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Posts posted by dumbbellpress

  1. Nomak, do you have a melting point tester? If not, you can get a pretty good one on amazon for about $1,900 - $2,500 (I believe they are good, but am not 100% certain. Joe Caxxis I am sure can tell you which melting point testers you should definitely buy since he uses one). If I was brewing my own gear, I'd absolutely shell out the $2,000 for a good melting point tester. I would not exactly want to be injecting DNP powder instead of Test Enanthate powder because the Chinese played a cruel trick on me. :(

  2. Joe, another option is to scrap the T500 altogether and replace it with a T400 (ie Test Enan 400). Over the years, I have heard of many labs who make a (relatively) painless T400.....but I am not sure I can remember ANY labs, EVER, making a painless T500. I am not sure a painless T500 is even possible. But I know for a fact a painless T400 is very possible.


    I will order from you, but I am going to be blunt and let you know I am already a little nervous about the pain (potentially) associated with the T500. I just wish you'd get rid of the T500 and replace it with a T400 Enanthate.

  3. OCSurfer, your Dad is on a TRT dose of 375mg/week of Test? I have never heard of anything that large for a TRT dose.


    Kudos to your 82 year-old Dad. He sounds like he is in phenomenal shape. I hope to still be using gear and training 6 days per week when I am 82.

  4. Defiant, for what it is worth, Eric and I never had any PIP at all from your Test Prop 100 in GSOil. It was always a (0) out of (10) pain-wise for both of us. I hate to see you mess with a product that is already pain-free for a large portion of your customer base. I really hate EO.


    Experiment, that is great to know that about MCT Oil. Thanks for sharing that knowledge. Makes perfect sense if the carrier oil dissolves faster than the ester, you are left with crystals of the parent compound in the muscle belly and yes, that does sound very painful.

  5. Caxxis, I just want to say congrats and Thank You for being the only source on anabolicboard who actually went out, spent the $2,000 - $3,000 for a very high-quality melting point tester. It gives me tremendous peace of mind to know that when I place my order with you in the near future, all of your powders in my order will have been melting-point tested by you.


    I do not understand why the other sources here on anabolicboard have not spent the $2,000 for a high-quality melting point tester. How do Chavo, Defiant, Mack and Synergy know if their powder guy in China is being 100% honest with them and not cutting any of their more expensive powders with much cheaper powders? Answer, without HPLC'ing their powders or melting point testing their powders, they don't know. Also, what if it is not a case of their China powder guy intentionally trying to cheat them......but rather the powder source himself is a victim of the factory he purchases his powders from sending him the wrong powder / cutting the powder with cheaper powders ,or accidentally mislabeling the powders...ie shipping Masteron Enanthate powder with a Test Enanthate Label on it?? There are so many points in the process where something could go wrong, that to me it makes absolutely no sense for Chavo, Defiant, Mack and Synergy to not pony up the $2,000 for a really good melting point tester and/or have all of their powders HPLC tested.


    Again thank you Caxxis for always melting point test your raws. In addition, I know you and Karius quite often send your powders off to be GCMS tested as well. That is very cool for you guys to do that. Thank you.

  6. There is no scammer that can stand up to dumbbellpress. As soon as I went into "attack mode", he knew he was finished and had no chance. All scammers know they have no chance when dumbbellpress goes into "full attack mode". They are not afraid of Geo or muscles, those guys are pussies. But they are terrified of dumbbellpress.

  7. Wow Thai, you wrote a lot. Let me digest all of this. You deserve a complete, thorough reply to your post from me. That you certainly deserve and I owe you that. I am gonna read what you wrote and sleep on it tonight, then I'll reply in great detail probably tomorrow after work.


    Thank you for taking the time to write such a thoughtful reply. I have never raised a Child of my own so it is tough for me to be able to "completely" walk a mile in your shoes. But I did help my Sister and BILaw raise their 3 Kids quite a bit, so I at least have a point of reference to know where you are coming from in many of your points you make.


    But, I am under no illusions whatsoever..,,,.when I do get married in the next couple of years (hopefully) and have a Child/Children, it is going to be the toughest task in life I have probably ever undertaken. Raising Children is extremely hard work, I am not a total dummy, I know that. I plan on giving my Wife a tremendous amount of help in raising the kids, none of this bullshit where it is 3 AM, we are both sound asleep, the Baby wakes up and is crying, and I tell my Wife "The Baby is crying, go take care of him/her".....no, that is what constitutes a Bad Husband and a Bad Father. I will be neither.


    Hope you are doing well and have had a good weekend Thai !! :)

  8. Thank you very much for this post Thaistick. Very profound and deeply moving, and I do not mean to sound patronizing. It is amazing how much little kids effect me as well. I can be having a tough day....long day at work, receive bad news about friends or family members etc.... and just spending an entire day with my Nieces or my Nephew makes all the negative thoughts fade into the background.....and only happy thoughts replace them in my head.


    I'll write more in my reply to you later today big guy, I promise. Thank you again for this post of yours. I smiled really big when I read it. :)


    By the way, does your Son call you "Dad" or "Mr. Thaistick" ?:p I want my future Children to call me "Father dumbbellpress".

  9. Wonderful post Thaistick. In my opinion, Children are the coolest thing on the planet. Nothing cooler than little boys and little girls. I am extremely close to my Sister's Children. They love their Uncle dumbbellpress. :)


    I hope to have 2 Children of my own in the next 3 or 4 years. Just have to find a Woman "Crazy" enough to marry me. HAHA!! ApexPredator has already told me he wants to be the Best Man at my wedding.

