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Posts posted by sparta

  1. will be doing a log and pics when I start. to test validity somewhat, initially the Trest/MENT will be done by itself for two weeks, so the effects can be seen stand alone from other items.

    will be hard to tell on the anadrol when running it along with others compunds, could go with test and trest for a month and then add in anadrol to check its legitimacy.

  2. I'm a little nervous about the validity of the Trestolone Ace brewed up the other day. Looks very similar to Tren Ace made in the past...in regards to powder appearance and finished product. Guess if I am getting night sweats and dark urine I will know its most likely Tren, as I have heard those sides do not occur with Trestolone. Also, Trest makes you hold water as opposed to Tren which dries me out.


    Bold has given me great results in the past, but I get too vascular with it and look like a freak. Maybe giving blood would help with this.

  3. Ok....I already have problems with eating enough. literally woke up to throwing up in my mouth the other night from trying to eat too much throughout the day. Have no experience with anadrol yet so not sure if I will have appetite suppression.

    Would dbol or bold be a better choice than the drol?

  4. Been on the same gh for the past year and never had any sides except numb arms and hands. started a few weeks ago with slin and gh and my hgh sides have increase dramatically.....swelling in calves and ankles, much more numbness, and fat melting away. doing 3iu gh three times a day and 5 iu slin with the morning and lunch gh shots, usually workout after lunch and do preworkout injections. during workout i do 50 grams carbs and 50g hydro whey then hour after i eat large clean meal of low fats, high carbs, and high protein. These last few weeks of this seems to really be amplifying the gh effects. not sure what its from..maybe insulin and gh together produce more igf? pumps have beens the best i have ever had.

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