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Posts posted by TheChosen1

  1. I know I'm not here very much but this time may be a bit worse. As most of you may already know, I've been in and out of my marriage. Oddly enough, we actually made it to our 1st anniversary, despite being separated. As it stands, I'm staying at the house of a friend/co-worker/former lover again and quite honestly, she and her daughter seems to appreciate all that I do, which my family seems to now miss. But that's not why I'm not here as much, my wife has access to a PC and that was how I maintained my businesses online and keeping up with the boards. Since leaving, I've also had a minor surgery performed whereas I'm in the process of healing. Nothing major, only a weight loss surgery. Back in 2007, I had the lap band done and managed to lose and keep off 130 pounds. But at 253, my doctor felt that I needed to lose more, since I'd reached a plateau. So here I am in gas pains and some scar pains.


    Now the funny part, I was in the hospital for 2 days/nights and my wife (YEP, my wife) insisted that I recoup at home with my family, rather than my friend. At first, I was going to disagree but realized that my friend and her daughter tend to spend their weekends with their boyfriends anyway. So sitting home in pain and no one to cook for me or tend to my medications wouldn't work. So I told my friend to just do what she normally do and not to worry about me. In fact, when I returned from the hospital to get a few clothes, I'd noticed that her work uniform was home (she works during the day). So I figured that she'd already made plans to take off of work and spend time with her new bf before I even got there. As for my wife, we'd been like 1st time lovers since I've been here. It's like we'd get into fights, split up, and within days, she wants me back. But I can't guarantee how this is going to go because we have more issues to deal with than just our issues.


    Anywho, I will keep you all posted as more develope. LOL

    In the meantime and in between time, I'll be hanging in there.

  2. I swear, I think it must be general nature for men to know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about jewelry. When I was engaged earlier last year to my girlfriend at the time, I had no idea what to look for. Eventually, I ended up marrying a long time friend (many of you may remember that post here) instead and she bought the wedding ring set. She told me that my oldest step-daughter picked out my wedding band and I must say, she picked a cool one. It's not your typical gold or silver solid band. Instead, it's a silver band with a silver checkered designed band over it that spins. Needless to say, my oldest step-daughter and I are like buzzum buddies.

  3. Let me guess, " the great american challenge " got stuck in your ass, again?


    It's not important unless he liked it. LOL


    Get well Navy Chief and keep us posted on your situation. I'm sorry to hear about that but glad to see that you're here with us on AB.

  4. When I had a rotator cuff repair a few years ago (and while sporting a rotator cuff injury on the other shoulder), I was cycling deca/cyp/test E-300 mg. each.

    Just one important factor, DO NOT inject into your frontal deltoid area. I managed to do that 3 times with good luck. But when I mentioned doing it during a physical checkup from my personal doctor (she knew of all of my powerlifting background), she advised me that the front deltoid areas are loaded with nerves that could be harmed badly when stuck with a pin.

  5. Due to AAS use?


    Yeah, back in 1996. I was married (1st time) and my wife and I had fertility tests done. She was okay but I was told that I had a low test count. One of the doctors tried everything, including clomid and test cyp. Well, even with my employee discount, the clomid was expensive. So I talked the doctor into prescribing the cyp for me. With employee discount, I was only paying $20 for a 10 ml. vial of 250 mg.


    Well, I was not husband of the year material and have had a few girlfriends during my marriage. About a month into my 1st affair, my gf told me that she was pregnant. But she had to get an abortion since the fetus had began growing in her felopian tube.

    Later in about 2005, I began using test cyp on my own. My girlfriend, at the time, told me twice when she was pregnant and both times it was miscarried.

  6. As it looks to me, bro. You're fighting a few matters in the relationship.

    Although it isn't a big one, she's older. From my personal experiences, most older women with careers feel superior over most men, especially younger men.

    Secondly, Ryangigi said, I respect your desire for education. However, one can't survive in life as a professional student. I understand your philosophy of working but most women are looking for a man with a steady income.

    Lastly, as it was also pointed out, you're still in the prime of your relationship. 3 months is still a honeymoon for your relationship. You two are still learning each other. Give it some time, bro. If it's meant to be, it will all work out.

  7. I'm exactly as Billy Crystal explained in "City Slickers": I'm losing hair where I want it and growing hair where I don't.


    Since I've been on gear, my back hair has become ridiculous. Whenever I sit at the computer or in my car, it burns my back from the itching.

  8. Well, I've been told by 2 doctors, after 3 tests, that I can't have kids. However, since I've been on, I've had one past gf become preggo and had to get an abortion for health reasons. And another gf had 2 miscarriages for me.

  9. I've been on both of them for about 12 years. I'm surprised that you hadn't come by sooner. But either way, it's better late than never, bro.

    Kick off your shoes and kick back a bit.



  10. Brah is one of the stupidest words that ever started. Imo someone looks like a total tard when using the word


    Dude, you can't be serious! LOL

    IMO, I think DUDE is a dumb word, depending how it's used. Granted, I tend to use it quite a bit. But never in a professional manner.

  11. there is a family up the street of gangbangers, whores, addicts, thieves etc. the guy has a different girlfriend ever few months and over the past 7 years he {beats the shit out all of them} and i mean ufc style. the lady must not have anywhere to go i guess. 3 brothers live there along with two nephews. well they all take turns kickin her ass. brock lesnar hasn't had a worse ass kickin. so last night he kicks her ass again while the brother holds her up for him to punch. by the time i get down the street it is over. again she has to wear these big glasses so you can't see her face. she has 3 brothers that live around the corner but won't get involved. same old story. the cops come and leave. if this is wrong let me know. i got 5-6 buds i lift with and we want to walk up unsuspectidly and open up a can of ass-whip on these cocksuckers. i was stupid enough to tell this to the cop and he said "go head just leave me out of it" someone tell me how to solve this shit. that could be your mom, sister, grandma etc. HELP!


    If the cops just come and go, it's possible that one of them (if not all of them) may be someone important or related to such. And worst of all, as former LE, I've seen so many women getting their ass kicked by their man and when someone step up to him, even LE, she starts defending her man. If you kick the guys' ass to save hers, she's liable to stay there anyway and press charges on you. I respect you for wanting to defend her, bro, and would probably want to also. But unfortunately, reality steps in later.

  12. Ironic title is ironic.


    The advice is sound but good lord, the credibility of such shitty grammar and punctuation is very hard to take seriously.


    I'm a new bro on the block but as a first impression, not sure this is the holy grail of advice I should listen to from a well studied and reasonable person. Could be wrong.



    While I agree with you entirely, for I find myself to be a major grammar/spelling Nazi online. I'll have to be excused from my Nazism occasionally. The truth is, sadly, I get lazy like most of us and minimizes my true grammar practice when I'm online. But when I'm working, I remain professional and within proper grammar.

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