  10. What various doses of Defiant's Tren Ace did you run Mr. Handsome? 50mg ED? 70mg ED? 150mg EOD?


    400mg/week of his Tren Enan was always rough for me. 600mg/week of his Tren Enan was extremely rough for me. In fact, I never dared go higher than 600mg/week of Defiant's Tren Enan, that would have been suicide. I would not have been able to show up to work.


    Then we have CagedFreak who ran 2,800mg/week of Tren Enan.....Psycho!!

  11. His Tren Enan is the strongest Tren Enan my best friend and I have ever run. And it should be, he has stated through PM to me, as well as openly on the board, he overdoses it by 5-7%. Sometimes I have thought he overdoses his Tren Enan by 900% as the sides pretty much suck, even at doses as low as 400mg/week.


    But Defiant makes extreme premium quality Tren Enan. Just be careful because it is very potent.


    On a side note, his Test Enan 300 is maybe the best long-estered test I have ever run. I ran nothing but his Test Enan 300 (along with his EQ 300, Tren Enan200 and Oral 50mg Winny) for about 5 1/2 years straight. Never been as big and strong as on Defiant's Oils.

  12. Oh man you just fucked up, now DB will respond to your post in chapters!



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    This is the funniest post ever. Apex Predator is replying... to his OWN post and is sending a warning.....to HIMSELF !!


    I think Apex is living in Cloud Cuckooland. The light is on, but there is noone upstairs in that brain of yours big guy.




    Apex, I love you buddy, you know I am just goofing on you.

  13. Defiant, I wish you still had your old thread with the many thousands of posts of your customers praising the living daylights out of you (myself included). Some of the members here undoubtedly are brand new, and may not even know who you are, may not know about your many years of outstanding service here in our little community on AB.com It would be nice if somehow Regular (I think GK summed up Regular pretty well when he described him in a post as the most intelligent member on AB) could use his impressive computer skills to repost your old thread for all the newbies who do not know anything about you. That way, everyone, and especially the newbies, can read all about you, and come to the same conclusion I came to a long time ago.....you are a Top-of-the-Line source Defiant, the Best-Of-The-Best.

  14. Joe, those are literally the most beautiful labels I have ever seen. The presentation of your products is unlike anything I have ever seen. If I purchased your products and was holding an unopened bottle of oil in my hands, contemplating whether or not to flip the top off and open the bottle.....I would seriously hesitate to even open the bottle for fear of damaging this "beautiful, gorgeous" bottle of gear. Your gear is better-looking and more attractive than Jennifer Love Hewitt or Jessica Alba in beautiful, sexy lingerie.


    I think I speak for every male member here on AB when I say if I had to choose between hooking up with Jessica Alba......or getting to hold a bottle of your oil in my hands, I would choose holding a bottle of your oil in my hands 365 days per year.

  15. Fascinating reading this stuff guys. I enjoy threads like this. There is definitely an "art" to home brewing, or brewing professionally as the sources here on AB do.


    I am guessing the start-up cost for someone who wants to home brew / professionally brew must be pretty high, unfortunately....things like multiple sizes and types of beakers, filters, peristaltic pumps, heat sources, etc......I know there are many other items I am leaving off. It makes me realize just how much guys life Defiant, Chavo, Joe, K, Synergy etc... have invested in all of their laboratory equipment....it must be a HECK of a lot of money!! Maybe $8,000 ?? Accurate guess or am I low balling it?

  16. They make Tablet splitters...!


    Just thought I'd share..!




    Sizematters, I have a tab cutter. I have gotten very good with it, my cuts are very accurate with scored tablets. But without a score line, it is practically impossible to make an accurate cut. My success rate with making accurate cuts without a score line is literally 0%. LOL, that is why scored tablets exist in the first place. Further, if a tablet is not scored, pretty sure that means it was never meant to be cut (at least not accurately).


    Perhaps Pharmacist has access to .5mg anastrozoles?? Hmmm.....worth a shot.


    Happy 4th of July SizeMatters.

  17. I understand Wutang. Thank you for the explanation. Good luck in selling these items!! Happy 4th of July to you. :)


    Edit, Pharmacist is a great guy. He actually sells Teva 1mg Generic Anastrozole. Probably wise for me to order from him. Although, if his are not scored either, then I cannot use his either.

  18. Wutang, I understand. I did not know your insurance company cared whether your MD Rx'ed (60) tabs taken two per day, or (30) tabs taken one per day. I am not sure why your insurance company cares (honestly that does not make any sense to me) as many drugs are taken BID, TID or even QID?? :confused: But since for some strange reason the insurance company does care (again very odd), then just ignore my offer as it is mute. Good luck selling these. Hopefully, your "old-school" Doc will not retire anytime soon. If he is as busy as you say he is, it's in his own best interest to continue to work as long as he can as I have no doubt he pulls in $200K + easily even though he is only Primary Care (not sure if he is Family Medicine or Internal Medicine?)


    Thanks WuTang. Happy 4th of July to you and your loved ones. Stay safe and have a good one!!


    Edit, I have a couple bottles of Liquidex from Synergy I very recently received, so I think I'll give those a try when I discontinue the Masteron in a few weeks. It's just that when it comes to SERMS and AI's, I have always kind of preferred HG to UGL.

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