood donation centers won't draw on anyone that's over 20. Do this and I guarantee you'll feel better.


    235 @ 5'8" is pretty damn heavy, especially if you're somewhat lean. Dropping weight will definitely help with your sleep apnea. Probably not what you want to do but it's always an option.

    10-4 brother I’m on it. Going back tomm for re test and will make a plan with him. Not really lean nowadays but I’m a thick mofo too heavy for my height and age. It won’t bother me one bit. Tired of feeling like shit and not very healthy. I got 5 kids, just had my 8th grandkid this week. I’m sticking around for awhile. Respect.

  10. Man fuck this shit. Ive been watching this shit and have kept my mouth closed. I have a lot to say about him. I brought it to attention about 2/3 years ago. His tne had no effect on me at all. Then his tren base had no effect at all. Even at 1 cc which is an overdose. Everyone thought I was crazy. Just like when I called out cbl on his hgh. I have never got to thank navy and IM for looking into it. Thank you both. Everyone says they have all this equipment or access to college labs and all this bullshit. They are doing this shit in they’re houses. Man I’ve seen people brew and make some fancy labels and boxes with shrink wrap with ease with no problems at all long time ago.

  11. It did test out at 241 or 243 I have a good memory. You know that is not good. Not being a dick and I have never used your products but no one said anything last test results and I doubt no one will this time. We just had this discussion on this board about people not saying anything because of high status. So was this done by mistake 2 times in a row or is this the same batch with different dates on them? Please don’t tell me it was 250 and your waiting on correct labels. I can brew and get closer than 20% target range no problem. So don’t band me. You and everybody else knows something is not right.

  12. The test cyp was from a guy not on this board. But my gp doc now say he will work with me on trt. And he is cool as shit even after these bad blood test. I’m very lucky to have him. He is a athlete. Soccer, cross fit dude. He seems to know a lot on this subject. My total test is always under 200 when clean. I have been very hard on myself over these years. I know a lot been in game for a long time and finally understand some very important shit now.

  13. How's the BP...?? Any neck tension (unusual neck tension )


    ? Hope you get it resolved, soon.

    No is always 110s/ 70s on propranolol 40mg/ day. Been using cpap religiously for about 12 years. Had server apnia at worst hour at up to 40 apnia per minute longest one up to 20 seconds long. See sleep doc 2 times per year. Brand new machine. Sleep doc says last chip reading almost perfect. Best friend/ work out partner died in sleep 12 year ago. Big mofo and sober for 20 years. Had tonsials and abnois removed and tongue shaved in back part and nose and eye socket fixed from getting fucked up in prison 30 years ago. I’ve tried to do all the right things.

  14. Yeah, that's not good..! I'm "just" guessing..! But perhaps some EQ ..?, maybe Drol, aren't those the only two for the most part that will raise Hema/Hemo..?

    Ran test 500 deca 500 back in feb/march 8/9 weeks with a little dbol 40 only maybe 2 weeks then dropped dbol then trt 200mg/ wk now for about 6weeks 100 monday 100 thursday and had bloods drawn 5 days after last injection and total test was 1107 so test gear was overdosed or I’m am a hyper responder. I’m 235 at 5’8” been on juice for over 20 years. Bloods 6 months ago was hemo 17.4 and hema was 50.9.

  15. His stuff always seemed lighter dosed.

    I always used him and sang his praises because what I got seemed real just not knock your socks off strong. He was also cheap as fuck and fast.


    He fucked me firmly in the end and I ordered for years and sent people his way.

    With him and Dict I no longer publicly endorse sources.

    His tren a was hit or miss and the few a got that sucked were light and clear let’s not open that can of worms never blew up on his test e or test a they worked some. Had 3 20ml vials on the last order of test e and one of them completely crashed with that bs gh that I called his as out on soon as I saw it. And the fucking dictator..... I got some tne and tren base from dictator sucked and I love some dfl tne. But everyone telling me I’m full of shit and I was the first to call out cbl

  16. App and api gymace cowtonic all very good peep. Stark Labs was badass every test passed full assortment of fine gear on BB4Life

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