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Posts posted by Snachito

  1. Holy shit that is beautiful twigs!!! I need a gun for home protection, but all of them are expensive as hell here where I live, as I live in the most panziest state in the US that demonizes guns!! I used to have a .38 snub nose, but my wife sold it 13 years ago and now she is worried that we don't have a gun and the politicians will prohibit us from buying one in the future!!

  2. Ive done it before and had really good results, and from what I gather guys that have a more meso/endo physique (which I do: gain muscle fast, but also fat with it) are the ones that do the best with keto. I tried Keto with just test500mg a week and still looked "stringy" (very vascular and lotsa separation but looked a bit on the skinny side) .


    On another run used 200mg Test and Tren E at 500mg a week and definitely looked fuller with vascularity and separation. One thing with my keto journey was that I didn't have a cheat meal for almost 3 weeks as I wanted to make sure I was in dietary ketosis before having carbs(I kept them at around 25g a day) in a cheat meal. Plus I didn't go to crazy with the cheat meals as I did a couple of times, the bloating and gas was legendary!!


    I say try it, that's the only way you can see if you want to do a run likes this again or scrap it!

  3. In my opinion Primo would be great.........IF and that's a big IF you have REAL PRIMO. I have used DHB if I'm not mistaken it was back when VPX (Prohormone era loophole) had it on the market as 1 test cyp, that stuff was a painful inject....BUT if I could get a legit version of this, I would use it in a heartbeat as this for me anyways had minimal water retention and quality muscle gains!! Either one of these two would be good way to go for your goals.

  4. Since we are talking about dbol pre-workout would this be the same IF you took injectable dbol in oil pre-workout or no? I'm saying this because wouldn't the oily depot injection which is in a oil carrier.... release slower, so pre-workout wouldn't work with dbol in oil....or am I wrong about this.

  5. I think I'm gonna try it. 600 mg tren e with my hrt test dose


    This is exactly what I'm planning to do in November, just need to keep an eye on BP as that's the only thing I worry when it starts creeping up. I have done good on 400mg a week Tren E and 200mg Test E, just want to go a little higher on the Tren E.

  6. I've heard this exercise by different names, I just call it a sandwich press and definitely for me if I squeeze my shoulder blades back I barely get minimal shoulder activation. I like this exercise, but sometimes I feel like my tri's are giving out before my chest. For an extra squeeze I try to touch my elbows together (which is impossible to do, I just try to do it for an extra pec tension) at the top of the movement.

  7. I have been in a similar situation with my back and understand what your going through, and I hate opiate painkillers because of it. There are situations where there necessary, and this is one of them. You need to talk to your doctor about waking up when the painkiller wear off, and ask them for something long acting and use it before bed. Even if you use kratom during the day, and the time release painkiller before bed.


    I'm not sure where you get your kratom, but have you tried any of the concentrated kratom? Kratom is all I use now because I dont want to ever use prescription painkillers again unless absolutely necessary. Godspeed in your recovery.


    HOLY FUK those kratom extracts and resins are STRONG!! On Topic, Thaistick, I hope your injuries get better!!

  8. I very highly recommend 5/3/1. Its so simple and easy to follow, but if you do it right the workouts are great. Don't make the mistake of adding too much weight to the bar every week. Alot of guys who first start out on the program burn themselves out or hurt themselves doing that. If you have any questions let me know. Training this way has improved my physique and gotten me pretty strong for an amateur level strongman competitor within a years time. So I think that says alot about the program.


    Thanks Jugs for all the info!!

  9. There is a big/strong group of PL's in my gym, these guys (a couple of chicks in the group) and I started talking about PL'ing plans etc, as I wanted to do some PL'ing this winter to put on a little bit of size, plus get a good idea of my 1 rep lifts. Somehow the convo came up with deadlift rep ranges and one fellow (who is the strongest of the bunch) said never to go over 3 reps when doing deads, I don't remember what his explanation was for it but seemed like all agreed. But I have seen them doing speed work with bands and they go higher than 3 reps, but I'm thinking (and I'll ask the dude next time I see him) that it's when they are training heavy without bands is when the 3 rep limit. Anyways fellas what is your take on it, do they have a point about the 3 reps per set when doing deads?

  10. I don't remember where I heard this, but insurance companies are covering more and more gyno surgeries, BUT you have to go to what surgeon they tell you to go to. Which could be a good thing (like Thaisticks experience) or a bad thing as some surgeons don't want to cut along the nipple they just want to cut under the nipple area like girls that get their boobies done with a scar on the underside of the pec. Still it's worth investigating cuz you could get lucky.

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